Monday, December 29, 2014

Southern Stale Air

Can't use that plane, Jay. It upsets the Post-Dispatch.
Let's see...the name of the Flight Attendant is the same as the name of the street a c.i.a. "cut-out" publisher is on. They might want your book, not mine.

And the family said, "Jesus Charlie, she was belted-in and hanging upside-down." What did I tell the Kennedy girl? Take a boat! 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Show the Damn Movie!

Sony took what of mine in Culver City?
There will be an investigation, Kennedy.
See you scrubby-bubble TERRORISTS in court.
Her name in the movie is "Lacy?"
And the real version came in my library?
I did not "Call the cops."

May I see Con_gressman Clay?
It's sure as hell NOT about Ferguson. 

Saturday, December 13, 2014


Did the con_gress give him his lunch money yet? Five whole days to conduct his terrorism before what...!? Me? I'm allowed to depart USA--I think. It is my hope, Ms. Diane. I'll see the Blum murderers again alright, in COURT!!!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It's Cicero Time in D.C.!!!

Harry S. Truman said to read it. I did. Got a problem with that?

And in St. Louis? Not many F-15's over Delmar lately. Maybe JOE EDWARDS put out the white flag. I would not know. I do not drink. 

Saturday, November 29, 2014


1916 - Charles Edward Hughes instead of JIMMY CARTER?
The world would be a better place.

Bill Hughes runs for...they'll send him.
Did TINA go to Wal Mart and buy a rifle?
With a fake I.D.?
It worked?
"We'll talk later."

Time for guardspersons on the SOUTH side, Jay.
[The Missouri governor? A certified hillbilly moron]

May I talk to Officer Wilson?
It starts with?
"Let's step out side and talk about your big movie deal."

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cops? Get a clue from Ladue

PA? What's that? Melanie find my microphone in D.C.? Burn all the high school & college yearbooks?

[July 19, 1989: 15:23 hrs.]

Center: Sioux City, got an emergency for you.  Got a United aircraft,
coming in, lost #2 engine, having a hard time controlling the aircraft
right now, he's out of 29,000 right now, descending to Sioux City right
now.  He's ?? VOR but he wants the equipment standing by right now.


Sioux City: Radar contact.

UAL 232: So you know we have almost no controllability.  Very little
elevator, and almost no ailerons, we're controlling the turns by
power.  I don't think we can turn right, I think we can only make left
turns.  ?? We can only turn right, we can't turn left.


Sioux City: United 232 heavy, understand, sir,you can only make right

UAL 232: that's affirmative.


Sioux City: 32 heavy, say souls on board, and fuel remaining.

UAL 232: We have 376, fuel ??


Sioux City: United 232 heavy, Sioux City.

UAL 232: Confirm we have no hydraulic fluid, which means we have no
elevator control, almost none, and very little aileron control.  I have
serious doubts about making the airport.  Have you got someplace near
there, that we might be able to ditch?  Unless we get control of this
airplane, we're going to put it down wherever it happens to be.

Sioux City: United 232 heavy, roger, standby ??


Sioux City: United 232 heavy, say again.  232 heavy, think you'll be
able to hold about a 240 heading?

UAL 232: We're going to turn into it about right now.

Sioux City: When you turn to that 240 heading, sir, the airport will be
about oh, 12 o'clock and 38 miles.

UAL 232: Okay, we're trying to control it just by power alone, we have
no hydraulics at all, sir, we're doing our best, here.

Sioux City: Roger, and we've notified the equipment out in that area
too, sir.  The equipment's here on the airport, standing by, and
they're sending some out to that area.


232.  232, we're going to have to continue in a right turn.  We've got
the elevators pretty much under control, but that's 3 or 4 hundred
feet, but still can't get much ?? steering.

Sioux City: United 232 heavy, roger, understand you do have the
elevators possibly under control, will you be able to hold altitude?

UAL 232: Negative, we don't have it.  We're better, that's all.

Sioux City: Roger.

Sioux City: United 232 heavy, there's a small airport 12 o'clock and
seven miles.  The runway's 4000' long, there.

UAL 232: Control, ?? myself right now, soon as the captain gets back
on, he'll give me a hand here.  He's talking on the PA.


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Are you renting from family?

INT. Bucking_Ham Palace - Later   

It was not Kate? Oh yes it was!
Prince Henry? As we said in 1972, "What a big dick."

Speaking of big dicks...

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Too Many Cops!


"Cops? Oh yeah, we got plenty of cops." 

"Hughes, we already did that with Kubrick. It's real in the streets? Aw, c'mon, you gotta be crazy."

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Better than GARY WEBB

"Mr. Hughes took his own life by firing three times to his head. We have nothing more for you at this time." 

- Chief, St. Louis Mafia Hash Oil Cops

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Ready for WW 3.0? Got MRE's?

He was supposed to play The Pope (Like in Rome, Lutheran terrorist).
He died, Like Charles E. Hughes 

Would you like to expire, too?

Howard who?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Rob Moore

"I did not have sex with that woman."

The president has a hit squad?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

"Be patient." - Eva N.

"There was a bright flash, and later, I figured it wouldn't hurt to call Ike. To my surprise he answered and said..."

Friday, August 29, 2014

How long ago?

I can spell "Khobar." I went to Lindenwood, not Yale
CODE WORD: "Tower" or "Towers"  Let's not discuss it, S. Side Drug Thugs!
Selling dope @Scott Air Force Base, are we?
That's a "no-no!"

Did I refer to the 911 attacks as an "inside job?"
The book is still not published?
I await the president's resignation.
TOM KEENE signed for my USPS Priority Mail?
In 2004?
Where's the proof, Bill?



Monday, August 25, 2014

Tried to 'Kill Bill' how many times?

Who's been conducting "mass murder by airplane?"

Not my family.
This ain't Charlie.
Time for war on the United States!!!

No co-occurring disorders? "They just don't get it", said the California Ken-Ken.

22nd Street--Circuit 22--Even I get that one, mafia number kooks.
Casinos? You mean "TARGETS"?

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ferguson cop in jail yet?

Let's hear it, Royals! Mighty quiet in the library.
Booked that ATR French death flight yet?

My advice, Captain Crunch?
Do nothing for a few rolls.
[Kind of like my PENSKE truck in PA]
Who tried to roll it?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Shot Twice in the Head?

Burger King

English King

ML King

Rodney D. Young?
Rodney King!

hackers in the library?



see 'ya!!!
KLOS Kuiz: In which HughesScreenplay does this aircraft not appear?
This ain't no movie!!!