"On a substantive level, Rakas has mandated
that the already ill-defined concept of reasonable expectation of privacy
shoulder an additional burden, that of personalizing the scope of substantive
fourth amendment protections. The use of the standard is defensible because the
concept is without meaning unless it is linked to specific individuals.*
Neither is it surprising that a society which gives considerable significance
to the concept of private property would view the assertion of a property-type
interest in the area searched as a significant, if not conclusive method of
providing the link between the concept of privacy and specific individuals.
- Richard A. Williamson,
University of Florida Law Review, 16 (5), 1979.
Here, I'm proposing what
some may consider a "crime." Why? I'm naked like grandpa Howard,
stripped of all property and almost the clothes off my back. Peeping in the
window? "We" are down to only two theories:
1). The Mafia took
everything for three generations, and the United States Government "Looked
the other way."
2). The United States
Government took everything from me and my family under secret court orders.
If it turns out to be
#1, I'll be perfectly happy in Cuba, then Venezuela. By the way, the trillions
go with ME, not you, piece of crap government slut-spy. Should it be #2, I'll
suffer through 4 years as president, or president of vice. I wasn't tortured?
Reader, I can't even keep a doctor appointment to ask if the arsenic is still
in my liver. I'd imagine it is. Not there? Welcome to my new medical products
division, where what ails you is fixed by a satellite. No waiting for my lab
results--they are on your palm-held device in seconds, without ever leaving
your abode.
What's the
"crime?" I'll burn down the Lumiere Casino in Saint Louis, Missouri
if this crap does not stop. Define "crap?" I'm "Bipolar?"
Crap! I can't get anything published? Crap! I can't get a movie deal after
observing LA from the Conejo hills for four years and lying on Alameda Avenue
sidewalks homeless for eight months? Crap! I can't politely ask for PAC cash
like the other power-crazed dwarfs? Crap! Big mafia likes gambling and casinos?
I say make it all ILLEGAL once more. So, since the Missouri Gaming Commission
ignored USPS mailed, faxed, and voice mailed concerns about MY gaming
interests, I'll just burn the joint down because, Your Honor, it's mine. He
burned down his own casino? You bet! And I'm "nuts?" How long did my
dad/Howard Junior's son Charles E. Hughes talk about the movie Casino?
Who was watching it with me? Secret Service, FBI, CIA, NSA thugs, local narcs,
and the usual assassins for hire. As Mr. Rundgren shouted on a Warner Brothers
recording long ago, "I saw 'ya!" Why not deny it in open court, Mr.
& Ms. Fed? No show? Your arrogant ass will sit in a prison cell, not
Watch your government
fall. I don't have a TV.
.gov secret mafia took
We've been waiting for
this a long time.
Obama resign?
Not yet?
* Like homeless bums. There is an obvious link between the
4th and 5th Amendments this government under Obama does not seem to appreciate.
Liars! Terrorists! Murderers! Time for a Constitutional Convention, because
Charles Evans Hughes' great-nephew is tired of reading all of the tortured
"LegalBabble" of a dead empire. I'd like to read about it from the
EU, if you neo-Nazis impersonating "liberals" will allow me to
depart--with my property.