Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Not Much Mail, Sailors

If I had heeded Dr. Hood's call to CIA service, Jimmy Carter would have looked better.
2-3 weeks, tops.
"Yes sir, they're all on the fu^king helicopter."
Did MI-6 ever put Ringo Starr in as Arafat?
See the resemblance? I said that in the 1970's
No one tried to kill me. 
Deputy LOPEZ knows I have never been to this library in my entire life.
Another ex-GF has "died" with no obituary?
Run, don't walk to Starbucks.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Doing a little spying? (And HACKING this blog, perhaps?)

The National Security Agency will review your purchase.
Where did my original go? Where is that f**king car from Texas? 
The sheriff said what?
Swarms of .mil spies in your retail store? As Wanda said, "Just ignore them." How's the psychologist who shot the place up doing? Nuts or not? He does not think so, soldier. How's my old JAG neighbor doing? War criminal? You bet your 1960's bippy! Trial for murdering soldiers? When? Killing in the USA? Not okay!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Where is Fern, Mr. Homeland Insecurity?

Hughes is sure the Pope from Rome will be kept safe.
How about us dissidents?
Soldier Boy kills U.S. Persons in USA.

Hey! Hey! D.O.J.!
Who did you murder today?
Got a legal cabal?
BLUM family locked-up yet?

William 5 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Howard "The Aviator" Did NOT Wear Glasses

Charlie did. Who?
[Howard's busy with Hepburn. Not Charlie? You are?] 
Hubble find E.T. yet? Nope.

$ Both 2008 and 2012 are not coincidentally election years. Who won? Not John McCain. Not Mitt Romney.

Yet another inside joke, soldier.
China in your credit card account?
You were drunk, sailor! Sober up!
You don't remember, intoxicated Marine!!
missing military "secrets"?




















Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Holly Vicious




Free Entertainment

*Movies cost money, and please do not bring a gun, or "The Cops" might feel compelled to shoo...Where is that Handgun Control, Inc website? Read-up on Howard (And James Brady, dude).

Friday, September 4, 2015