Thursday, December 31, 2015

Where's There's Smoke, There's Fire

Smelling smoke, Dave?
The answer to the ANNISTON AVENUE nickname is:
William IV
King of Great Britain
Also known as:

Wilhelm Heinrich
Carlos will proce$$ the flood of FOIA's

Saturday, December 26, 2015

That Number is BUSY, of course!

Yes, there really is a Santa Claus, Virginia. And, the Central Intelligence Agency is in Virginia, Hughes Network is in Maryland. Don't make the real one call Jim D. on Gremantown Road. Fire in VENTURA, CA? This Hughes did not do it, Sheriff Dean. He's in Schnucks buying a Money Order to pay the fu^king...


"Mister Hughes, I know you had an appointment, but Mister Lesar just called, and..."
Duncan Speller
·         49 Park Lane
London, W1K 1PS United Kingdom Map
+44 (0)20 7872 1084 (t)
+44 (0)20 7839 3537 (f)

Monday, December 21, 2015

Let's Try Another Hacked by "The Military" Worthless BLOG

TO: Word Press in SF
The Title Was:

"Bernie $anders Need$ $ome Help"

First, a Manchester New Hampshire story. I would go to the library when Fascist anti-freedom Fighters would hack the Wi-Fi at Panera a.k.a. Saint Louis Bread Scraps Company. There, I’d chat with my kicked out of the Navy buddy, and was allowed on the internet. One day, I went out on the front steps for a few puffs of a cigar purchased in Concord at Castro’s Back Room.

A female attractive from the back and front approached on her fancy cell phone saying, “Oh my God! My roommates are driving me crazy! I just had to get out of the house, and I came up to the…” She froze in her tracks, looked directly at me, and yelled, “He’s here! Yes, right here! Yes! I’m not kidding! He’s right here at the library!” If I had known then what I know now about spying, we married, sang stupid 1960’s songs while intoxicated, and have two little brats by now. Love? Love had nothing to do with it.

However, Hughes is so “righteous,” as the mother of one of my mental health clients put it, I decided I had surfed enough net and proceeded to my not really “missing” Ford Focus with the giveaway HUGHES 2008 bumper-sticker affixed to the rear bumper. Though I was flipped-off by hostile females with Vermont plates, and all were rude there, perhaps I’m so cosmopolitan YuppieHip, they thought I was from New York City looking for real estate. Part of why I’ve been kept at less than half the federal poverty level in recent years is that evil Feds & Pentagon-based flying saucer chasing kooks realized in about 1967 I do know how to behave when wealthy. An evil empire it is.

And now, I’ll just put my e-mail backlog due to .mil spook generated “Temporary Service Interruption(s)” on the blog, given nothing is “private” in a technologically over-endowed Military Dictatorship [Since 1947, dude]. How did it happen? It’s one of the few battles Howard Hughes lost, and I’ll not be shy in alleging the Watergate scandal can be conceptualized as merely clumps of raw military-industrial-governmental sewage that fortuitously floated to the top of your cesspool. Good luck, Sanders. I’d read RMN and quote from it like he was Chairman Mao if I were you.

Our Latest Singing Sensation
Girls, I cannot Instagram unless my camera is recovered
A phone is NOT a camera!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

"Mike, we need to have a little chat."

Jerry who? His last name was a clue. This does not buy a donut, Mike.
"Howard, turn it up!"
 And who was the six foot three old dude at the concession stand?

Will Trudeau help me get my LP's back? We'll get to HUGHES COMMUNICATIONS later.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Seasonal Asshole Disorder (SAD)

Charles Edward
Charles Howard
William Charles

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Not Today, Not Tomorrow

(See for details)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Who was Malcolm Bliss? Dr. Nowatny?

Bombs away, Jason!
(Not yet?) 

Ruskies occupy Damascus yet?
Not yet?
"Johnny, call that NATO guy! I forgot his goddamn name!!"

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Be Nice


BILL HUGHES is not as "nice" as you mafia boys thought.
Could you buy a light bulb at Auto Zone? Advance Auto Parts?
Could you buy a hubcap at the junkyard?
Could you CreatureBoys on methamphetamine in Zip Code 63111-3128 shut the fuck up?
Hughes likes to eat.
Hughes likes to sleep.
Someday, he'd like to have sexual intercourse.
Hughes is a heterosexual.
Hughes does not watch porn.
Hughes does not go on "dates."
Hughes will clean the tub, girls.
Need more?

HUGHES is capable of flying airplanes.
This is the one to attack North America.
Not today. Maybe not ever.
May I eat something?
May I be allowed to sleep?
These are basic human rights.
May I travel to a refugee camp?
"Just another migrant, Istvan."


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Not Much Mail, Sailors

If I had heeded Dr. Hood's call to CIA service, Jimmy Carter would have looked better.
2-3 weeks, tops.
"Yes sir, they're all on the fu^king helicopter."
Did MI-6 ever put Ringo Starr in as Arafat?
See the resemblance? I said that in the 1970's
No one tried to kill me. 
Deputy LOPEZ knows I have never been to this library in my entire life.
Another ex-GF has "died" with no obituary?
Run, don't walk to Starbucks.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Doing a little spying? (And HACKING this blog, perhaps?)

The National Security Agency will review your purchase.
Where did my original go? Where is that f**king car from Texas? 
The sheriff said what?
Swarms of .mil spies in your retail store? As Wanda said, "Just ignore them." How's the psychologist who shot the place up doing? Nuts or not? He does not think so, soldier. How's my old JAG neighbor doing? War criminal? You bet your 1960's bippy! Trial for murdering soldiers? When? Killing in the USA? Not okay!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Where is Fern, Mr. Homeland Insecurity?

Hughes is sure the Pope from Rome will be kept safe.
How about us dissidents?
Soldier Boy kills U.S. Persons in USA.

Hey! Hey! D.O.J.!
Who did you murder today?
Got a legal cabal?
BLUM family locked-up yet?

William 5 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Howard "The Aviator" Did NOT Wear Glasses

Charlie did. Who?
[Howard's busy with Hepburn. Not Charlie? You are?] 
Hubble find E.T. yet? Nope.

$ Both 2008 and 2012 are not coincidentally election years. Who won? Not John McCain. Not Mitt Romney.

Yet another inside joke, soldier.
China in your credit card account?
You were drunk, sailor! Sober up!
You don't remember, intoxicated Marine!!
missing military "secrets"?




















Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Holly Vicious




Free Entertainment

*Movies cost money, and please do not bring a gun, or "The Cops" might feel compelled to shoo...Where is that Handgun Control, Inc website? Read-up on Howard (And James Brady, dude).