Monday, December 21, 2015

Let's Try Another Hacked by "The Military" Worthless BLOG

TO: Word Press in SF
The Title Was:

"Bernie $anders Need$ $ome Help"

First, a Manchester New Hampshire story. I would go to the library when Fascist anti-freedom Fighters would hack the Wi-Fi at Panera a.k.a. Saint Louis Bread Scraps Company. There, I’d chat with my kicked out of the Navy buddy, and was allowed on the internet. One day, I went out on the front steps for a few puffs of a cigar purchased in Concord at Castro’s Back Room.

A female attractive from the back and front approached on her fancy cell phone saying, “Oh my God! My roommates are driving me crazy! I just had to get out of the house, and I came up to the…” She froze in her tracks, looked directly at me, and yelled, “He’s here! Yes, right here! Yes! I’m not kidding! He’s right here at the library!” If I had known then what I know now about spying, we married, sang stupid 1960’s songs while intoxicated, and have two little brats by now. Love? Love had nothing to do with it.

However, Hughes is so “righteous,” as the mother of one of my mental health clients put it, I decided I had surfed enough net and proceeded to my not really “missing” Ford Focus with the giveaway HUGHES 2008 bumper-sticker affixed to the rear bumper. Though I was flipped-off by hostile females with Vermont plates, and all were rude there, perhaps I’m so cosmopolitan YuppieHip, they thought I was from New York City looking for real estate. Part of why I’ve been kept at less than half the federal poverty level in recent years is that evil Feds & Pentagon-based flying saucer chasing kooks realized in about 1967 I do know how to behave when wealthy. An evil empire it is.

And now, I’ll just put my e-mail backlog due to .mil spook generated “Temporary Service Interruption(s)” on the blog, given nothing is “private” in a technologically over-endowed Military Dictatorship [Since 1947, dude]. How did it happen? It’s one of the few battles Howard Hughes lost, and I’ll not be shy in alleging the Watergate scandal can be conceptualized as merely clumps of raw military-industrial-governmental sewage that fortuitously floated to the top of your cesspool. Good luck, Sanders. I’d read RMN and quote from it like he was Chairman Mao if I were you.

Our Latest Singing Sensation
Girls, I cannot Instagram unless my camera is recovered
A phone is NOT a camera!

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