Thursday, August 2, 2018

Glumar Deplorer

The Hughes Glomar Explorer
(U.S. Government photo)

TO: County Executive and Prosecuting Attorney
FROM: William C. Hughes
DATE: 07/27/2018
RE: Golf Sub Nuclear Warheads

It cannot be denied I have been stalked by a pack of “stoners,” drunks, and lunatics. One of the reasons is that I go to Georgetown University’s National Security Archive and take a look at declassified documents. I also download them, and it seems my drug seeking stalker hounds somehow know this. You can access the site too! Much of it is fascinating even if you are not a writer like me.

In 2014, as people screamed and cursed in the alley adjacent to 216 Nagel in the City of Saint Louis, I found a declassified report that told me something I had long thought. Back in 2003-2006, I looked at many sources about Global Marine and the Glomar Explorer. Catholic nuns had told me about it in grade school. How did they know? It was one of the U.S. Government’s most tightly held secrets back then. Perhaps it was because they mentioned only the “cover story” of mining for minerals.

What the ship was really doing was dredging up a sunken Russian submarine. Family members discussed it right in front of me! Yes, during the planning phase and the “mission” they somehow knew all about it. I clearly remember my uncles saying things like, “Charlie, they thought they were being boarded.” (By sailors from a nearby Russian “spy ship”). Russian seamen went to the extent of scooping up the Glomar’s trash for close inspection, as did psychotic kooks in my City of Saint Louis alley. For reasons we may never know, the Russian captain decided to sail away and allow the Hughes-funded work to proceed. By the way, Howard again stood accused of being “nuts,” literally as he signed a big check for “Jennifer,” or more formally “Project Azorian.” That exemplifies “government gratitude,” no matter what my name may be if you read-up on this.

I do not publish any “conspiracy site,” but what the government report you can read too said is that the Glomar radioed “Mission accomplished” on an open frequency to San Francisco. What did that mean? WE’VE GOT THE THREE NUCLEAR MISSILES AND WARHEADS. That’s what it meant. Your government admitted to their success in a declassified report, but redacted [BLACKED OUT] how they did it. This has haunted me from the day they recovered the 800 kiloton nuclear warheads. They did not? Enter USA’s Wonderland hall of mirrors, where nothing is as it seems to be in order to run “operations” designed to make me think they did. The big 2008 scuffle upstairs in Concord? I happen to think your primary election was almost nuked, and if so “we” must again wonder where the warhead went next. Clue? Obama came not anywhere within blast range that I know of. Hillary? Invisible to Green Street gangsters flashing downward pitchfork hand signs. Don’t ask me what it was supposed to mean.

Of course you are free to read different versions that say the sub broke in half, the missiles fell to the ocean floor, and they gave up. Do you know Howard Hughes? Is your name Hughes? No, it is not, and I am tired of this quip: “Half of Los Angeles thinks I am related.” What you must know is Howard Jr. was no “quitter,” and neither were the many men hired by Global Marine, so somehow they recovered the warheads.

Where did the nukes go?
In California I said, “They are not in my backpack.”

They are not in the Wayside Motel room either, so I have to write this.

I do not control a nuclear weapon, nor do I know where the Golf sub’s warheads may have gone.

That said, I think there would be a robust black market for a warhead as big as the Hiroshima bomb, and I am further convinced one or more of these have been moved around as part of a terroristic “shell game.” You should know terrorists take full advantage of their “rights” as with searching an R.V. or tractor-trailer that might be carrying a stolen nuke. If a police officer found one, the driver could simply lie and say it is a machine part or equipment bound for a refinery or factory. Judging from the 9/11 fiasco where hijackers skipped out of traffic tickets that should have landed them in jail, this is plausible. As you should recall, the FBI absolutely could not look at the computer carried by the “20th hijacker” when arrested in Minnesota. Would the attacks have been thwarted if they had? I don’t work for the government, I wrote a book about all of this that was brutally suppressed.

Enough said?
Another free story?

In 2004, I was on what looked like a “date.” I was informed by this female in a bar that the Bush Department of Homeland Security had issued an “alert” warning that someone may have put a nuclear weapon on a cargo ship off the coast of Florida near Ft. Lauderdale. This was where I sat by the ocean, so I literally glanced out the window, saw such a ship out a mile or so and said, “If that thing goes off, we’re goners.” What was she telling me? 800 kilotons on that boat? If true, it did not go off, did it? Today, we are at each other’s throats, not going out to a trendy club. Why? One word: LIES. I don’t tell them, and I will not answer one question on this matter from anyone. I have had my fill of bogus “cops,” “FBI,” and “Secret Service.” Criminals one and all, in my opinion. A real government official wants to talk to me? Too late, because I am going home to Wales. Read something about my family. There’s plenty about them on the Internet I could not access this morning because someone wrecked my phone & mobile “hot spot”—again. By the way, disabling my android is a crime, but to quote an old Baden associate once more, he said, “Bill, no one cares.” Why should I?

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