Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Doctor of Indifference

Today's 4 a.m. "LA Bum Clues":
Sweatsuit Guy = "Money"
Rolling Case Guy = "Skid Row"
 "His experiences in the navy seem to have been little different from those of other midshipmen (though a tutor accompanied him on board ship) doing his share of the cooking and getting arrested with his shipmates after a drunken brawl on Gibraltar (he was hastily released when his identity became known). He served in New York during the American War of Independence. While the prince was in America, George Washington approved a plot to kidnap him, writing "The spirit of enterprise so conspicuous in your plan for surprising in their quarters and bringing off the Prince William Henry and Admiral Digby merits applause; and you have my authority to make the attempt in any manner, and at such a time, as your judgment may direct. I am fully persuaded, that it is unnecessary to caution you against offering insult or indignity to the persons of the Prince or Admiral..." The plot did not come to fruition; the British heard of it and assigned guards to the prince, who had up till then walked around New York unescorted."

As with prostitution, you have to PAY

1968 - And my 8mm film is where?

 1976 - And my witnesses are where?

New catch! In 1985, Mr. Loser had to check out the "Star Wars" patent owner, eh?

Died of what, Kennedy? I saw her where, Gayle? Hubba, hubba! I did not even think of...

DAN RATHER organized what in 1963? I did not know that until this morning, CBS. Ken-Ken, what is the frequency? 790 AM said, "Bye-bye Hughes." That demographic can't be wrong, however, we all know "CommieCop" is my new nickname for LAPD personnel. Should I join a rock band at age 58? Sorry, I can't sing worth a damn.

And on the topic of not giving a damn, it seems the City of Devils Con job is on heavy again and all I meet seem to lack TRANSPORTATION and/or HOUSING. Nicely dressed and sleeping in a ditch? Doubtful. Got a downtown loft, but I can't come in? Can't pass the boot, LA Fireman? Can't pass the plate again Catholic Monsignor? I'll sue, not over sexual abuse, but rather to seek compensation for all of the times I've defended Catholics when confronted with vermin I term either "Bible Thumpers" or Kook Christians." Got a rifle to kill me like the legal providers of abortions you've murdered? Did I mention I'm ending your "secret civil war" with a real one?

Oh FINBAR, we need to talk. Soon. We all know I detest Mr. Obama, but my murdered momma said to look at the news photos carefully, and I saw what was over his head. You West Coast lunatics were that far along with your crazed secession? Sucking down D.C. money and not sending much East for how long? Since before I was born? Maybe I now understand why Howard put the aircraft company here. Apache Helicopters were built in Texas, stealth aircraft before you'd think in Culver City.

BIG FIRE SALE, SOLDIER!! Someone else will sell you similar shit. Mine is better? No wonder bombs are going off near Chinese commie H.Q. Those jogging China Dolls love me after all! CHP did not see them? "Crazy Ben," "Beavis," Frank, Kevin, and "King Kahmann" did. Kenny said what? "The deputies are not reliable informants." My reply? "You're right, Ken." Is that the only thing we agreed on? I'm not telling the "Chicken Salad Sandwich Toss" story here for free. No way!

Back to business, should I concentrate on access to h-MONEY? How? Go to Skid Row? As their savior and neo-Jesus? Recipe for a gang war. Nice try, DrugThug! Much like a larger version of 1000 Oaks, Hughes says, "A pox upon the elites and peeps on the street." In Ventura County, my term was "Court Approved Jesters." Here? Rather undignified to be labeled a "Street Snitch." Thank God the senor bums know I don't do that, or there goes the thing depicted in Jodi's Contact. The other copy is in Iran? Damn! Maybe I should have signed-on with CIA in 1979. You would never have suffered through all of that ABC Nightline. Not with a 24 year old Bill Hughes over there.

I'm going on CA General Relief with MOJOB relief waiting? No. (Look "no" up in Webster's, robots). The riots start when, GOP? Max Food Stamp benefit falls below $150. Trust me Rand, I've been on them for 5 years. Never coming back to California? The Harrier went into production when? I exclaimed, "Man, that's cool!" when? Yet another 5. As with five years between a certain St.L air show and assembly lines humming. How close was he? My hair blowing in the jetwash looks the same today (when clean).

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