Thursday, July 24, 2014

"Get the noose for Obama!"

BILL HODGES here. After reading yet another aviation story in kook-copyrighted Air & Space that was told to me verbally in real-time, perhaps I should read the semi-truth of your 9/11 Commission Report again and, as Clinton coke dealers would say, "parse-out" two separate plots for you morons. One of the "authors" signed for my packet? I can prove it to my landlords if they'd provide transport for more that obtaining bags of cash. I'm a U.S. co-conspirator on 9/11? Arrest me now, cock^ucker, and the trial will sell more soap than O.J. when I say, "I did not put a missile hole in the Pentagon. How do you know I'm telling the truth? I'd have fired a volley of them."

The president of the united states is a murderer and crass terrorist. 

Secret Service killed another Kennedy yet?
Not yet?
Let's play Bijou Spy Games. Trivia Night still big in "The Loo?"

What do these pics have in common?


"We are not concerned with consequences, in the sense that consequences, however serious, may excuse an invasion of constitutional right. We are concerned with the constitutional power of the Congress over the monetary system of the country and its attempted frustration."

-Charles E. Billings

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