Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Since 1968, He Knows How to Pick a Loser

San Bernardino. Hughes knows no one in the photo [cough-cough]

My earliest political memories are of my late mother yelling editorials on the 1960 contest. It went like this: “That son of a bitch! That liar!! Tricky Dick!!!” Charles would say, “Now, Margaret,” and they would have a discussion in a smoky environment that might bring case workers to our door to pull me out of the home today. (Dad = Winston / Mom = Chesterfield) That’s not what killed them, so I’ll light one right now, dirty soldier (L&M Red).
Mom drank a lot of coffee, too. Black, as I recall. When she tired of smoking and yelling at her husband on the phone at his office, like many modern moms in the 1960’s, I’m fairly sure she swallowed a handful of Valium pills and took a nap. That’s how I’d find her upon walking home from school in Saint Louis, Missouri.
My joke for all sudden psychiatrists is, “Valium is not an antipsychotic.” If there was nothing “psycho” about momma Margaret Mary, why was she a patient in the State Hospital? As at my college, they tore down the water tower I wanted to climb while dad would visit. The firehouse is still there. So is the doughnut shop.
Mom was spying in there, perhaps? Yes, she was, because as if USA needs another “conspiracy theory,” I am 100 percent convinced the 9/11 “terrorist” attacks originated on that State Hospital campus. Why? To take away the wealth Charles Hughes never had. Who am I? I’m the Hughes who said, on the steps of the Saint Louis State Hospital Dome Building, following the World Trade Center collapse, “I don’t think this is a big terror target.”
The “security guys” were white and never seen again. Get it? 5400 Arsenal Street, you have a problem. As the Thousand Oaks bus driver said on the radio when I’d boarded, “It’s too late.” Terrorists from the Middle East? No! And it is too late, because the late Charles Edward Hughes told me all the stories that connect the dots. On what? The old guard Commie v. neo-Nazi unstoppable plot that was allowed to take place by president numbers 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43. That’s about the only thing that cannot be blamed on #44 Obama, unless he was the “Black Quarterback” of the operation.
I’ll live to see the bastard arrested, Ms. Blum.
Oliver Stone  Who?  

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