Wednesday, November 21, 2018



Dear Mr. Linick:

I was forced to deploy Obama’s laptop at the 2755 Agoura Road Starbucks. This did not make me happy, nor does a lack of both sanity and housing in California again. I WANT OUT OF THE UNITED STATES. Do I have to renounce my shaky citizenship to get this done? I continue to claim a covert Canadian birth. If you want more than a dribble coming through oil pipelines, I suggest you go on the record with my identity soon. Thanksgiving was the sacred Leonard-Gallagher-Hughes holiday, and I’ve not had a decent one since a Hispanic motel clerk brought me a home cooked plate in 2008.

In 2009, I recall eating a bag of trail mix from a Ralph’s grocery store on Thanksgiving in a ditch and thinking, “It can’t get any worse than this,” but it did. At the time, I also suspected one of my kidneys was shutting down due to lack of hydration. At that point in the android proceedings, well-dressed woman where trying to throw my old laptop in their SUV right in front of me. I would yell at them and they would stop. Also, people would stand right on top of me during a nap or when the computer lit. This was 100% Russian horseshit, and incidentally, when is the entire Blum family being arrested?

One of my grievous errors in 2008 Concord NH was to print out every media reference I could find from the mouth of Jack Blum. It has been a long time since I read the transcripts from a House committee investigating drug traffic. I quickly noticed the witnesses had all died. This makes Hughes suspicious, and it is all discussed in the first chapter of my suppressed and also stolen by Steve Rutherford book manuscript.  Perhaps the real FBI needs to drop by Steve’s residence and ask what he intended to do with his copy of it after my untimely death.

Why use weapons when I have almost beat the nastiest cold virus I’ve ever had which was no doubt intentionally passed to me?

“Pam Finkel” suggested the word.

It is time for a “disconnect” with the USA.

Your culture, political realm, and evil technologies are of no interest to me.
As I told my new acquaintance who worked on a Hughes Aircraft “black project” in the 1980’s, “Even what are called ‘bastard laws’ would work.” For what? Regain what should have been MINE. Let’s figure out the friendly nation where I am going soon. You cannot keep me “trapped” in Thousand Oaks again. You cannot keep me in the State of California. I am tired of being put next to drug dealers and murderers everywhere I go, then they use their sick “Dark Side” training to invert tall tales and try to drive me mad.

The BORDERLINE BAR shooting originated in Hemet.
I was told this by a neighbor named Laylana: “The whole town is corrupt. Don’t call those cops.”
Looking the other way on mass murder?
As daddy Charlie would say, “Out of sight!”

Here in Westlake Village, someone wants to walk by with a child on their shoulders instead of my family film featuring this being returned. I want my property and that of Charles E. Hughes returned to me. It was a case of Russian banditry, pure & simple, and I do not negotiate with terrorists.

Thanks for nothing,

William C. Hughes

Today, we have another black project Hughes missile man in the house. Charles E. Hughes never owned but one house at 4022 N. 22nd Street. Get it through your thick skulls. I want out of USA. You should advise people not to travel here, especially if the destinations are in Texas or California. I have never conceived of such brutality. Call them out and you are supposedly psychotic. No, and I would like access to a doctor to support my claim to excellent mental health and not a trace of PTSD from all of the terrorism and torture dished out since the 2008 microwave attack in Newbury Park. You want to call it something else? I won't in the EU.

The Department of State, Office of Inspector General has received your Hotline complaint. Your complaint has entered the Hotline process. If additional information is needed, a Hotline analyst will contact you at the address you provided. Thank you for your submission.

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