Monday, April 29, 2013

Jen, Ray, GET ME OUT OF HERE! ["Alright! A radio show" (2004). Didn't Happen, Onion]

SYNOPSIS of Gangster Nation:
Drugs, Murder, 9/11, Terrorism, and Other CIA Responsibilities
According to another Birth Certificate that could well come under scrutiny if a political life were chosen, William Charles Hughes was born on the Fifteenth day of the Ninth month in 1955. Two Catholic grade schools later, he graduated from Rosary High School, Saint Louis, Missouri in 1973. Lazy he was in winning speech meet ribbons galore, constructing KRHS, the school’s radio station, and working on three plays as the sound tech and actress lust specialist. This would be the first clue regarding “Howard the Aviator” genes. Hughes also ascended to the Student Council Presidency on a dare by demolishing the football star candidate. Where the tape of the speech went is a highly guarded Las Vegas secret.

When Lindenwood College offered a four-year scholarship, he went there. High school buddies at the aforementioned Catholic institution had conned Hughes into forming a partnership known as FBC Sound, which provided sound reinforcement services for rock bands with day jobs and several almost famous bands of various genres, but the real money was made on Blue~grass festivals, and yes, we smoked some too. Hughes served as an International House of Pancakes Cook and “Wheelman” [boss] from 1971-1978 after a distinguished dishwashing career that found no plate too hot, no pot to burned to scrub clean.

After college, back when a B.S. led to b.s. at a stock firm, he worked at Edward D. Jones [now Jones & Co.] until he took a thrill ride to Chicago on Delta Airlines, did not smoke pot with the mainframe computer instructor, but Hughes did lust after his girlfriend. Following an extensive de-icing at O’Hare and a promotion, he was fired over an ancient modem that did not download 1977 stock trades quickly.

Accounting was the next gig, and rest assured, Hughes does not speak of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Monsanto Chemical Company in the same sentence. Next, it was banking (confused?) at M&I Bank of Madison and Commercial Marine. Tuition was then paid to the University of Wisconsin, an institution that kicked Hughes out the door with a near 4.0. This had nothing to do with Mr. John Hinckley not missing the previous year, but he was spotted hanging around the Memorial Union.

Hughes puts grub on the table under the most adverse conditions, like walking to Howard Johnsons to cook Republic, Northwest, and Ozark Airlines flight crews breakfast when the temperature was minus thirty at clock-in time. DNS Janitorial led to Hughes learning of bank failures not in the news through papers left out on the desk at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Later, it would come to be known as the “Savings & Loan Scandal.” Though Hughes did in fact swipe a cup of coffee at a First Wisconsin Bank building legal office, he also sat and lollygagged while reading Barron’s. Thus, contrary to most intelligence agencies, he was a stern capitalist all along.

New vistas were explored cleaning out some sort of mystery slime contaminant at Cornell University’s Johnson Museum, and unfazed by the danger, a black man in the Personnel Department was told, “I need a better job,” hence drama at the Cornell Campus Store. Much of the Cornell story has been classified, but suffice it to say when a huge black male hangs around listening to Prince all day, he may be a “bodyguard.”

Back in St. Louis, Hughes kept the Heileman Brewing Company in business, and actually shook hands with a not dead Howard Hughes in 1987. [Fedora and London Fog in a Catholic Mass = giveaway]. Mr. Hughes was later interviewed by the BBB for ninety minutes, and the AAA for ten minutes. After several years of telling motorists, “The [towtruck] driver will not come to your door. You must remain with your vehicle,” Hughes was dosed with an early variant of methamphetamine and for a brief period looked quite wacky, but encountered no legal troubles, save an arrest threat over pulling-up a local politician’s yard sign.

See Mr. Billings’ St. Louis Magazine article for details on serving as a “secret shopper” for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, an agency that hired Hughes at a princely sum of $17, 500 in January of 1992. Al Gore’s ill-advised fad of “privatization” took Hughes to Barnes Jewish Hospital without leaving his desk and thereby barely securing a vested pension. One pay cut later, he was back at a state job with who? Michelle Obama was in the house working with two redheads, whatever that meant. An inside joke from the late social work director was, “Bill, what do the psychologists do here?” Mr. Hughes consistent reply was, “Mary, I don’t know,” but when “L.X.” had both a leaky radiator hose and “drop-dead legs” on display, it seemed perhaps their other job was supposed to be secret, but not from The Great Hughes.

Mental Health Coordinator meant they would call on Friday, when most lazy state workers are “sick” and say, “Joe Blow has threatened the life of the President of the United States.” Back then {2000-2003], Hughes would grab a pen, whereas now he finds himself among safely unarmed malcontents. A layoff by a stinky Republican governor was not avenged, and amazingly the State of Missouri took Hughes back to shoot baskets with the worst schizophrenics in Missouri. Face time was logged with assorted hitmen as well, though Mr. Bland and the Department’s General Counsel would not admit it.

The brilliant mind’s next idea? Run for President of the United States as a lark; a perfectly reasonable plan that took on an ugly life of its own and led to six years of psychological and physical torture, here alleged to be directed by the government Hughes was honestly seeking to lead.

William Charles Hughes now resides in Limerick County Ireland. He writes books.

Look for Hughes’ forthcoming book on how the United States Secret Service long functioned as a “secret society” that killed presidents and candidates not to their liking, and yes, he’s “got the goods on them.”

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