Friday, May 31, 2013

Death With Dignity

Quick, soldier! What St. Louis funeral home had that slogan? Not the one owned by a crazy guy I know personally. Ready? "Bill, people are not dying much, not much, and last year we considered closing the place, so..." Then, I'll get all AFL-CIO Democrat and say, "GIMMIE MONEY, dude, right now, or I'll..." As for the funeral home where I said, "What is going on here? It's my family and everybody showed up? What could this mean?" How many years later? Sixteen (16)? "Mr. Raytheon, I'd like my missiles back."

Inauguration Day notes:
--Say thanks
--Have them say that prayer the CalTrans Man suggested
--Say, "Let's get to work!"

~~They'll be stunned. i.e.  
"What? We came all the way from Spokane for this? No parade? No lengthy harangue? Maybe the f^cker isn't bipolar."

"You will not be quitting my Supreme Court for a better job! Think about it. No more of this. If you are breathing and ambulatory, you will stay on my court. Congress, I'll raid and close think-tanks unless you stay awhile. Senator, there are few jobs where you can drink and talk all night with that kind of security. I'd welcome a filibuster, so I can walk over at 2 a.m. and begin cursing you all out. And, what will your august chamber do about it?"

*Photo Note: Emerson quit? Why? Is she single? I sure do know the Cape area well.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Not a Moose Killer? [Applications are being accepted NOT on-line for Mr. Hughes' shapely ru...Clark Bar! It's a.....whew!]

[photo of Michelle Bachmann forbidden by Goo~gle here].
When's my date with Ann Coulter? She's lesbo? That figures.

You've enjoyed ridiculing me too long. THIS IS YOUR NEXT USA PRESIDENT. Argument? "Step outside, please."

Monday, May 27, 2013

McCain Went Where?

How about that? Syria, eh? They go to any lengths to avoid me. Don't get shot or blown-up, Senator. JOKE LINE: "Although, he is a Republican."

Friday, May 24, 2013


The, as the "Other Bill" says, "pithy" Problem Statement(s) are:
1. They cannot distinguish fact from fiction.
2. Public versus Private? As the homeless say in "T.O.," "They just don't get it."

I was allowed to read my own screenplay#7. Not torn, wet, or stolen. Murder threats up the wazoo? Purrfestly okay in Cali-fornia. Let's see Mr. Boeing, one engine on fire, one falling apart. The odds, Vegas mobbies? I'll take that $211.25 rent a car. When does hughes start driving? Hughes Lake--just like a damn spy. Later, I'll light a votive candle for Joe Biden. That e-z prayer? "Baby Jesus, help us."

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Error during executing

Error during executing query insert into goadv.mail_dispatcher ( `from`, `to`, cc_email, bcc_email, subject, body, service, log_level, ser_options, insert_date, insert_time ) values ( "", "", "", "", "Populis Contact Us: Press", "-------------------------------
NAME: William


I\'m Howard Robard\'s grandson, and I am not running for political office in the USA, but EU may need a real president some day. Merkel has admitted I\'m right, so now she\'s a \\"communist.\\" Give it a break! Neo-Nazis? Blah!! Related to the \\"other William?\\" NOT A PROBLEM.

", "corporate", "NOTICE", "a:1:{s:8:\"reply_to\";s:32:\"\";}", now(), now() ) -> You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'communist.\\" Give it a break! Neo-Nazis? Blah!! Related to the \\"other William' at line 19


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

No help, no money, no fun...Cameron's ass is sacked? I feel much better.


"I hear you dropped out again."
"Well, yeah, but then some girl showed up in a jet."
"Her own jet?"
"Yeah, not leased."
"Want a cig?"

Monday, May 13, 2013

His next book is about what?

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[Recovery Board] New reply: Perhaps a couple of follow-up q;uestion ccould be: "Why would the Mormon Church sanitize its history at the exponse of the facts? What is it trying to hide if truth is its core?"Sunday, April 21, 2013 8:24 PM
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Saturday, May 11, 2013

I Can't Believe What I Just Looked-Up

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

The qualifications are the same as for Governor (since s/he would potentially replace the Governor if s/he died) ... and there are no age requirements (The youngest Governor was 30). Basically a candidate must be a citizen and qualified to vote in California. See the 1st link for the full text.

Salary: $130,490/yr (2nd link)

More on the office and it's holders at 3rd link.


That said, you should be ashamed of yourself. I'm a Canadian and I found out the answers to your question in about 10 minutes. Next time use Google and find things for yourself.

Bill was halfway through a CA bill. Rather than effect a "facial re-arrangement" and trouble MonkeyCop, instead...

Thursday, May 9, 2013

You Gotta Be Me - V

I think I'll be permitted to stay alive and tell the story, right Wright Patterson? Yer damn right!

Monday, May 6, 2013

REO, KSHE, 88Nine in Milwaukee, and Jerry Brown "Just doesn't get it"

The sun\son is out, and it's just another day out in kook & robo infested California. Now Hughes knows why Steve Scorfina has so many Face Book pals. Excuse me, I thought it was Pavlog's Dog (ABC}, but in fact it's Epic (CBS), as "we" see above. Y'all in from St. Louis? No? This is my new .357, and you may want to step back a few feet before I...

IllumiNaziDotCommies, why not mess with my message to the legendary (in his own mind) J C Corcoran by not having a Capcha "secret code" box visible. [Who does that crap? Lawsuit!!!] Next, Borg retards simply cannot permit me hearing Milwaukee, so how about a jacked Wi_Fi stream? Of course! Also, be sure to quack about bananas, buses, and "the next one." ABDUCTION & MURDER? Not okay. J.C., can I fire the president? Here's his message:

11:12 AM 5/6/2013

You've been fired, I've been fired. How about some HELP on firing the president. John Ulett is my Face Book friend. This is nice, but I need some MONEY. 10 screenplays? 3 book manuscripts? An hour from Hollywood? Nuts!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Welcome to ConJobCentral: They did not tell the secret service?

Agent? Not an FBC agent! Half of them are DEAD, you wealthy little prick! Bob Mueller wears pink panties. I have it on good authority [not really].

No wonder "they" don't want my Copyright 2006 book published:

"In out-trenchcoating a superpower during the Cold War, while jockeying over who could best incinerate the planet, adherents of a balanced doctrine of mutually assured destruction found favor with a dirty trick or two, perhaps justifiably. However, in battling “communism” throughout Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia, the sea of corpses produced by CIA shenanigans, in my view, has not made anyone safer in my lifetime."

Who wrote that? Oh no, not Hughes. Not Howard's grandson, or more importantly, Howard Senior's great-grandson. Greeks have no tankers? Galveston, TX was eaten by froggy e.t.'s? Just like the JKF Library fire, I did not hear about that. It's 2013, right? We'll leave Felix & Joshuah out of it--for a short time.