Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

When in Wilhelm I Mode...

No wonder few dare to write back, save the usual "Homeland" terrorists.

May I use the public telephone?
The suckful AT&T Spi-Fi when paying for my coffee, not hiding in a Westlake alley behind 2755 Starbucks.
Still "CLEAR" on the "Great Cop Computer in the Sky," or did Clayton, MO make up more bullcrap out of thin air? I had no Occupancy Permit." The city clerk must have "lost" it to facilitate my murder that did not happen. How many times?
-Andrea 1.0 (2N)
-Sunbather (1N)
-Sarah (1N)
-"Dave the Cop" (1S)
-Angela (1S)

*No 911 St. Rita stories for free, children. You gotta pay!
The "Drop-Down Tab?"
~~Andrea Moves Out
~~Dave on Drug Policy
~~Angela and the Utility Guys
~~Angela's Boyfriend's big gun
~~Sunbather and Tornado Sirens
--and more!--
NAUGHTY & NICE LIST--Not tonight spies!
Gotta write the soldiers an e-mail that might also go to:
--My oil company.
--The LA Fire Department.
--The so lame and corrupt it's unbelieveable Los Angeles Times
--My "5 wave" buddy at the local National Broadcasting Company (NBC) affiliate. I got the bad news about a merger with those creeps at Universal today from an NBC "Stephanie." Do they get all of the not very "inside" jokes? I have no time to explain, kids.
Could the Compulsive Masturbation Man sleep elsewhere?
How about your place, sugar?
The #10  Downing Street mailbox had better work, goo~gle. Why, CA kook?
Typhoon sighting + English gal at Chevron =
As we said in North Saint Louis County during Watergate 1.0, "Figure it out."

Saturday, September 21, 2013

My Enemies?: OutSpied, OutSmarted, OutMafiaed, not OutSpent

Train? What train? In old movies, the line was, "Step on it!"

Details? First, come to Starbucks and say, "I'll have a small coffee."
Taryn & Mary @605 know how long it took me to get the TALL--GRANDE--VENTI terminology down.
MILEY CYRUS still holds the "Celebrity Proximity Award" in front of me in line.
I departed to McDonald's in disgust.
The line at Ray's burger counter?
She said what?
"Have a Cheeseburger."

Hello? Austin?

Friday, September 20, 2013

Objects and People Disappear (As I've said with no Tessla research, "This shit ain't new")

You were there for Charles E. Hughes as angry as I've ever seen him? No, you were not at #5 Forest Home Court. Nor were you at #6 The Byway. 30 Centre Street? Oh Baby Jesus, my addresses alone should win a civil trial. 911 St. Rita? Give me a break!! [MI-5, how about "Throw our your nukes! Toss out the brain dead! Throw out your nukes!"] GOLF Class sub? USA? A dim memory, son. Ambassador to Iran? Don't make me write to Karzai again. It's ugly enough as is. Afghanistan? Dude, I need a job--bad. 

"Sir, I just called D.C. and..." [INSERT LAME EXCUSE HERE]

Sunday, September 15, 2013


I have "ESP," Mr. CA Kook?
Not much.


MY 13 COLONIES? = Big fight over Pennsylvania and New York. Cuba gets Florida? As they said at Castro's Cigar Shop in 2008 Concord, "Anything can happen."
[Don't mess with William IV's grave outside you-know-where]
-The tall man in that black topcoat.
-Boobs, boobs, boobs.
-Almost ran me off the road. Where? I remember.
-Shooting stars, NASA?


No! Why not go to you-know-where and look at the Princess apt.
The Russia House.
My old house.
His daughter died?
Probably not.
That pronunCIAtion?
"I'm just a bureecrat." 

Walking to work with a circle of janitors around me?
Cuban Boat People broke down the door?
The SEMO gal was spying?
I thought they just looked alike.
"Tracy" was across the street?
Klaus took all day to decide on his t-shirt?
Ralph was a "law student?" You mean new D.O.J. attorney? We talked it over. 
The cops shined lights in my window?

The bank President would walk up and chat, e.g. 
"Hughes, our bank is going broke."
Odd I DID NOT "GET IT" SOONER. Too sane, fool!
The boss departed with what line every evening?
"Are we having fun yet?"

I said to myself crossing the street in many degrees below zero...
"That's not Caroline Kennedy in there."
It was?
The 1980 sign out front did not say "CARTER."

I knock on the door at midnight?
Always and forever, they'd have...
Call[ed] the cops," and.....?

"Gayle, I'm in jail for trying to talk to Caroline Kennedy. It's a long story. Can you come up here and get me? The Fiat won't start? You could walk. No? What the fuck? I'm aware it's cold out. Gayle, I am in jail. Yes, jail. Hello?"

Monday, September 9, 2013

Hey Tony, suck my prick! (Upon further reflection, how about a "Toni?")

“Once in government hands, this information can be used for undefined `national security’ purposes unrelated to cybersecurity,” a coalition that included the American Civil Liberties Union and former conservative Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., wrote lawmakers Thursday.
Echoing those concerns were several Republicans and Democrats who warned of potential government spying on its citizens with the help of employers.
“In an effort to foster information sharing, this bill would erode the privacy protections of every single American using the Internet. It would create a `Wild West’ of information sharing,” said Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, the top Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee.
Said Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas: “Until we protect the privacy rights of our citizens, the solution is worse than the problem.”

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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Questions? "Wi-Fi off yet?"

The translation failed because of a server error?
My Royal ass!
Who won WWII?

Friday, September 6, 2013

MASS PSYCHOSIS--Not shared by me

It's great grandpa. Out drilling for O-I-L. Problem with that? My new name for LA = "The shit pit."

Monday, September 2, 2013

What does "FDR" stand for? [Many young Californians will flunk this Q]

Any questions? No, you cannot see my I.D.
How about a credit card that will purchase goods & services again? It says:
"William C. Hughes"

Where is the photo of me next to Richard Nixon? I'm all ears.