Friday, September 20, 2013

Objects and People Disappear (As I've said with no Tessla research, "This shit ain't new")

You were there for Charles E. Hughes as angry as I've ever seen him? No, you were not at #5 Forest Home Court. Nor were you at #6 The Byway. 30 Centre Street? Oh Baby Jesus, my addresses alone should win a civil trial. 911 St. Rita? Give me a break!! [MI-5, how about "Throw our your nukes! Toss out the brain dead! Throw out your nukes!"] GOLF Class sub? USA? A dim memory, son. Ambassador to Iran? Don't make me write to Karzai again. It's ugly enough as is. Afghanistan? Dude, I need a job--bad. 

"Sir, I just called D.C. and..." [INSERT LAME EXCUSE HERE]

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