Sunday, March 4, 2018

Dear Al

J. Law? No comment on Streep.


Mr. Pacino:

Thanks for replying. I saw my dreadfully jammed with junk mail Inbox I had been remiss with checking and then looked at what I’d written to you. There always seems to be a more pressing issue—like my toilet at the Wayside Motel does not flush, or a big thug is stalking me off the bus. Where did my cars go? I’m apparently not allowed to have property in  the USA, despite what the Fifth Amendment may say.

This gave me an idea before writing to a Houston police lieutenant who thanks me for my little updates. Maybe she can help swing the gates of Glenwood Cemetery open and finally prove who I am, instead of enduring another round of talking to aerospace engineers in California public parks. Too much like a “spy movie” for my taste.

How about I do a biblical length deposition with an actual lawyer? Attached you will find my strongest, most impolite appeal for legal assistance. I am a regular reader of Georgetown’s National Security Archive, and have declared myself to be smarter than National Security Agency imminent retiree Admiral Mike Rodgers.

I got my answer on who was in my late dad’s 1966 vacation boat. Not a Secret Service guy; it was, per Christopher Banks at the LBJ Presidential Library, Jack Valenti. (The inventor of movie ratings). No wonder I got into an R-rated movie as a kid every time!

Howard Hughes?
I will now talk to the motel wall, instead of watch Mafia sell-out jerks receive Oscars. 
See why they love me in LA?

Good day,

William Hughes

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