Saturday, January 19, 2019


Where did Mr. Dimples get that tie? 


Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph know the last thing I need to be doing is researching more political assassinations. Once done, it cannot be undone, and I don’t like what I saw. I was lying around chatting with Buzzy the cat and a family friend in Sweden was shot in the back. I think you know where I was; maybe you know where he was. Black folks? This Department of State crap is not for me any more than the 1977 C.I.A., but know this. It looks like grandpa was related to William IV, so I think it’s best to take this up with “The other William.”

When U.S. blacks were behaving badly, around the time Governor Richard Hughes gave a “Shoot to kill” order after calling Minnesota buddy and Vice President Hubert Humphrey, someone in the family conducted what is today absurdly called a “reach out.” One of them was sent to an African nation to ask if they really would take dissatisfied black people back to where they originated as slaves. The answer was, “No thanks” and this fueled the family racist rhetoric. Did they really believe what they said? I don’t know, but I know they had “bugging” devices back then too.

The Saudi woman and Iranian man do not say what they mean on the phone because they know they are being heard by many. Me? I don’t give a shit because: A). I was not born here; B). I’d like to see a big World War III run against the United States. It is that bad, and we are not arguing on the phone because you do not understand me, and I do not understand your behavior since January of 1985.

Some idiot is talking about trucking nearby, as I have not a shred of privacy and I do not think you would ever help with that. Saint Louis? I have gone from the drug apartment to the drug house to the drug motel to unavoidably being around drug merchants at the Salvation Army. Like Howard, I dream “crazy” stuff. His swarms of aircraft were for a movie. One guy was killed during a stunt. Howard’s stunt crash? More broken ribs, no funeral. What I think about is North American skies full of EU warplanes to fuck up Canada and the USA. Evil. Greedy. And, the Canadians are sitting on most of the world’s remaining oil. Jimmy Carter lied? Shocked I am not!!

I have to figure some long dead spy saw me run in for a fly ball over my head in grade school and said, “He can’t fly.” Depth perception is very much needed at 600+ m.p.h., if not 20/20 vision. I will no longer dignify allegations Maggie or Margaret had “mood disorders” or Manic Depressive illness. Granny was never depressed, but she would get angry and wave a butcher knife. The joke there was, “We can’t feed the Russian army,” and did you say “Margaret?” If mom was pissed at Charles, sidewalks were not required to go shopping. Due to evil shrinks slowly killing her, know I hate Russia and the USA equally, and I hope you have a shitty day because I have been brutally tortured to where there is no other kind of day for me in the “Home of the brave.” Leaving Syria so soon? Why? They sure didn’t want me at 1600 saying stuff like, “Pave it over and be back for lunch” to a buzz cut Marine commander.

How about a nuclear war to settle this shit? Bad memory? Why did I have to remember that during the four team simulated nuclear war in high school I was the Russian commander. TRUE. Though only a game, it’s frustrating I can’t remember who the female USA commander was, but she said, “Bill, how could you nuke all of our cities?” I simply said, “I wanted to win.” That is why my old high school won’t scan a photo of “Father Pal” (Palazolla) to whom I said, “Who are those guys?” (In suits and nice clothes, no tie). He looked over the room and said, “I don’t know, Bill.” Charlie Hughes said that often too. No ride to his VA grave site for five years? N-U-K-E-D.

The British Airlines flight leaves when?


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