Saturday, January 29, 2011


When is PAUL TURNER being placed under arrest?

My, now we are heally hacking, right Kaufman? My 1992 NISSAN 240 SX is out front of 911 St. Rita Avenue, Clayton, Missouri, usa per GOOGLE and Nick's little device? Who's driving it? Ask the criminals over at 5400 & 5300 Arsenal Street, where they cut up Margaret Hughes' brain. Nazis, not a good idea. What war are we still fighting? I thought it was WWII, then all of the Kaiser crap made me think WW I, and now, it's the UK v. USA all over again?

Could the Royal Navy pull up off San Diego and look all "mobby," as I like to say. Navies are to intimidate, as with the Mafia that won't leave me alone. Boys, as I often say, "Got satellites, got drones, got missiles," and we're not going to nukin', are we?

It's never up to me. I'm just "Admiral Willie" and William V.

Did I mention Cameron was fired some time ago?

Be scared, because I don't deal well with USA's not so secret torture tactics.

Friday, January 28, 2011

They Must Not Like Me

Let's start lying, girls. "He was not smashed-up against the president's limo in August of 1969."  Yes, I was. What was the "reward" for? Try a moon landing the month before. Dick was smiling directly at me. The real Secret Service was running--at me. I filmed the NBC coverage of the landing off our old RCA telly. Where's the film, .mafia?

What did an old guy say out front of the Goebel Senior Adult Center a bit over a year ago when the automatic door sensor out front did not work? "They must not like me." Obama, pull up the limo, and I'll bet you a cold beer the doors won't open. Don't ask me why; you are in charge of the intelligence community, not me.

Pamela Blum has accused me of rehearsing lines, and mine for the first black president of the U.S. would be, "Good morning, Mister President, just how rotten is this country?"

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The CRPD Tidy Gangster Disappearing Gang

Another bellicose old timer? Hold on to your hats, as candidate Hughes dares to say, "Cut Social Security Retirement checks!" I'll beat you butt on the left. I'll beat your butt on the right. I'll line-up young vs. old, because how did the "Greatest Generation" expect to live to a verrrrry old age with a nice pension, Medicare, and private equities, while their grandsons sell crack for lack of a job?

I need some staff who are ready for the inevitable, "Gun! Gun! Get down! Everybody down!"

"I've sure seen enough guns in my life, might as well shoot one at me" (As long as I get to run for president like a grown-up, not in the CRPD Park, because the Park Ranger from England only has a Walkie-Talkie).

"You're from Missouri and never shot a gun? That's kinda weird."

Let's go to Iowa, girls!

Hack Away, Fire Away

Diane and Barbara are not looking too good, at least from my perspective. Did I just invite the President of the United States to lunch? Yes. And buddy, I've got $6.00, so I'm buying.  

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

To Their Dismay, This Is William V

May I read The Economist? May I defecate indoors? The King is Orange, and the King is Catholic. Why is this a problem? Certainly, it is not a problem for me, William V. May I run for President of the United States, please? Apparently, this was illegally and violently opposed by some, so my new blog will be titled "COMMUNITY TORTURE USA," but I have not decided where to have it hosted. It would be novel and totally legal for me to acquire some on my own fortune or file a few hundred lawsuits to take yours, so I might "spluge" and rent my own server time/space. Don't believe me? I saw a photo of the "other" William, & Kate, shopping at Tesco, and that is what they will do when I kick thier butts out of the palace, with a generous alowance, of course.

The "Three Jobs Clue" @ Starbucks? Here they are, should I be elected president of the USA: 
1. President of the United States
2. Chief of State of the United Kingdom
3. Head of the Church of England

No problem! However for some, the problem is, I was:
a) Born in the USA;
b) Fired Cameron;
c) Have a bad attitude.

This Explains Everything