Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Never Tell a Lawyer Anything You Wouldn't Post on


Dear Dawn -

After a busy day Sunday, I did nothing on the real Election Day but gloat about being about 21 votes off when I sent an e-mail warning the Clinton camp they were going to lose. Had I gotten Pennsylvania “right,” I would have had the tally on the nose with no computer modeling or exit polls. You may now stop wondering why I’m sitting at the Wayside Motel with two presentable shirts to go on my back.

You want me to share the e-mail? Did Ms. Telowitz keep a copy dated 09/23/2016? I’m not forwarding my POL SCI “ESP” to anyone until I get some help around here. Clinton had a whole month to do something different. On to the monster named Trump!

I have done crisis intervention since mom waved a .45 handgun at dad. The “inside joke” was she had no way to obtain such a weapon favored by Howard Hughes’ bodyguards. The arguments that brought out threats, knives, and one gun were typically over cab fare and clothing money for the kids. (I was eldest, so I tried to quell the argument).

On to a not long enough career in mental health I logically went (1989-2007) after I realized teaching high school civics is too much work. Here is my diagnosis on Mr. Trump:

Axis I: Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic / Cocaine Addiction
Axis II: Histrionic Personality Disorder

Here’s how it works when you are rich & famous. The bipolar is suddenly endowed with “great energy,” “creativity,” and a “drive” to close the deal. Not sleeping? Have sex with a bimbo, sleep three hours, and every ex-girlfriend plus wives would say, “He was up, dressed, and off to a meeting” before they got up—later.

The cocaine business is partly because as with children put on Ritalin, this would actually calm him down and provide focus in the midst of almost, but not quite psychotic mania. I here hasten to note more widely-published commentators have called him “crazy.” This included a fellow billionaire who called him, “Batshit crazy.” He’s staring wars? I don’t think so! I think you might see the second impeachment trial ever held in the Senate. Call John McCain about that.

How would they get the cocaine to him? Meet Bill Hughes, who believes he knows the person who brings it. He might refuse their daily briefing, but not the cocaine. Secret Service has necks out of joint looking the other way, and I have good information Mr. Bush was on it too and treated the “Coke Carrier” badly.* That’s why the carrier, when a hand grenade was tossed at your 43rd president said, “He should have had a better arm!”

I’d be Casablanca “shocked” if NSA recorded that remark.
For the record, I said, “You cannot throw hand grenades at the president.”

Spread the word! (sniff, sniff) Your new Commander in Chief a CokeHead.

William Charles Hughes

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