Saturday, December 31, 2016

Melissa Maxxed-Out on KSHE? Cynthia's Got Them Out-Foxed

Happy New Year, Audrey!


William C. Hughes
216 Nagel Avenue
St. Louis, MO  63111

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street SW
Washington, D.C.  20554

Dear Commissioners:

As I told Mr. Beck on the phone yesterday (See attached letter to Emmis Broadcasting), I heard Howard Stern as a young guy on a New York City radio station before he was “big-time” and said, “That guy is funny.” Am I showing my age? The situation at that juncture was a car radio in an out of gas Cadillac stopped in a New York borough. Back then, there was a “pay phone.” Back then, I was allowed to shout, curse, and say, “How the hell did you run out of gas in a shitty neighborhood? We are going to get mugged and killed!”

This did not occur, but I was later accused of being “paranoid” after hearing an explicit Greenwich Village death threat in some stupid hippie boutique. The tradition has continued with St. Louis black males on Metrobuses specifying the caliber of firearms they intend to use to shoot me with. As my supervisor at Cornell University said, “This is not okay,” which brings me to 105.7 in St. Louis, known locally as “The Point,” and KSHE 94.7, “The Rock of St. Louis.”


I did not marry Tipper Gore$, but I am allowed to object when I hear songs about a “Pocket full of shells,” and I’m afraid the recording artist played too often on KPNT is not referring to pasta. Killing – killing – killing. Why not glorify it in movies and on the radio, then wonder why the silver Mustang moron shot people in Chattanooga before I could finish this letter. You would think JOHN BECK, the manager KPNT DJ youth refer to as “The boss” would have more discretion. Playlist? The content of the songs may be legal, and we’ve covered all this previously regarding Hollywood, but that was way before the shooter can call his buddies on a pod very quickly. Get it? I’m almost sorry I do.


Race relations in St. Louis? May I have a generic Excedrin®? FCC, I am white, have worked with many “Persons of color” and speak poorly of them in the privacy of my home, not on the radio. How can these idiots on “The Rizzo Show” not be fired immediately? I almost worked in radio, like airline captain, movie director, record producer, lawyer, and…what stopped the DJ job? 1. A high voice like Howard Hughes; 2. I flubbed the news copy every time, and 3. My engineering skills were appreciated only by the Sports Department, many of whom went on to places like ESPN, not me. The real reason? My step-grandfather said this of the radio business: “That’s a nice racket.” Before that, my sound engineering mentor said, “The Mafia decides what goes in that jukebox.” I understood, and planned on a PhD in Political Science that never happened. Given I know the business, after they were terminated, one jock would say, “Dude, I’ve already got a shift in Detroit.” And the other? “Sold the house yesterday,” because they know how it works. So do I.


To paraphrase a shady intelligence operative, “I like sex as well as the next guy,” but if the morning show morons are putting real cheaters on the air and the wife, husband, or trisexual transgendered life partner hears it, a crime of passion is a distinct possibility, don’t you agree? This complainant has been blessed with long tours of duty in Wisconsin, New York, and California, but take it from a St. Louis person when I note generations of undercover cops in this area have sprung to action when someone in a bar says, “Could you whack my wife for a small fee?” The local paper changes only the names and dates when the guy is arrested. 


Here, as an experienced mental health professional, I’m inventing new terms, so bear with me. This allegation is mainly against KSHE’s LERN COLVIN and veteran who should know better, JOHN ULETT. The chatter begins as joking, but then, like a pot smoker up too late, a “message” is delivered via a song title, lyric, or my least favorite method, a number. For example, the classic song of the day on KSHE is rated by listeners using numbers, and text message sending kooks mentioned on the air have some way too interesting “handles.” For example, this simulated content could cause a mass murder-suicide. It would go like this: “Mister Machine Gun gave ‘Look that Kills’ a ten, Lern. Well John, B-52 Cowboy gave it a five.” And? Some meth freak thinks it’s a “Message from God” and heads to the police station with his illegal weaponry he’s been collecting for the end of the world, confederate uprising, or the return of Comet Kahotek. Get it? This is dangerous, Commissioners!     

It is a fact KSHE DJ “Lern” spoke to the complainer named Hughes at length when he was standing around “Homeless” at the corner of Main & Cesar Chavez. KLOS? Their LA staffers Jordan and Sami were good A.M. company until Sami tuned surly and said, (of Lern Colvin), “Why would a DJ drive you anywhere?” Maybe because I’m the wealthiest son of a bitch on Earth, but when that is legally established, I’ll sit in an ornate EU hotel room, like Howard Hughes. All are welcome to come up the fire escape stairs and be shot by bodyguards who speak choppy English. U.S. government-sponsored torture and terror since 2002? Enough!

As for KPNT’s resident health nut “Lux,” she texted back to the complainant with remarks that both confirmed Bill Hughes’ “Howard’s a relative” allegation and implied Lern Colvin agreed. This buys lunch? No, it does not. By the way, this Samsung phone is not being stolen or examined by Gestapo-like cops. Shocking it is that Lux would announce her whereabouts on barstools for nutcases to approach. Is she a vice cop on the side? The vice cop who approached this Hughes in California was really from Italy, spoke good English, and here is how it went: Q: “What do you wear while you are working?” A: “Not much.” Need more? See me in Iowa as we all wonder who made Donald Trump’s hairpiece.

But first, here is what each of these women said to an open on-air microphone:

LUX: “It’s a trap!” [216 Nagel Avenue is renown for what?]

LERN: “I’m going to the ‘Kill Bill’ benefit.”^

For an explanation of the latter remark, I fear many lawyers will be involved.


$ This is a political joke, young man. Give the first name of Tipper’s husband, and a free cruise is yours when you call 314-969-DUDE. Audit the contests, please. Is this too much to ask?
^ Beck is not required to keep digital audio of this crap? Perhaps Stalinist regulations are needed. Do I have to write them for you?  

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