Monday, November 27, 2017

191 Murders: Shopping for new cops?

March 23, 2015

William Charles [Evans] Hughes
216 Nagel Avenue
St. Louis, MO  63111-3128

Missouri State Police
Department of Public Safety?
P.O. Box 749
Jefferson City, MO  65102

Dear Smokey Bear:

After many rounds of “Uh oh” and “He can’t get that job!” die down, we need to get very serious and assess if 216 Nagel Avenue in St. Louis would be too risky a residence for a new Missouri Department of Mental Health director to reside. Deputy Director? $95,000 does not go as far as it used to, except when you’ve been at 40% of the federal poverty figure for 18 months, and have paid 70% of that sum to rent.

Too bad my IBM computer crashed and the Cricket died when Washington U. offered a job last winter. I stayed alive somehow without a job or functional computer, but in applying for honest work saw the most elegant Malaysian “throat cut” signal ever from a nice young foreign exchange student. Later, an airplane from Malaysia was shot down. I’m allowed to wonder by who, and I’m sure the pretty coed had nothing to do with it.       

All about me? Oh yeah? The St. Louis City cops don’t know Bill. Not at all. Therefore, since I know them, I here allege they were behind the firing of a shotgun three times near my crackerbox rented house on March 19, 2015. It may turn out to be the shot heard round the mental health world as I exclaimed, “That’s it!” and finally called local police via Ventura County California’s favorite number (but not) to say, “Shots fired at Robert and South Broadway. Can you do something about it?”

Why sure; put the shotgun away and drive off in your cop car. The “trigger” for this call from the “Outdoor Extremist Redneck Gun Range” a.k.a. “Carondolet Neighborhood?” The time of day. I also exclaimed, “F^^k! The bank is still open!” A little early for target practice, Gabe. My jotting, and the worthless tracking telecom customers 24/7 Trac Fone say it occurred at 1:47 p.m. Trac Fone won’t call 911? Won’t call Canadian Area Codes? Won’t call international as advertised? Just what I need; another lawsuit and a cheap-o, pay as you go phone service!  

What did that get you? More trouble. Now, I want to run for president like a grown-up Independent and take cop handguns away. The impeccable logic? If cops on meth don’t have a gun, they can’t shoot any more black guys. Republican? Such tightwads! Democrat? So stinky! To demonstrate how the DMH director cannot be delusional, I will say straight up that if I only got twice the votes of oilman Ross Perot in 1992, that does not win the White House. Problem? Bill Hughes is a lawful troublemaker, and predictably some dirty trickster has already, swiped, copied, and returned my flash drive with the “Master Plan for World Domination,” so I’d better change it, but not on state government time.

Can’t win? That’s not the point. My running mate gets New York and Massachusetts. I get Michigan and California. The result? No one can win, thanks to the Electoral College my high school teacher said was a bad idea.# He was right. What would I do? I would sit in the Los Angeles Hilton and laugh as you all try and figure out who your fearless leader is going to be. That’s my idea of “fun,” and by the way, I’ve already seen the Hilton girls dance (Nicky & Paris), yet I relate these true stories for free and no one cares.

Therefore, even though the big FedEx envelope finally arrived from Hollywood, I might as well put in a year or two for Governor Nixon if I remain alive and I’m hired. The stay alive part is where you come in. Want a bottom line and a spy’s “I’ll talk to you later?” The officers of the law I have jovially termed “Garlic Breath Cops” need federal supervision—fast. Ferguson? Smokey, the way I see it, which is too often correct, that mess was just a “diversion” for whatever these camouflage wearing .mil rejects were planning down here. As for talking, my civil rights have been so trampled, I’ll only talk to cop-like public officials in Tel Aviv or Tehran. As I say often to enemies in abstentia, “There’s nothing you can do about it.” (Except invent a crime, like China’s Mao or Russia under Stalin’s boot).      

Do you know your St. Louis geography? A lady at a mental health advocacy group, when asked about I-55 & Loughborough, denied knowing where it is. I myself passed it up thousands of times as a lawful motorist. In my community social work practice, I rudely called it, “The ass end of Saint Louis.” Today I say, “The closer to Lemay, the more stinky it gets.” Next race riot, be sure to put a contingent of National Guard down here, because these idiots have far more guns of better quality than on the North Side. I used to hear them all of the time, and recent silence leads me to believe some clever snitch has passed along t-party plans to the proper authorities. If I know her, I’m allowed to deny it.


William Charles Hughes  

# The master plan, code-named GARLIC KING, has now been changed to whip ass in TX, FL, AL, MS, GA, LA, TN, KY…Me? I sleep in CA and get 55 electoral votes. Who wants them?   

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