Friday, November 24, 2017

Klingon? "I did not say that"

Swansea Prison
Dear Democrats:

I was only half right this time, as a Democrat apparently won in Virginia, gut given gruesome hearings in the House Ways & Means Committee I sit and watch, to me an 8 point win is far from “overwhelming.” I reconstructed how I managed to contact a family that used to have “multimillion dollar fundraisers” for Democrats in Franklin County, Missouri. I was a state official there, and I don’t suppose you want some hair-raising mental health crisis stories from that county, but maybe the electorate  does.

The widow of a wealthy Jewish man who donated all of the money said something to me in January of this year. “We don’t do that anymore, but good luck with that,” she said.  What is that about which she spoke when I’m about to find myself in a homeless shelter? Her name is Rosalyn Kling, and her deceased husband was a “supporter” of the hospital that gave me 7% raises when the norm at my state job was no increase in salary or 1% in a good fiscal year.

I think if somebody turned me loose, the next ultra-liberal Democrat might win. I’d go around with a target on the back of my tweed jacket and taunt the NRA. I’d put a barstool on the stage and prop an assault rifle next to it. Wonder with me no longer why former congressman William Hughes in New Jersey—the man who got them banned— wrote back last holiday season. The ongoing joke with his Hughes Center staff has been “What does this have to do with New Jersey?”

I’m going to call my Republican friend on the Election Board in St. Louis who cannot retract what he said. Regarding the U.S. presidency, it was: “You and Caroline should have gone in there in alphabetical order.”

I said, “Gary, H is before K.”

I’m quite sure he was joking, and another of mine is: “I no longer record my calls.”


Bill Hughes
(16 NH Primary votes were for me!)

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