Saturday, August 31, 2013

"At the trial, Captain Kynette invoked his 5th amendment privilege not to testify and instead sat reading a copy of the US Constitution. After a short deliberation, the jury returned guilty verdicts against Captain Kynette for the bombing and his lieutenant for being an accomplice. A sergeant from the intelligence unit was acquitted of all charges. Judge Bowron sentenced Kynette to two years to life in San Quentin but the wrecking ball didn't stop there."
- (C) San Diego Police Historical Association, All Rights Reserved.
Hot? Too much so? My I crack some eggs? And your head? Harry Raymond? A police department like that never changes it's spots, in my opinion. No wonder one of my security guys frowns on two first names as a supposedly legal name. Secret Service farmhands on duty five years ahead of the next election, and you're running me out of town? Man, are they nuts out here!! As Kenny B. said, "They just don't get it."


Severely disabled = Saint Louis, Missouri
Dead = Los Angeles, California

As the NASA crew once said, "Okay, this is not looking good."
My man said, "I saw your notebooks." And handed-over $5? You got people on bridges keeping presidents alive? I did it, too! [Bush, the disgruntled citizen had an M-16. Or so said Channel Five (5) (V)].  

Two more free stories, in case we all end up dead.

1. Back in the 1970's, my family took perverse delight at a street address of #5 in watching me try to achieve great things with very meager resources. The ELECTRO CREDIT UNION SIGNATURE LOANS, Dee? I long ago realized my business partners were slack in paying me because any money passed was for illegal drugs, right Gravlin family? No, it was for the loan payments. $750 each. Joke's on you! How did I accumulate money? I saved it, moron. And, who took me up to the bank under the legal age to open my Hamilton Federal account with the ORANGE passbook? Not Charlie Hughes, it was step-grandpa Bob. One Christmas, I said of Bob, "He was in the Army. How did he get in our family?" Took a long time for that laughter to die down, so perhaps you'll understand why I'm fixin' to kill me some Americans. NOT A MOVIE. NOT A TV SHOW. NOT A JOKE. NOT ILLEGAL. TOO LATE TO BE NICE TO BILL.

2. Story #2 has been changed, since I just put it in Book #4, a tome only a literary agent is reading, not you, spy-slut. Allen Unwin still in business down under? Man, does Australia need to be kicked out of the U.K., just like California and the USA. Cameron, I assume, has Tylenol; I don't. Some street vermin stole it. Time to die, LA! No reservations required!! Casual attire is O.K. New story/news flash? I hear my hero Pete Conrad saying what?

More Apollo 12 Excitement
"Darn it!"
"You know what it is? I know what it is! Nazis took all the fuel cells off the line."
"That's who the hell did it!"

Fox News/National Review types, listen yourself and weep. And, remember, all men, rich and poor, are free to pee in the bushes. [However, refrain from this practice when cops are near].

Looks like your King James Bible grandpa too? Tell it to a court. I sure don't have access to one. Not in this terror state. "Grandpa was in the Navy." That's all of my info@1955-2007.con job? He sure was! 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Why not?

"What is he talking about?"
"I'm calling the cops!"
"Nah, let's go into Starbucks and start a fight."

As we said in our St. Louis neighborhood, "You do that."

Like campfires of old, the Hollywood screenwriter is a storyteller, as with female LA NaziCops who will see video of the black dude beat senseless by a stupid Chevron minimum wage, drug-dealing, arrogant, slimy, Hispanic clerk motherfucker who ought to be on the wrong end of a big handgun since they will do nothing about his assault, first degree. Hey, it's Friday! Grandma and the South Side St.L fried cod? Not tonight, girls. Hey, let's call the cops on psychotic security guards on bikes. Make up stories and call 911--California's favorite number. The deputy dawgs know my "Shots fired" standard. Sure they do, and that's why the city sewer guys were making loud POPS yesterday. This goes back to popped paper bags in grade school, December, 1963. I am not the only one who knows this, son. Boston, MA is far away, and don't steal her extension # again, please.

Getting lots of federal funds? I'm not getting any sex, kinky or otherwise, so maybe I'll drop a bag of shit on the Chevron lot from the Dodger game biplane. Why did the guy get "arrested." He gave Hughes a piece of paper. GARCETTI, BETTER GET YOUR ASS TO STARBUCKS BEFORE SOMEBODY GETS KILLED--NOT ME. BUNCH OF SHIT! MOBSTERS! BIG MAFIA! DOPE HOUNDS! CRAZED CHRISTIANS! UFO NUTCASES!  That was not a Dodger ballplayer who said, "Screw 'em" early one morning? I know what I'm seeing, 1120/550/790/94.7.

My 1000 Oaks assessment? "Somebody unplugged you in 1991." [Think H.W.]
Los Angeles racketeers? "Somebody unplugged you in 2006." [Think W.]

BJCBH Point #6 (The rest is personal)
6. It's not the same people I met in the Dome Building with Secret Service Agent R.M.? His business card was bragged about and displayed by me on Ward H/SLPRC 2006-2007. One story only! Last night, I came into the Union Station Starbucks, and when you are Hughes, "they" stand in your way. I said, "I did not bump you intentionally." My gal was at the door looking at ceiling tile, as they tend to do. She was on me immediately. I said, "Where have you been?" The reply? "I was in jail." After an explanation of that adventure, she said, "You should knock them over," and a bag was left with my dinner in it. I cannot disclose the contents, due to what I derisively term "Food Code." I'm so "paranoid," I ate it last night, with no ill effects yet. The inside joke here? She gives the same fake name as a screenplay character of mine who would utter the same lines to SETH, my fictional president. This scares me, but only a little. >>END OF STORY<<

Copying any public documents out there, Koval? Fighting my every keystroke, are we? I'll be "stuck" in Starbucks/Union Station until 10. That's why one of the SS males gave me some MONEY. Pay phone ripped off the pole yet? Not yet? This legal, E. Holder? Who are these mongrels? Could y'all ship some frozen White Castle burgers? Maybe not, as there are no public restrooms in California.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dave Camera~on Said What?

I try to run a PG-13 web blog . Therefore, no comment here, Gordon Brown.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

William V, 1977: No Zurich, No Copenhagen? Magic!

Trouble? Nope, I simply know what I'm doing. Can't/won't trust me? Get out of my way!
Last name first, please.
[That's an old one from the neighborhood]

OBAMA? "The face of evil."

"My" people saved his ass in December of 2009, and what has happened since?
Where's that resignation letter, sir?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Much Like St. MARY'S

Watching, Watching, Watching.
The "great revolution" so evident the first time I was stuck here with many choppers at that other building was apparently cancelled.
May I have my FAA e-mail back?
Not yet?
Man, it was just like a movie!
Homeless girl fisticuffs on the street.
They notice, as with closing time, who you leave with.

Later, as I watched the cop helicopter, for the record I said:
"Easy to fuck up. Nice. Windy. Practicing? Ah ha, you big brown and black turds."


This here is Los Angeles, where when a guy with a Dodgers T-shirt on passes as you buy your not terribly healthy Cheetohs Puffs at the gas station and says, "Fuck 'em," it means the ball club is on board. No press conference? Tommy Lasorda died? Vin? Not yet? 

I did not look at my stolen watch, soldiers.
As we said in North St. Louis, "A freckle past the hair," meaning we did not care. How long was our baseball/football practice? Till dark or little brother brought a message from momma.

Cell phone? Only grandpa Howard had one in 1966.

HE DROWNED IN THUN? Almost! Right Marko/Dino 790?
5,000 piddly watts? Disgraceful! Need more power, Scotty!    

Sunday, August 25, 2013

I'm not all that?

HUGHES: "You need a human in the fighter jet."
FISHERMAN: "They're starting to figure that out."
[Let's hear it, Schizo~demented>>>"He's crazy!" Taking your medication I didn't?]

USA can argue with a beefed-up EU military later. Who screwed-up and watched the USA bust up. Mr. Obama. I won't be here. Right, Secret Service snots?

So right!
Missourah teacher is here!

How many lawyer declinations?
"Sorry Hughes, we can't help." = 60+
How many Cop Convos?"
"We are the illegal cop stop cops." = 70+ 

Seen that Philadelphia Story movie? Disappearing people who are indeed from Earth:

USAF Neighbor & Spouse*I'm nuts?
How long since I found Lou's Facebook photo? Trapped in Prison Camp LA! How long since I said, in my always-bugged apartment, "Must be vacuum tubes. The Navy wanted a big power supply for something, and 'Oops, the ship disappeared.' Those guys never came back. I saw the exit sign on I-64. Get the first joke? Then, streetlights. On I-55. Get the second joke? I exclaimed, "Jesus Christ! I'm in Springfield!" 100 miles. Get the third joke, spies? I'm sure you do.

My U.K. helper? She's still waiting.  Note the "MI-5 look." I get that a lot.
My worst female mess has the same birthday as Prince William?
Me? Try Prince Harry's, and you cannot see the Birth Certificate, Comrade BrainJack!
Feel safe? Oh, they are all out of power. Really? Wait until I get around to a book about ex-presidents. Lost? Term limited out? As Kenny said in T.O., "They don't get it." Steal my phone numbers again yet? Not yet?Let's analyse some new Kennedy hints from..hold on, let's check Mr. Bill's e-mail. 

Back later. @11:41 e.d.t.
I should check the e-mail more thoroughly. Can't talk/write now. Real? Girls, start packing. Tabloid excitement! Broken hearts! [Mine, so many times I can't count]. Live through another night? Soldier, the 2x4 was not cracked. Pop! In half, dude.Bush was/is P00003335. Me? P8003536. He could run again, and I'd almost vote for him. I said almost, you transgendered, purple pot smoking banacle of a welfare leech! {"Sounds like Bill's gotten more conservative in his old age."} 


As Andrea 2.0 said, "It's a public document."
As the Central Intelligence Agency said of Hughes & California, "It's like making a movie. You do it with other people's money."
As my dad, Howard Hughes' son, said, I'm a quick study. 
I Pod? What's that?
How do you turn the freakin' thing on?
Postage stamp?
I know I'm speakin gEnglish.
For the NASA FOIA.
The dog is "Sam," the cat is "Pete"
You can't stop it!

A few gents are about to die in Starbucks.
Better "Call the cops!"
They will take their time.

*Right in front of my eyes, Mr. NutJob!!!
[Trying to tell me something?]

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mom's WATERMAN Wonderland

Cops, don't switch-out the blood sample when I kill me a DrugThug--it was just too much coffee.

Got a spare C-note, you little drug-dealing prick?
Mafia after shave?
SOB = "Short of Breath" in "RN speak."
Short your life is, fuckface!
Very, very, short, your life will be if if I get pissed today.
Security guard!

Big, cold, dead, thug!


"So I could get this hearing, your honor."

Pam and Steve on foreign soil yet?
Other options?
I call it a "Cranial Ventilation."
Caroline's dad got one.
In 1963.

"And of course, Marko, when I got back to my Datsun 1200, it started right up." Missing the boat, abc? cbs? So vile! nbc sent the video in a plain brown wrapper, for my protection. Of what, oh great Hughes? "Kids, decades ago, we gathered around the TV like a campfire of old, and watched the news with Dan I'd Rather be in Missouri. Also, there was Tom I'm Broke, aw. 'Harry Reasonable,' I called him in 1969." THEY KNEW THAT, SON--AT MY NETWORK. You are stealing what next? Help yourself, because your chum is, well, like, not who you thought.

Did I mention Chitown's fbi went home feed the doggies? Kids had a soccer game? Nuke ticking in LA? Really!? As Dr. Rebecca said of my client who was about to be killed by "the cops,">>>>>"Mister Hughes, you'd better do something about that."

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Dreamless State

I'll have plenty to write during a year of seclusion.
YOU won't be there. 


Thursday, August 15, 2013

FUCK STARBUCKS and I'm calling the LAPD on you!

Time to get down the track and behave like a grownup 57 year-old male with a Political Science Degree [like Paul Ryan] + a Master's in Social Work from an evil Jesuit school running for President of the f---ed up USA. Got a problem with that, Starbucks? Where is Garcetti? Invited Brown, got Castro's daughter. Sadat's relatives at Conejo Coffee? Now I know why. Don't want me seeing the violence in Egypt? Back to 605 E. Janss? The library Wi-Fi? How about Webster Groves, Missouri? That's the Starbucks where this crap started. Smoking pot out in front in Missourah? Outrageous! The Webster Groves cops followed me and I could not shake her? Suggestions? Proceed to Richmond Heights, where the D.A.R.E. cop drank coffee next to me. Pardon my mental retardation; it will get better with a few million PAC dollars. The cop girl at the I-64 exit ramp? She still there?

T-minus 25 minutes to plugging back in (if no one needs the A/C power).
I'm paying for the coffee.
What's the problem besides I'm winning the NH Presidential Primary next time.
Then, Gardner, I might withdraw and go wherever the fuck I want in this wide world.


"Pete, it's 'dust,' not Dave."
"I stand corrected." 
"Austin, we're running late." 
"Start the camera."
"Screw the clock."

WGbh, you may sound the ebs tone.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


"Hughes, they were used as air raid sirens." "We'll take four."  

Here at Union Station LA to cough-cough and start a fight?
You will lose.
Apollo 12 upsets you?
The 1916 and 2000 election results keeping you awake?
No, that’s your damn meth/crank/crystal.
Big Drug War coming. Hot! Real hot!!
You lose.

Campaign promise #2: I will find and kill every member of the organization long known as the “Mafia.”
You are terrorists.
[By anyone’s definition]

First I have to get elected.
Make like Abe 2.0.
Tell D.O.J. lawyers to go to hell.
Get a Declaration of War.
And your full name is?


Can you spell it, DrugBoy/ThugBoy?

My Great Uncle won in 1916.
Right Gardner?
My count is 57 votes short in NH.
New York Times in 1916 said 68.
Let’s rock! Recount! Recount! Recount!
Get ready Roberts, John.
Can’t lend you an Excedrin—they stole mine.


p.s. New VC-25A model? Modest vehicle parked next to it. Don’t stare at my wallpaper, or I’ll “Cal the _____” in here. As ROSEMARY said, “They sure have enough cops around here.” 209 Billion on that garbage Endeavor and her sisters, parked where? I want my money back!

From the Sixth Street Digital Toaster: “It’s like a rock with wings. It glides down. Jesus Christ, you can’t even turn the engines back on. What a dumb idea.” – Me, (1978).

Source: The ChuckieTown Laundromat Popular Mechanics. I got briefers, too! They’ve been around a long time.  

Zang--Zing--Bob's Here

Quick! What's the difference between a skilled stegtonographer and a hopeless case of schizophrenia? A lot. Has Obama resigned yet? He's got to go!! MI-6 gayboys, better hustle. MI-5 girls with sensible shoes...move it!!!

Crown Candy?
Middleton's parents were Flight Attendants?
Barely Royal?

Bad joke? What did they name my kid?

"Bill, your Prolixin shot is ready."
Barack, I'm coming to D.C. to find you new housing.

I saw the lawsuit. It's new!
I also saw the District Court's page on [REDACTED BY THE BOOGIE MAN]
We go to the wise words of the D.I.A. man with a sunburned belly [Beavis and Greg never saw him, not surprisingly]

"If it's on the Internet, it's not secret."

I really said, "Can I borrow an AWACS plane?"
Kids, the answer was, "Yes."

Got 80 million dollars?

I will now listen to that song. You don't know which one? Who are you? THE DEPUTIES GOING TO FedPen LIST IS LENGTHENING. VIOLATE SOME POOR SOUL'S RIGHTS TODAY! And? GO TO MY NEW FEDERAL PRISON!!!

A "chevron" is an airplane part. Is it still there? [Cesar & Alameda, you fool!] . Save Chinatown for the Chinese! Save it for the people in that crazy hotel? St. Louis, they had just checked-out of the hotel. I inquired about the hotel. "We don't know anything," they said. And the smiling guys dressed in mid-priced suits up in there? I have no idea who they are.

What is DNA?

Call the Mental Health Coordinator! These guys are nuts! Excuse me, my layoff was not my fault. MATT BLUNT, your phone is going to ring. Soon. Might be Feds, might not.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Prolixin Paranoid Production in Association with Dead Meat Films...nuked..gone!!!!!

I thought the cop was yelling at the Navy scumbag Jaywalking and was going to give chase. Oh, it was a traffic stop on a charcoal gray Mustang. I'm not ED SNOWDEN, but can we get this over with? Thanks!



I'll wave alright, motherfucker!!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

USA? One big Gulag. They're sealing the borders. Better get out while you can!!!!!

William Hughes <>
12:21 AM (10 minutes ago)
to sam.galvansamuel.blackmayor.garcettikmoxnewsshowfeedbackinfoinfoscooprhartmannrharrispmessing2RichKristiKristinattflifesabigpartyrccowenjjensenejonesakovalcontactconferencesconsularinfo
Charles Evans Hughes was my great-uncle.
My dad was named after him instead of "Howard"

Not news?
He was Secretary of State, and I just found out?
He lost to Woodrow Wilson narrowly in 1916, and I missed that in high school?
Kelly is related to President Wilson, isn't she?
It's not the Secret Service, and I am delusional?

Are you nuts?
I'm not. 
Has Obama resigned yet, Joe? 

William Hughes
Proud Starbucks Owner

Ray's Hellish Cheeseburger

Access to "toothless" Al's Gore's Internet is very useful, despite all of our rotten, drug-shipping soldiers deleting my voice mail & e-mail. "How is that, Oh Great Hughesiouse?" If I could just get to TN, Frank & Don might...

Number kooks, what year did I graduate from high school? It's on the airplane? George W. Bush passed a clue? What a guy!

It's the name of a band. It's the name of the company that makes the "black box." It's very improbable. It has nothing to do with my trip to Texas that year. When's the big briefing? No rush.     

Sunday, August 4, 2013

FILL-IN THE BLANK: It's the _____ of Beers

Y'all from Saint Louis? Did you ever see Auggie drive the beer wagon? And the guy who nearly had me tip over my government Impala was named who? TIM HUNT is with the Secret Service and has redesigned the Bud Light bottle. Yet more evidence the secret police are into everything. I'm already denying having thought up their new slogan, an act of creativity for which there will be no litigation, unless you think you can sue us, as we are the "in" Bev, who as "Beverly" once again showed that my Secret Service detail has a communal drinking problem.

Yep, I saw their helicopter again yesterday and wisecracked, "Now it's being used for beer runs." It is? What kind of county is this? 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Tilting the Stamp Act, Girls? Kennedy Selling Dope?

As the woman said of my FEC program, "Is that government software?"

PATRICK KENNEDY in the enforcement file over a mere $500 led to.....after, not before I had written the e-mail below? Cosmic! KMOV, how's Larry Conners doing? 

 Dear JFK Library Staff and Foundation:

Seems I called your institution starving to death on the streets of Los Angeles and got a Boston winter "cold shoulder." What happened next? A young black man was holding an Advantage/Food Stamp card at Chevron. (CA Rumor holds the Kennedy Family owns that gas station). Shortly after I discovered I could survive on the USDA and junk food at the gas station, a cop asked how long my screenplay would be on the screen. Later, a female cop yelled, "What line are you taking to Hollywood?"

Big joke?

I'm a very political person, and I am tired of being treated like a fugitive on this lawless West Coast of USA. The Obama Administration disaster is worse that George W. Bush, and I will be heard in "The Media" saying it, someday. I am NOT a "black operation." I am not an intelligence operative. I am the biggest crime victim in U.S. history and the Administration has, like Watergate before them, used the entire federal government to, pardon my French, fuck with me so badly it is to the point of failing PHYSICAL health when there is still no mental/psychiatric issue at all. None.

The President of the United States is nuts, and there was indeed a Hollywood movie like that, but as I often point out to the "pot zombies," "This is not a movie!" His dad was a Kenyan socialist? I now believe a little dude with a gun on us in the Wellston, Missouri Loop circa 1970 was Barack Obama himself. What the hell was/is that?

My major party slogan? "A pox upon both their houses," and as I recall, the simple criteria for my new party political was: "Do you want to follow the rules?" And, "Do you want to work to change the rules?" Two "Yes" answers, and we're on our way, not to the jailhouse or cemetery. What I call "Total Surveillance" on me backfired, and consequently, my early supporters all know what I don't have to say? I just listened to the all-girl band yell "It's Mister Bill!" again, and later on the .net music file, there's a song about Hollywood? I wrote Caroline Kennedy two letters, called several times, and I'm to die in the streets of Los Angeles? I've got a big problem with her. Tell her, please.

May I sell a screenplay and pay some taxes?


p.s. Has the Kennedy clan been growing some "weed" for decades and stood ready to blame their usual bootlegging on me? Pot causes "mental illness," according to Patrick Kennedy. News van here

cc: Sam Rushay
    Lisa Sullivan

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Axis II? They just don't get it, John.

Love that phone number! Free consultations for LA's mayor? Thanks!

I could date a psychiatrist.
Live with a psychiatrist.
Marry a psychiatrist.
Talk to a psychiatrist I am not related to daily.
I'm still nuts.
"It's me, and I'm not dying today. May I depart now?"
[Be sure to pull on your ear, rub your head, rub your shoulder, kick your leg and...what did I decide, Bilderbergers? Big trouble coming in the EU. As KACB advises, patience is a virtue].