Sunday, August 25, 2013

I'm not all that?

HUGHES: "You need a human in the fighter jet."
FISHERMAN: "They're starting to figure that out."
[Let's hear it, Schizo~demented>>>"He's crazy!" Taking your medication I didn't?]

USA can argue with a beefed-up EU military later. Who screwed-up and watched the USA bust up. Mr. Obama. I won't be here. Right, Secret Service snots?

So right!
Missourah teacher is here!

How many lawyer declinations?
"Sorry Hughes, we can't help." = 60+
How many Cop Convos?"
"We are the illegal cop stop cops." = 70+ 

Seen that Philadelphia Story movie? Disappearing people who are indeed from Earth:

USAF Neighbor & Spouse*I'm nuts?
How long since I found Lou's Facebook photo? Trapped in Prison Camp LA! How long since I said, in my always-bugged apartment, "Must be vacuum tubes. The Navy wanted a big power supply for something, and 'Oops, the ship disappeared.' Those guys never came back. I saw the exit sign on I-64. Get the first joke? Then, streetlights. On I-55. Get the second joke? I exclaimed, "Jesus Christ! I'm in Springfield!" 100 miles. Get the third joke, spies? I'm sure you do.

My U.K. helper? She's still waiting.  Note the "MI-5 look." I get that a lot.
My worst female mess has the same birthday as Prince William?
Me? Try Prince Harry's, and you cannot see the Birth Certificate, Comrade BrainJack!
Feel safe? Oh, they are all out of power. Really? Wait until I get around to a book about ex-presidents. Lost? Term limited out? As Kenny said in T.O., "They don't get it." Steal my phone numbers again yet? Not yet?Let's analyse some new Kennedy hints from..hold on, let's check Mr. Bill's e-mail. 

Back later. @11:41 e.d.t.
I should check the e-mail more thoroughly. Can't talk/write now. Real? Girls, start packing. Tabloid excitement! Broken hearts! [Mine, so many times I can't count]. Live through another night? Soldier, the 2x4 was not cracked. Pop! In half, dude.Bush was/is P00003335. Me? P8003536. He could run again, and I'd almost vote for him. I said almost, you transgendered, purple pot smoking banacle of a welfare leech! {"Sounds like Bill's gotten more conservative in his old age."} 


As Andrea 2.0 said, "It's a public document."
As the Central Intelligence Agency said of Hughes & California, "It's like making a movie. You do it with other people's money."
As my dad, Howard Hughes' son, said, I'm a quick study. 
I Pod? What's that?
How do you turn the freakin' thing on?
Postage stamp?
I know I'm speakin gEnglish.
For the NASA FOIA.
The dog is "Sam," the cat is "Pete"
You can't stop it!

A few gents are about to die in Starbucks.
Better "Call the cops!"
They will take their time.

*Right in front of my eyes, Mr. NutJob!!!
[Trying to tell me something?]

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