Saturday, August 31, 2013

"At the trial, Captain Kynette invoked his 5th amendment privilege not to testify and instead sat reading a copy of the US Constitution. After a short deliberation, the jury returned guilty verdicts against Captain Kynette for the bombing and his lieutenant for being an accomplice. A sergeant from the intelligence unit was acquitted of all charges. Judge Bowron sentenced Kynette to two years to life in San Quentin but the wrecking ball didn't stop there."
- (C) San Diego Police Historical Association, All Rights Reserved.
Hot? Too much so? My I crack some eggs? And your head? Harry Raymond? A police department like that never changes it's spots, in my opinion. No wonder one of my security guys frowns on two first names as a supposedly legal name. Secret Service farmhands on duty five years ahead of the next election, and you're running me out of town? Man, are they nuts out here!! As Kenny B. said, "They just don't get it."


Severely disabled = Saint Louis, Missouri
Dead = Los Angeles, California

As the NASA crew once said, "Okay, this is not looking good."
My man said, "I saw your notebooks." And handed-over $5? You got people on bridges keeping presidents alive? I did it, too! [Bush, the disgruntled citizen had an M-16. Or so said Channel Five (5) (V)].  

Two more free stories, in case we all end up dead.

1. Back in the 1970's, my family took perverse delight at a street address of #5 in watching me try to achieve great things with very meager resources. The ELECTRO CREDIT UNION SIGNATURE LOANS, Dee? I long ago realized my business partners were slack in paying me because any money passed was for illegal drugs, right Gravlin family? No, it was for the loan payments. $750 each. Joke's on you! How did I accumulate money? I saved it, moron. And, who took me up to the bank under the legal age to open my Hamilton Federal account with the ORANGE passbook? Not Charlie Hughes, it was step-grandpa Bob. One Christmas, I said of Bob, "He was in the Army. How did he get in our family?" Took a long time for that laughter to die down, so perhaps you'll understand why I'm fixin' to kill me some Americans. NOT A MOVIE. NOT A TV SHOW. NOT A JOKE. NOT ILLEGAL. TOO LATE TO BE NICE TO BILL.

2. Story #2 has been changed, since I just put it in Book #4, a tome only a literary agent is reading, not you, spy-slut. Allen Unwin still in business down under? Man, does Australia need to be kicked out of the U.K., just like California and the USA. Cameron, I assume, has Tylenol; I don't. Some street vermin stole it. Time to die, LA! No reservations required!! Casual attire is O.K. New story/news flash? I hear my hero Pete Conrad saying what?

More Apollo 12 Excitement
"Darn it!"
"You know what it is? I know what it is! Nazis took all the fuel cells off the line."
"That's who the hell did it!"

Fox News/National Review types, listen yourself and weep. And, remember, all men, rich and poor, are free to pee in the bushes. [However, refrain from this practice when cops are near].

Looks like your King James Bible grandpa too? Tell it to a court. I sure don't have access to one. Not in this terror state. "Grandpa was in the Navy." That's all of my info@1955-2007.con job? He sure was! 

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