Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Stronger than USAF Dirt

Didn't fly in 2008? Let's hear another .gov lie!
Thanks for writing back.
They will remember.
Two assistants have come & gone.
The "Go to Gatekeeper?"
Still there, I am sure.
I'd like to meet in London.
A 25 million dollar movie there shot on film?
I'm there!
Glad I did not give out any names.
When you "hang out" with the "other" producer's relative...
...and have his brother's home phone number...
Their memory remains excellent.
What a dirty business it is!!

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Joe Blow

Kettleman City, CA

JOE BIDEN – A simple Internet search led me to a Biden “operative” in Delaware. This man promised “big-time” help in Iowa. The political “heavy hitter,” I discovered was a two-time Cedar Rapids city council loser, and she had only met Joe once in 2008, by her own account. Lisa Kuzela was real. The other McGlinchy & Gordon referral was fictitious. My late dad Charles, who could be easily mistaken for Howard Hughes Jr. was not a visual hallucination. He died in 2011, and no one told me when corrupt alleged family members not only knew my location, they were seen driving around and apparently gloating about my inability to travel anywhere. A social service agency offered to drive me and my belongings to St. Louis, then changed the story. After an illegal ticket, an excruciating Greyhound ride was approved. I have vowed to put a chain on the door of this bumbling agency, or maybe I could obtain a California LCSW and run it professionally. Their late leader Diana Ortuno may have known she had terminal cancer when she said, “You are related to Howard. Go on your date.” With Andrea Koval, who communicates sparsely through her daughter Alexis? Why did Alexis quit her job at Wells Fargo? Why does Andrea know a pack of people named McGuire in St. Louis? They don’t put any contact information on their Facebook pages. Shocked I was not to find a street in Las Vegas named “Koval.” Mr. Koval was a building inspector for the City of Las Vegas long ago. Who owned six casinos there? It was not Joe Biden’s relative. May I prove it was mine and end this madness?

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Rice Chex



Ms. Thompson –

To save time, I’ll just paste what I wrote to Mr. Ralston. My local media here in St. Louis seem to be afflicted with what suburban LA calls a “brain fart.” I call it a “skipping CD” whereby the latest drive-by shooting gets their attention, not me. _Bill

I dare not send anything to the “submissions” address after finding all of my early published writing is on microfiche at the Tompkins County Library in upstate New York, and if it is of interest to you I’m told the same guy owns the Ithaca Times as when I walked in the door in 1985. (However, nobody remembers my editor’s name).

I barely remember my name after all of the West Coast torment I’ve gone through over it. Yes, I’m related to Howard Hughes, and why not deny it before all of the elderly defense industry people I met die off? Go rent Melvin and Howard, then don’t wonder why I have both Melvin and Bonnie’s number on a phone that has incredibly not been stolen. They confirmed my identity with one statement. It was: “One letter is enough.”

Write back and say you want a rant from a super-liberal who believes marijuana is no damn good for you (Or the economy). For one thing, if more drugs are decriminalized, the only way an average Mafia guy could make money is by killing you. I’d almost rather see him trading weapons for cocaine—again.


William C. Hughes

Monday, January 22, 2018



Dear Mr. Szabo:

It was early 2014 when I was told of a Hungarian diplomat named Istvan Sandor, and I am not sure if that was another man with the same name or a suggestion I read-up on the real Istvan, which I did. The material was printed out at a public library, so I suppose I will look it up again and save it to this computer no one is crashing, stealing, or seizing with a cop badge. I have a lot of missing property, and I committed no crime I can recall since turning 18 except trying a few illegal drugs all my friends had procured first.

Please explain my lack of a photograph of my mom or dad. Explain how the Kennedy family may have been “caught” at the pool on vacation with this middle-class white guy who wants to exit the USA and never look back. Of Budapest it was a UBS banker in Switzerland who said, “I probably should not comment, but that is a good choice.” Another good choice would be to visit Prague, a place I was encouraged to travel to by several mysterious people in 1977 who may have wanted me “trapped” there and given a hard time by communists who were about to be retired by a bogus break-up of the Soviet Union.

That Russian trick was, in my opinion, the greatest political sham in my lifetime. Don’t expect polite speech out me of when it comes to Russia or the United States. On my summer tour I defended Jimmy Carter, the neutron bomb, insulted and later apologized to an Israeli F-15 pilot, plus I complained bitterly to Canadians about their wearing of the maple leaf on every item of clothing. I recall saying, “We put the flag on a blue jean jacket as a protest,” and I’m allowed to think: a). I was really born in Canada; and b). The four guys with maple leaf backpacks who had their mouths hanging open were Mounties either “spying” or trying to annoy me. They succeeded at the latter, as did “spooks” in Gander. Yes, the captain scarily said, “We’re out of fuel” on the third flight of my life, and I had been offered a seat on the L-1011 flight deck. Had I accepted, I may well have been murdered.

C.I.A. = Murder, Inc. right here in the USA, so why would I need at least one person along to visit Chicago? As my late dad said, “I’ve nearly died many times,” then when he did nobody was willing to tell me of this event. Instead, Satanic & moronic cults abound who threaten me and seem to want some money. Sorry, they can’t have any, and possibly they’d like to start a World War III. Who needs NATO? Our incompetent man with “The Button” wondered this, then he changed his mind, didn’t he?

Sir, I have no desire to see a Cubs game given the Cardinal uniform is now powder blue, you are not allowed to argue a call, and the TV replay ruined my favorite sport. Does Hollywood want my “baseball movie” where two umpires agree to throw the games with a confederate in the replay booth? Yes, they just get it wrong and it still sticks, much like U.S.A.’s explanation for the 9/11 attacks. Didn’t I write a book about that? As my old Irish boss Connor said, “The fix was in.” Maybe I can find a Hungarian literary agent, and I think they are still allowed to publish books in England.


William C. Hughes

p.s. When people are arrested and I get all of my property back, grandma’s home town in Hungary is circled on an atlas. You will be the first person given the correct spelling.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Eric the Great (@SLU Law)


Eric –

They may be able to fry the Jack’s breakfast muffin on my head by the time we meet, because I’ve discovered what we called two “fun facts” at Rosary High. (Now d.b.a. Trinity). I was about to have my remaining possessions from my state bureaucrat life and five brutal California years tossed to the curb by an eviction order sought by my only concerned kinfolk. Naturally, I jumped through all of the hoops to have the LEGAL SERVICES OF EASTERN MISSOURI help. They did not, and have one attorney for thousands of cases.

Ditto, I’ve discovered with the AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION in Missouri. Lots of employees; all not lawyers. Apparently, one Anthony Rothert is the sole attorney for—you guessed it—thousands and thousands of cases. We are going to start our meeting with one simple statement I’ve waited many years to make, and it is: “I have no rights.” Yes, I’d like to make a legal claim somehow I was in fact born in Canada. I have several “believers” on this, and you may call them if you like.

Who are they? Several work at a Canadian consulate. And, my favorite is a medical records clerk in New Brunswick. I’ve kept in touch with her over one memorable quote. It was, “Howard Hughes was a powerful man. He could have ordered the records destroyed.” You are indeed a lawyer, and should quickly grasp that her statement strongly implies there were such records.

That said, we will stick to the intellectual property topic. Even a small book advance buys me the privacy and equipment to function as a writer. This business of looking like a criminal on the run has to be stopped. Jim Kysor was one of my elderly helpers in California, and his memorable line uttered in anger was, “It’s like the one-armed man!” and I’m sure you know the plot line of The Fugitive. Bill Hughes violates no laws and is robbed blind. I go to the grocery store and jackasses walk right up and say things like: “We’ll get in there and take the rest of his stuff.” The Metrobus quotes? Not for this e-mail!




Eric –

It took many years for a Lindenwood gal I barely knew to give me some skinny on the East Coast & Mid-South “rat pack” out there in the 1970’. She pronounced one of my still for sale masterpiece’s “A killer script” and actually teaches at a St. Louis Junior College I best not name or some idiot will start bothering her there.

Meantime, I still get bothered plenty here at the Wayside, but not by the motel staff. Given the following KTRS 550 names and e-mail addresses are not on their website, and KABC in Los Angeles may again say, “What do you want, Hughes?” maybe we could meet after all at the 7960 Jack’s for a discussion of your big “cut” on a radio show booking.

I’m sure it would at least pay for the meal, and by the way, why was I told the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) minimums in 1969 and again in 2009? I could make a lot of friends in LA by simply saying, “It did not go up that much.”

Always the same name,

William C. Hughes     



Thursday, January 18, 2018

More Soviet Propaganda

Dan Gray or Dan Black? Spying for Soviets, Dan?


Kent Harold –

I have a suggestion. May I attend a meeting where I’m discussed? The train fare is $15. In California, my quip was, “I’ll call 911 on myself” (While behaving lawfully). Get the joke? In this tradition, I have investigated myself regarding Ms. Streeper’s Facebook page. First, I discovered the e-mail heralding her comment has “vanished.” This can easily occur when deleting e-mail on Yahoo or MSN accounts. I do still have the commentary from her other “friends” during that session on the accursed internet.

Her page appeared on mine. I know not why. She had made a comment about someone or something being “geeked-out,” and my remark, to the best of my recollection was, “Geeky is good.” I could show you a sheet of notes where I simply scribbled, “The weathergirl wrote back.” I then looked-up your TV station, her publicly available biography, and there I jotted the contact information, along with the Sinclair market share. These notes are available for your inspection.

I further noted Ms. Streeper worked for “The Arch.” This means she surely resided in St. Louis, Missouri sometime in the past. Does she instruct all Facebook creeps who make comments like, “You are so hot!” to “Call me back at ten thirty.”??? I rather doubt it. Yes, I did work at several mental institutions, and for your information, it is often the social worker who goes to find the patient, so he or she can attend the Individualized Treatment and Rehabilitation Plan (ITRP) meeting.

I will continue to dream of things like a nice digital camera, such as the equipment you have, and an actor who looks like Donald Trump, after I “borrow” my old Missouri Department of Mental Health ward. I’d like to say, “Mister Trump, it’s time for you treatment plan meeting.” The actor is in an old-fashioned straight jacket we no longer use, and shouts, “I am the president! You can’t do this to me! I started a movement! I have rights! I have a lot of money!” My line as we go down the hall? “That’s right, Mister Trump, that’s right.”

William Hughes