Saturday, January 20, 2018

Eric the Great (@SLU Law)


Eric –

They may be able to fry the Jack’s breakfast muffin on my head by the time we meet, because I’ve discovered what we called two “fun facts” at Rosary High. (Now d.b.a. Trinity). I was about to have my remaining possessions from my state bureaucrat life and five brutal California years tossed to the curb by an eviction order sought by my only concerned kinfolk. Naturally, I jumped through all of the hoops to have the LEGAL SERVICES OF EASTERN MISSOURI help. They did not, and have one attorney for thousands of cases.

Ditto, I’ve discovered with the AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION in Missouri. Lots of employees; all not lawyers. Apparently, one Anthony Rothert is the sole attorney for—you guessed it—thousands and thousands of cases. We are going to start our meeting with one simple statement I’ve waited many years to make, and it is: “I have no rights.” Yes, I’d like to make a legal claim somehow I was in fact born in Canada. I have several “believers” on this, and you may call them if you like.

Who are they? Several work at a Canadian consulate. And, my favorite is a medical records clerk in New Brunswick. I’ve kept in touch with her over one memorable quote. It was, “Howard Hughes was a powerful man. He could have ordered the records destroyed.” You are indeed a lawyer, and should quickly grasp that her statement strongly implies there were such records.

That said, we will stick to the intellectual property topic. Even a small book advance buys me the privacy and equipment to function as a writer. This business of looking like a criminal on the run has to be stopped. Jim Kysor was one of my elderly helpers in California, and his memorable line uttered in anger was, “It’s like the one-armed man!” and I’m sure you know the plot line of The Fugitive. Bill Hughes violates no laws and is robbed blind. I go to the grocery store and jackasses walk right up and say things like: “We’ll get in there and take the rest of his stuff.” The Metrobus quotes? Not for this e-mail!




Eric –

It took many years for a Lindenwood gal I barely knew to give me some skinny on the East Coast & Mid-South “rat pack” out there in the 1970’. She pronounced one of my still for sale masterpiece’s “A killer script” and actually teaches at a St. Louis Junior College I best not name or some idiot will start bothering her there.

Meantime, I still get bothered plenty here at the Wayside, but not by the motel staff. Given the following KTRS 550 names and e-mail addresses are not on their website, and KABC in Los Angeles may again say, “What do you want, Hughes?” maybe we could meet after all at the 7960 Jack’s for a discussion of your big “cut” on a radio show booking.

I’m sure it would at least pay for the meal, and by the way, why was I told the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) minimums in 1969 and again in 2009? I could make a lot of friends in LA by simply saying, “It did not go up that much.”

Always the same name,

William C. Hughes     



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