Thursday, January 18, 2018

More Soviet Propaganda

Dan Gray or Dan Black? Spying for Soviets, Dan?


Kent Harold –

I have a suggestion. May I attend a meeting where I’m discussed? The train fare is $15. In California, my quip was, “I’ll call 911 on myself” (While behaving lawfully). Get the joke? In this tradition, I have investigated myself regarding Ms. Streeper’s Facebook page. First, I discovered the e-mail heralding her comment has “vanished.” This can easily occur when deleting e-mail on Yahoo or MSN accounts. I do still have the commentary from her other “friends” during that session on the accursed internet.

Her page appeared on mine. I know not why. She had made a comment about someone or something being “geeked-out,” and my remark, to the best of my recollection was, “Geeky is good.” I could show you a sheet of notes where I simply scribbled, “The weathergirl wrote back.” I then looked-up your TV station, her publicly available biography, and there I jotted the contact information, along with the Sinclair market share. These notes are available for your inspection.

I further noted Ms. Streeper worked for “The Arch.” This means she surely resided in St. Louis, Missouri sometime in the past. Does she instruct all Facebook creeps who make comments like, “You are so hot!” to “Call me back at ten thirty.”??? I rather doubt it. Yes, I did work at several mental institutions, and for your information, it is often the social worker who goes to find the patient, so he or she can attend the Individualized Treatment and Rehabilitation Plan (ITRP) meeting.

I will continue to dream of things like a nice digital camera, such as the equipment you have, and an actor who looks like Donald Trump, after I “borrow” my old Missouri Department of Mental Health ward. I’d like to say, “Mister Trump, it’s time for you treatment plan meeting.” The actor is in an old-fashioned straight jacket we no longer use, and shouts, “I am the president! You can’t do this to me! I started a movement! I have rights! I have a lot of money!” My line as we go down the hall? “That’s right, Mister Trump, that’s right.”

William Hughes

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