Monday, January 22, 2018



Dear Mr. Szabo:

It was early 2014 when I was told of a Hungarian diplomat named Istvan Sandor, and I am not sure if that was another man with the same name or a suggestion I read-up on the real Istvan, which I did. The material was printed out at a public library, so I suppose I will look it up again and save it to this computer no one is crashing, stealing, or seizing with a cop badge. I have a lot of missing property, and I committed no crime I can recall since turning 18 except trying a few illegal drugs all my friends had procured first.

Please explain my lack of a photograph of my mom or dad. Explain how the Kennedy family may have been “caught” at the pool on vacation with this middle-class white guy who wants to exit the USA and never look back. Of Budapest it was a UBS banker in Switzerland who said, “I probably should not comment, but that is a good choice.” Another good choice would be to visit Prague, a place I was encouraged to travel to by several mysterious people in 1977 who may have wanted me “trapped” there and given a hard time by communists who were about to be retired by a bogus break-up of the Soviet Union.

That Russian trick was, in my opinion, the greatest political sham in my lifetime. Don’t expect polite speech out me of when it comes to Russia or the United States. On my summer tour I defended Jimmy Carter, the neutron bomb, insulted and later apologized to an Israeli F-15 pilot, plus I complained bitterly to Canadians about their wearing of the maple leaf on every item of clothing. I recall saying, “We put the flag on a blue jean jacket as a protest,” and I’m allowed to think: a). I was really born in Canada; and b). The four guys with maple leaf backpacks who had their mouths hanging open were Mounties either “spying” or trying to annoy me. They succeeded at the latter, as did “spooks” in Gander. Yes, the captain scarily said, “We’re out of fuel” on the third flight of my life, and I had been offered a seat on the L-1011 flight deck. Had I accepted, I may well have been murdered.

C.I.A. = Murder, Inc. right here in the USA, so why would I need at least one person along to visit Chicago? As my late dad said, “I’ve nearly died many times,” then when he did nobody was willing to tell me of this event. Instead, Satanic & moronic cults abound who threaten me and seem to want some money. Sorry, they can’t have any, and possibly they’d like to start a World War III. Who needs NATO? Our incompetent man with “The Button” wondered this, then he changed his mind, didn’t he?

Sir, I have no desire to see a Cubs game given the Cardinal uniform is now powder blue, you are not allowed to argue a call, and the TV replay ruined my favorite sport. Does Hollywood want my “baseball movie” where two umpires agree to throw the games with a confederate in the replay booth? Yes, they just get it wrong and it still sticks, much like U.S.A.’s explanation for the 9/11 attacks. Didn’t I write a book about that? As my old Irish boss Connor said, “The fix was in.” Maybe I can find a Hungarian literary agent, and I think they are still allowed to publish books in England.


William C. Hughes

p.s. When people are arrested and I get all of my property back, grandma’s home town in Hungary is circled on an atlas. You will be the first person given the correct spelling.

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