Monday, January 18, 2016

Political Plane Crash (Must be ICE)

#1 = “Shit!” #2 = Fuck!! #3 Goddammit!!

Who was spying on my HP the first time I looked up Governor Mel’s plane crash? He gave me a rare DMH raise, so…Silence, spooks! Shut up, military flat top! Cops? Be sure to maintain the fixed gaze as the fix remains in. Seems I see how my neighbor “The Runt” has shaved, thanks to Face Book. Ms. Rotter? She’s lost weight. Italy? Stay there! Where is his Hollywood prop to impersonate an alien race runt? Where is his very real device that drained the data off my laptop? Doing any spying on Ms. Fiorina? Ask Jeb, not me.

Not much investigation, NTSB. Afraid of Sheriff Boyer’s boys? I’m not, and we’re both still here. Could I start a company that replicates the little airplane and tower talk? Did the lawyers like it? A measly two million? The pump is not the problem, Jean. We need to talk. “Big Bill” has only two questions? Where is Chis Sifford’s address book? And? Who did not board Mel’s plane?

The boy from Chillicothe is where? I called his legal guardian. I also said to Charlie: “You know that Senate candidate Litton? His plane just crashed.” As with RFK, he was not happy. Heard of the legislation written by Wellstone & Domenici, MethBoy? They were not like that liar Paul Ryan and Dick “Butthead” Durbin. Yes kids, one was a Republican, and one was a Democrat. Pete is retired; Paul is dead. [Not Paul McCartney, that was a rumor].

Upon receipt of the Wellstone news, Bill Hughes said—too often—“What the fuck is that?” Then, unlike neighborhood WeedHounds, he read the report. Do you see any mention of ice? I don’t, but that is what the not at all “liberal” NaziMedia said & published. What was said was said by a pilot arriving before our murdered Senator, who said, given the Mr. Weathers conditions, there might be some icing.

What I surmised from the transcript was, with no mind-reading skills, the dirty aviator Wellstone liked figured, “Here’s a good place to crash the plane.” Drug debts? Depressed? Covert politics? Wife had a few boyfriends? Or, just plain nuts, but able to fly the plane? How about a “conspiracy theory” yanking in 9/11 V.P. Dick Cheney? I finally remembered his favorite political philosopher is Hobbes. Mine is Rousseau.

Houston, we have a problem, and I did not create it.

“Tonight, we are happy to have a brave sailor who fell overboard in the Red Sea. He woke up in a hash bar and has written a book titled, “The Real Iran: My Years With a Hookah and Hooker.” He’s now raising cattle and being visited by some very interesting craft in Montana, just down the road from Chet Huntley’s old.…               

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