Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Louisville Cardinals Have Won Their First World Series! [moved out of in 2018]

Hot Dogs! Cold Miller Lite! Fiddle Faddle! Peanuts! Cold Miller heah!

“Who’s paying for those folks?” asked the J.D. endowed sportscaster. Lawyers, Lawyers, Lawyers. Why was I not a lawyer? Like Charlie before me, I will tell the story again. The face is either a representative from SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL or WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN SAINT LOUIS. I said, “So basically, you have to lie.” There went the not Charles Evans legal career. (In 1976).

Years later, I’d tell the story from 80 E. Hillcrest, Suite 200 in the City of Thousand Oaks to a California lawyer who claimed to bill at $800 an hour. He said, “It’s not really lying, you are just putting your client’s position in the best light.” And, he gave the same poor guy legal referrals I had already called. Yes, Dr. Paul, he’d spent about 15 minutes or $200 worth of his time on the “Job Club” phone. When the computer did not like where you were going, it said, “PRISIM.” Later, always later, I’d find it was the name of an NSA program.

Fun it was to fantasize about showing up at their Ft. Meade gate with an Uzi, and the command, “Open up! It’s the goddamn president!” Later, much AC power would have been saved when the whole complex went to emergency lighting. The big speech to Con_gress? I could write it, but it is clear I will never give it. Neither will Senator Paul, apparently. If Bernie Sanders should win with a flying pig escort for the motorcade, I’m sure he’d phrase it differently.

Back to local news, I think my neighborhood should be razed and the lowlife tossed to make way for more military spying on the peoples. The satellite can see through clouds? Of course it can! It can see if it is a Milky Way or Snickers in your belly? Wow, that’s got to be illegal when someone comes to their senses.

Meantime, that sniveling jerk PAUL RYAN has HillaryCare in the garbage can of history already. ObamaCare? Who? What the hell happened to Wisconsin, Governor Walker? Long ago I looked out the bank window and wished I was one of the state bureaucrats. At least I succeeded at that, until the big layoff. Now, all are free to get “mental” and be shot by the cops. Why the bank president was smoking cigs and talking to me, I think will soon be clear.

How about a secret “love nest” on the 500 block of West Mifflin? Rosemary could leave her California family and..” No? How about a later version of the coop hippie chick with 1981 tinfoil. Smoking weed at the register? It’s not legal yet? Why not? How about the “hippie goddess janitor” who always seemed to join me in the elevator. I did not hit the STOP button, but I could make up a porn plot story.

What did my boss with an aircraft company last name say? “She’s big slut, and is in that bar down the street every night.” And what other woman was down the street in 1980? If my ex-wife has not died, she’ll tell you I said, “If that’s Caroline, I can’t go over there at eleven o-clock. They might call the cops on me.” Librarians, it is true I spit on the public sector carpet after a reply of Ted’s “The dream will never die” speech. Why? Because it did.
Want to argue, fake liberal National Socialist? I’ll buy you a gourmet lunch at McDonald’s, and we can exchange threats. Speaking of all that, it is on my wealthy guy “to do” list to talk the baseball Cardinals owners into moving to Nashville. What are you going to do about it, River City Boosters at the MAC? Nothing! Big mafia town! Big Black Ju Ju Voodoo town!! GOT ANY METH, Beth?

“Tonight, we are happy to have a special guest who began his career with Blackwater after poking his cat’s eyes out and later roasting his neighbor’s dog on the Barbie. America is more secure, there’s just no question, due to the valiant service of…

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