Thursday, June 29, 2017

Holiday Time in Hell

Merry Christmas, Jean!


Dear Mr. Burns:

Like a movie in need of a happy ending, I came across your name searching the internet for mine. Yes, it seems most all of us Hughes folk are from Wales, most of my 2009-2013 wacky California acquaintances seemed to think I am surely related to Howard the Aviator, and by implication the Howard Robard Hughes Sr. oil money. If they were correct, this pays no bills today, or tomorrow, unless I get safely out of Saint Louis, Missouri.

Why am I here? Finding myself “stuck” in downtown Los Angeles after retrieving some property in Ventura County, California I was approached by a Swiss woman who offered to pay my train fare. I kept up with her via Facebook for a time, but what is significant here is an embarrassing request for additional cash as I feared I’d be ignored by unsympathetic family and financially successful “friends.” I was correct, and Jean’s money went to a taxi before I found myself sleeping on bus benches in my home town!

Can you stop and fathom that? Lucky I was to visit Jean’s home called Bern in Switzerland during my version of what young people are calling a “gap year.” In 1977, this was alleged to be “goofing off” or worse. Yes, I dared go without wages for four post Political Science degree months, and stood accused of smuggling hashish! As I now joke, “Must be my last name.” Today, my one-half the USA poverty level pension income is not working out, however, given I spent many years as a mental health worker and state bureaucrat, perhaps it would be plenty as your new volunteer if someone is willing to house me.

I have produced two heavily-researched book manuscripts, yet “almost” landing a publishing contract pays no rent. Regarding my ten screenplays, I discovered through brutality and inhuman behavior directed at me, the writer is never to say “Not enough money” to a mighty Hollywood producer. Mine is an unbelievable story that would certainly find an audience at any pub in Wales, but never here. The neglect of my claim to talented English DNA has been ignored here out of either criminality, ignorance, or an elegant sociopathic combination of the two.

Please consider me as a volunteer, and it would be fantastic to recover my vita from a former employer without a court order. It’s that bad over here when it comes to the name “Hughes.” This is why my maternal uncles confused me as a child by saying, “You can always see a judge and change your name.” I refused to do that in Hollywood, so therefore, I think it’s time to visit Wales and maybe stay awhile.


William Hughes

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Johnny Meyer Weiner

May 7, 2017

Dear Chief KKK Klub:

I just heard a former congressman from Florida use the term “Brain Fart.” Let’s not tolerate any of that and stick only to FACTS:

§  I first suspected I might me related to Howard R. Hughes in 1966 when dad was flying around the nation way too much and buying extra flight insurance on TWA.
§  It came up again in 1968 when a Catholic nun put a news magazine on my 8th grade desk and said, “Howard Hughes is running for president.” I was the kid who said, “You can’t buy that office” and I here admit to being wrong. (Cost of Oval Office = $1,000,000,000)
§  In 1976, a guy from Boston said, “Hey Hughes, did you hear Howard died?” I read the news piece, and for nine and a half years have tried to allege: a). I am related to the man; b). He faked his death, and among other feats, shook my hand in a Catholic church during 1987.
§  Legal so far? I seem to be missing everything I ever owned, but that will be addressed later, likely through hundreds of civil legal actions.
§  Moving to the criminal side, this is what I have. First, it is a FACT that Clifford Irving wrote a book about Howard Hughes. He was discredited, the book was widely acknowledged as a fraud, and he later landed in prison.
§  The publisher that initially defended Mr. Irving was MCGRAW-HILL. That same publisher “wined & dined” me in early 1986 during a lengthy, multi-step job interview, yet I was not hired.
§  I now question whether my funders of an Ithaca, NY dinner were really from McGraw Hill.
§  Moving along to JOHN H. MEIER, during a recent innocent Internet search, I thought, as with many of the old “Hughes Empire” people, I’d find he is deceased.
§  Far from deceased, Mr. Meier has continued to “make a living” off the man I have “upgraded” from grandpa to genetically verifiable father.
§  Mr. Meier and his son Jim are operating several websites heralding upcoming movies about Mr. Meier’s life, the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, and Howard Hughes’ supposedly “shady” dealings with the Central Intelligence Agency.  
§  Could someone please Google search “Glomar Explorer” and admit to the FACT that Howard Hughes funded this ambitious project to raise a sunken Russian submarine. History says they recovered code books and three missiles sank to the bottom of the sea. My own 100% declassified research found they also got the nuclear warheads, and this is not the only sinking where the Russians returned to the site of a sunken sub to find their missiles & warheads gone.  
§  By golly, you’d think the local media would drop by and wonder when my book on the C.I.A., drug dealing, and 9/11 will be published. (I had a copyright certificate from 2006 which was seized by “bad guys” as with my Deep Purple compact disc that was on the front seat of a certain rental truck I last saw in Los Angeles).
§  I took the liberty of Google searching for Mr. Meier’s lawyer, who was located in Edgerton. I left a voice mail for him on 05/04/2017. During a five minute follow-up call on 05/05/2017 his secretary stated he had retired and given up his license to practice law. This contradicts FACTS, such as the aforementioned voice mail that is operational, an e-mail address that functions, and a web page that speaks to him being “open for business,” yet I was told by a female who would not even provide a first name that he has not been an attorney in the State of Wisconsin for a year.
§  The unidentified female at (608) 884-3391 was willing to discuss trivia, such as my time as a Madison resident 1979-1983. Given I worked at the Federal Reserve clearing house bank, I know where Milton, WI is but not Edgerton, which she described as being somewhere between Sun Prairie and Beloit.
§  Given I later worked for the State of Missouri and closely with seven sheriff departments and 60 police departments, by now you are wondering “What does he want?” This is oddly the same question Dale Pope’s employee kept asking. It is also what the staff at KABC in Los Angeles asked dozens of times 2010-2017 in this exact manner: “Hughes, what do you want?”
§  Over time, that will likely be BAKER HUGHES, HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS, HOWARD HUGHES MEDICAL INSTITUTE, HOWARD HUGHES CORPORATION, and then it gets tricky with BOEING taking the satellites and RAYTHEON absconding with “The Hughes Family of Missiles.” An actual former Raytheon employee had a 2010 exchange with me verbatim: Q: “Why did you quit Hughes?” A: “The new Raytheon people were a bunch of assholes.” I believe I had properly introduced myself as William or Bill HUGHES. The missile plant in Arizona was researched and found to be exactly as she had described it. Why do I receive very little postal mail, but Senator John McCain’s people replied every time? I believe you will find he represents Arizona in a 100 member club called the United States Senate, and miraculously no creep or kook has taken those envelopes from me yet!
§  So, what I want from you and possibly Rock County Sheriff Spoden, who may take interest, is one simple question for Mr. Dale Pope. It is: “Are you John H. Meier’s attorney?”
§  I think the proper responses are “Yes,” “No,” or “I cannot comment on that.” Did you know that both spy agencies and mental health agencies use the phrase “I can neither confirm nor deny…” and why would Pope be using language like that? What is there to hide? Possibly a little “spying” in China under cover of a “travel/history” video to go with Meier’s crazed allegations about Howard Hughes, assassinations, and the C.I.A.
§  It is a FACT that in California I was interviewed by two bogus “Secret Service” agents. This was documented at a public agency, and one of them asked: “Do you have any particular interest in assassinations?” Later, my joke as I told the story was, “Now I do!”
§  What happened next? A real Secret Service guy asked , “What do you think of Donald Trump?” (My impression was favorable back then, he was seen by me next to Trump as a candidate, and it is the same man).
§  As what my late dad who never denied being Howard Hughes’ son called yet another “zinger” I will note that Meier’s exploits led to another attorney and crusader for truth by the name of William F. Pepper. The text of my e-mail to Pepper is attached.

William C. Hughes             

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


"Jim, he's not dead!"

RANCID PREMIUS: Star Trek Extra & GOP Talking Head

“[Kleindienst] has the ITT thing settled. He cut a deal with ITT. I want something clearly understood, and if it’s not understood, McLaren’s ass is to be out of there within one hour. The ITT thing…stay the hell out of it. Is that clear? That’s an order.… I do not want McLaren to run around prosecuting people, raising hell about conglomerates, stirring things up… I don’t like the son of a bitch.”

-         Richard M. Nixon  05/13/1971

The audio please!

“For Christ’s sake, Charlie, there’s not a goddamn thing to worry about, and I guarantee it.  Now, I’ve talked to Bob too, and let me tell you, and let us be clear…this president does not want to see another tragedy. Charles, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.”

Let’s hear it!
(If Ms. Woods did not erase it)

Will B. Hughes
(NASW Member Since 1956)
(NASA Enemy If Someone Pays for an Apollo Movie)

Monday, June 26, 2017

More Dirty Marines!

Hey Tex! I think she noticed the "Disappearing Mailbox."
@Virginia & Bates

June 26, 2017

Dear Chief Veroerosa:

Let’s stick to Joe Friday facts. I was employed at Chestnut Health Systems 2004-2005. They are legally responsible for “crisis intervention” in Belleville, Illinois. I myself would consider a high-powered rifle firing near homes to be a “crisis,” but apparently Chestnut did not. The Belleville police? My dark humor explains them away in many cases of overlooked mental illness and dangerousness. It is: “They know him, they love him” until he shoots Republicans on a baseball field.

Mr.       loved Bernie Sanders? I don’t think so. This is a common “spy tactic” that goes like this: “Rant from the left, shoot from the right.” Then, Kelly Conway is permitted to sound downright intellectual. I don’t know diddly about guns, but it seems to me the man could have easily killed your police officers but did not. Why not? I think it is a matter of record the politicians were not killed. Don’t you wonder why they were not? This man was a right wing nut; that’s why. Bill Hughes knows Belleville, sir.

I also knew a guy in California named Chris Scalise. He drove a bizarre “hippie van” and had a dog named “Tara.” He played pool and would win money with his skills in “The Valley.” Cops might want to stop this vehicle and ask a question or two. Yes, I worked with many cops, and I fail to see another course of action besides shoot back, for which your people are being praised to the heavens by what passes for reporters of “news.” Your police are going to buy a Dr. Pepper and think about it? What is this national trend of “Cop Worship” when they are simply doing what they are trained to do? I remain highly trained to interview people like your shooter and say, “This guy needs 72 hours on the psych ward.”

Then, there is no shooting.

Most sincerely,

William Charles Hughes