Saturday, June 10, 2017

Shhhhhicago Security Services, LLP

I mistakenly thought the people of Missouri were BOB HOLDEN'S boss. How about former Congressman DICK GEPHARDT? Has he been, "Rubbed out?"

Need a Reference?

Here is the “Roster of References” 2014-2016.

Neil Brickel, M.D. This ex-Navy psychiatrist said, “I’ll write you a letter.” For a clinical job recommendation, with no employment-ready clothing, vita, or diploma to show for over three years? Nuts!

Eve Lipschitz, M.D. A Veteran’s Administration psychiatrist, Eve said, “You need a federal job.” (Such as administrator of the VA hospital I formerly monitored for the State of Missouri, perhaps?)

John Czernansky, M.D. A prominent researcher on Schizophrenia, it literally took three months and many “phone follies” to have the good doctor at Northwestern University on the line. Regarding our many meetings and classes when I was the “Family Education” instructor, he said, “I barely remember them.” He was the Medical Director and I was the Ward 3 East Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Dr. Csernansky admitted to advising on a movie and helping with fundraising, but when I asked for help in regard to my potential filmmaking he said, “I can’t do that.”

Sam Blumberg, PhD. It is not a violation of the HIPAA law to report the topic was MATT BALABAN, who filed a lawsuit against me, Dr. Blumberg, St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, and Eduardo Garcia, M.D., a psychiatrist. Matt had alleged there were tiny cameras and microphones invading his privacy, and I later discovered the plaintiff was correct. Matthew had a bad temper, not a disabling mental illness, and how well I can recall telling the now “missing” Assistant AG Jeannie Sierra this: “The guy could walk in and shoot us all” before I gave her one of Balaban’s  irate calls prior to the lawsuit. Jeannie had the knack for calming Matt down, which secretary Shirley Lattimore and I did not. I now wonder, given Ms. Sierra’s mention of U.S.D.O.J. attorney CRAIG MOREFORD as her “boss,” if the whole case and investigation was another farce intended to have me fired. Instead, Governor Bob Holden put the whole department out the door on layoff! On the command of local power-broker Joyce Aboussie? Maybe some St. Louis Democrats need to go to prison!

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