Tuesday, October 3, 2017


"Honey, I think those protesters in Saint Louis have gone too far."


Professor Flanders  

I just heard a network commentator refer to President Trump as “delusional.” If he is, I assure you I already looked for a legal loophole to remove a president when President Bush sounded like he had what I call “coke nose.” Was Trump’s famous sniffling during a debate an allegation Ms. Clinton was selling cocaine, or was Trump on the stuff as a candidate? (We mental health professionals sometimes call that “projection”).

I’m quite sure Judge Wilson was not partaking of white powder, but if I got my “soapbox” a maternal grandmother said I would be forced to speak out upon, I’d allege your cops are on “crank,” and that would help them keep going during the creation of a 2.4 million dollar taxpayer bill in the City of Saint Louis, and John Belmar apparently needs $920,000 for his cops. I’ve complained about Saint Louis County police in writing to document decades of “SpyCop” garbage. Problem? No one cares! (I’ve got letters from ACLU to prove it).

So, I will now submit to the Orwellian slipstream of narcissism and greed to at this point ask you to find me a damn lawyer. I got no further in your article than the “stand your ground” explanation. Yes, I will absolutely be relocating to a European town where there is a gun crime about every decade, or would I do better by joining the android-summoned Saint Louis crowd plotting to kill some cops?

For example, I am quite sure there were some black Muslims in the U.S. Army, and they were taught about explosives. The seven county region I served as a Missouri state official has a bad reputation alleging it is a haven for what I call a “Gun Nut.” And, I got to meet a few up close with only a Motorola analog cell phone that does not shoot anything when cops apparently had something better to do than provide armed backup.

I get help on this stuff, as when mysterious young women show up and have to ask “What’s going on?” three times as Dallas cops were being systematically shot by a guy with an assault rifle. These weapons are widely available despite the efforts of my namesake in Congress during the 1970’s  & 1980’s. It has been far too long since I found video of William Hughes trying to use what I’d politely call a “Procedural Maneuver” to outlaw the kind of weapon that shot at U.S. Senators not too long ago. The best part of the video is a certain “Dixiecrat” intoning “You got it, you got it” as a far younger Charles Rangel swings the gavel.

That brings me to my recently “exposed” as a Secret Service guy dad Charles. He had a gavel and a 7th Street office that looked like a lawyer’s because he was one! When I asked “Where did you get the gavel?” he simply said, “The judge gave it to me.” He was a little more ambiguous about Muny tickets, St. Louis Hawks tickets, Blues tickets, baseball Cardinal tickets, football Cardinal tickets, Harlem Globetrotter tickets, and PGA tickets, because the line was, “A guy gave them to me.” Given how much Charlie knew about the late husband of the St. Louis - LA Rams owner, I long ago concluded that “guy” must have been the team owner.

I here allege Charles Edward Hughes was skillfully “played” by the United States Government, because like Russians they determine your weakness, which in Charlie’s case was gambling and a desire for attention. They fed Charlie’s ego, whereas I was fed poisoned food often at a California homeless program. The former California AG is running for president? I’d like to politically assassinate her, and put Governor Brown in a federal prison’s rubber room. As my Lee Bus riding grandma said, “The craziest of them are out there running around.” Yes, I’m much more like Howard Jr. with a powerful desire for privacy and to simply be left alone. Mr. Hughes established his footprint in Las Vegas by asking, “How much does this hotel cost?” Five hotels later, he had to be “crazy” because Mormon and Mafia wise guys said so. How would my late mother get a handgun recognized as a .45? Borrow one from the Mormon bodyguards! (Now, try to discredit me, when I saw the gun pointed at Charles and would pass any polygraph exam in North America).

I have no intent to buy the Wayside, Chippewa, or Duplex motels on Old Route 66, and oddly no officeholder seems to want to talk about zoning their antics onto a historical society webpage. I have attempted a Brave New World “reach out” from the political left toward people like Bruce Franks Jr. who I asked to consider “bushwhacking” Senator Claire McCaskill in the Democrat primary. Republican senatorial excuses such as, “We just give out air conditioners” and “Thanks for calling, Mr. Hughes” buy not one day of housing, housing, housing. I know firsthand what HUD possibly does not. Ex-military living in vehicles sometimes preface their remarks with, “When the riots start…”

As I joked to my ex-spouse with a PhD, “Nobody likes a bread riot.” More recently to a media corporation I wrote: “All replies must be rational and be written in English.”

Good day,

William Hughes
BS Political Science,  Lindenwood University
MSW,  Saint Louis University

[My work is published often, but not lately!]

How about this p.s.? If I invoked the criteria you cite on p. 24, I could have killed three dogs and eight people in Zip Code 63111, including a postal worker who karate-chopped my mailbox. Of her tattoos and piercings an older mailman said, “That used to be against the rules.” Finally, this sentence of yours does not make any sense. I was accused of that by a California public official in a computer lab visited by fake “Secret Service,” one of whom was “fingered” as a county deputy. JOKE: Q: “What is against the law?”  A: “Any act that resulted in getting caught.” >>“There is no dispute, here, that Stockley caused the death of Anthony Lamar Smith, and did it aware that his actions were practically certain to cause the result.

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