Friday, September 29, 2017

Amazon: Hughes Wonders, "What is it?"

Jeff Bezos back when he had hair.

Jeff –

Would you like some free behavioral health advice from Howard Hughes’ son? If you admit you are going nuts, most likely you won’t. This brings me directly to the issue and hand and then some free advice. I actually managed to put a book on your site that is half a screenplay. The other half would cost someone 2 million dollars. I know the Create Space-Amazon alliance works, because someone ordered one, it was printed, and subsequently gifted to me.

As for the Kindled version, that can wait, because the same guy who gave me the book proceeded to steal the one I wrote about 9/11 and national security issues. That manuscript needs an agent and a “real” publisher, probably not in the USA. How about some “fun” books that are shorter than the 367 page masterpiece? If the customer can’t search by my NAME, they cannot find the book(s).

I’ve tried to call your people on the phone, and they are driving me nuts. I was instructed to contact something called “Author Central,” when really it is just a simple IT issue, or does someone not want me to sell any books? No movies since 1986, no books since 1996. Must be my last name, Jeff. I skimmed your Annual Report and read the first one entirely. The current document made little sense to me. Long ago in the early 1980’s, I noticed something, when the Super Bowl commercials were on. With many of the ads, I could not tell what product or service they were selling, and that spot costs a lot of MONEY.

What is Amazon? I noted your stock price is sky-high, so someone must think you are doing something of economic worth. I’d like to make some money too, so could you kindly add my name in your search engine as William C. Hughes, or I will be forced to go begging among drug-crazed movie industry types.


William C. Hughes 

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