Saturday, January 21, 2012

Never Before, Never Again

My, it's getting warm in the Goebel Computer Lab, and...I seem to have forgotten what I came in here for. 
On another relevant topic for old spies, I know why he fell down. Have you "Called the cops" yet, GSAC? Why? "Alyce" is getting a criminal complaint filed on her lying ass. So is "Minister & P.I." Rob. It's all about coonskins on the wall, and what color is the president? Who did I vote for until I was taken prisoner in "T.O." Mr. Independent?

It's my SAVANNAH. Now let's don't argue, Dougie. So mafia, this town!

And who is this? Silence! Or, ask Paris, and I'm just not talkin' that damn spyin' "double talk," am I Disney?

"I am pleased to present the Hughes Administration's highest honor, the Gold Rat Statuette. Made in China in more ways than one, ladies and gentlemen."

"Time warp? What the [EXPLETIVE DELETED is this [EXPLETIVE DELETED]? Get General Dickhead in here! What? A telegraph key? Whatever the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] still works around here! Jesus! Why did they stick me in this [EXPLETIVE DELETED] job?"

So you think I enjoy starving to death in full view? You are going to a FEDPEN, Mister Starched Undies. I have three "escape plans" that cannot be foiled. Let us not trouble the "ASS" (Above Secret Service) people any longer. May I tell the "Maple Leaf Backpacks Story" on TV? Thanks, kook! Want an update? How I enjoy JPL riding by taking a look at the "E.T. Chasers." Yes Ruskies, I do rehearse my lines, like, "Forty feet down...kicking up some red dust." Hey Buzz, you suckl!!! Who stole my model rocket? Who stole my speech meet awards? See you in North Carolina, where I'm going to make the hall look like a painting. (From my perspective on the (D) Orwell Stage, Rich McDaniel.)

He tried very hard in Iowa. [more than once] Where did my Dick Gephardt quote go, Newt? It may have been "disappeared" by Martians, but more likely not.

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