Monday, January 2, 2012

The USPS Mailbag Runneth Over

Were any "super-straight" American greats in danger of going to jail over non-moving violations? It's enough to make me want a fast car, in order to EARN my tickets. Let us embarrass them with some "top choice" quotes. Why do political writers read a lot? To gain inspiration from the rants of others. No, I am not getting in trouble for the behavior of others, and Jill has been informed of my hourly rate for psychotherapy. It's a bargain!!! [One-half of my reimbursement rate 20 years ago. As my baseball coach exclaimed, "What do you want, gravy?"]

"I'd rather raise hell than raise vegetables."
- Eleanor "Cissy" Patterson

"So, you've got to ask what point is this [Texas] budget akin to asking an anorexic person to lose more weight."

- Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro

"Yeah, 'cause people can get into those computers."
- Alan G. [on my future Olympia manual typewriter]

"[a sane politician] recognizes man is indeed his brother's keeper, insists that the laborer is worthy of his hire, demands that justice shall rule the mighty as well as the weak" [my emphasis]
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

"Texas is going to shrink government until it fits in a woman's uterus."
- Texas Sen. Leticia Van de Putte

"There's an evil mutant gene in the Republican Party. I don't know if there's any cure for it."
- Former Texas Lt. Governor Bill Hobby

"The gap between sizzle and steak never seemd so large or alarming, and inquiring minds want to know what went wrong" [with Barack].
- Noemie Emery

"We're kind of disappointed in him" [Obama].
- "Dani"

Now I know why "they" fought that Word Press hughes for governor blog so hard.
Gotta start somewhere.
Am I in New Hampshire?
Which state? Do you have problems like this?
No, you don't.

Aircraft? Why I'm a "schizophenic,bipolar,adhdmess." Rachel, could you bring a damn DSM-IV? I seem to be writing DSM-V, again without any compensation, although Mr. Bruce did toss me an advocado. It's even ripe.

"Alright, position and hold on the, uh, left side".
"Final appears clear. Transponder is TARA"
"Brake? Thank you. Brake fans?"
"Fans are off"
- Two guys about to crash a really big airplane [I have no idea why. Actually, I do.] COURTESY OF NTSB

Shot through the head, because he's so sane
Mister Hughes won't play games
Sung to a certain Bon Jovi tune.
Gina's diner? Not today.

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