Wednesday, September 13, 2017

216 File Clean-Up

This building was "flimsy" and airplane parts would fall off.
Recent 2001 video indicates spies would have been hit on the head.
The titanium engines would have gone through your Dilbert cubicle...
...and landed on the street for NTSB inspection.

Who designed the building?
Japanese guys.
They were still sore about being nuked? Twice!
We go to the Pink Floyd, and their reference to...
"The Wiley Japanese."

My pal Caroline K. was fired as the ambassador over there.
Perhaps she heard a rumor of some sort.
We all know what Donald Trump was doing, right?
Watching out the window and providing play by play commentary.

He knew it was coming?
How did Mr. Trump get his new job?
We go to a Hollywood movie line from a right-wing mouth:
"Corruption...that's how we win!"

Domestic Law Enforcement Agency Admits Trip to Secret CIA Prison
The Bureau of Prisons (BOP) recently admitted for the first time that two BOP officials visited a CIA “black site” prison in Afghanistan in 2002. The agency submitted legal filings confirming the visit during the course of an ACLU FOIA lawsuit  – seven months after the bureau told the ACLU that it had no records in response to the ACLU’s FOIA request for information on the visit, which was revealed in a Senate report. Afghan detainee Gul Rahman died at the prison in November 2002 after being “short shackled” overnight, and “likely” freezing to death – a technique the CIA implemented after flying the BOP officials to Afghanistan.

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FBI Director James Comey wanted to write a New York Times op-ed revealing Russia’s campaign to influence the U.S. presidential election back in the summer of 2016 — but then-President Obama stopped it, according to Newsweek.
Citing two sources with knowledge of the matter, Newsweek reported: “Comey pitched the idea of writing an op-ed about the Russian campaign during a meeting in the White House Situation Room in June or July.”
One source told Newsweek: “He had a draft of it or an outline. He held up a piece of paper in a meeting and said, ‘I want to go forward.'”
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July 16, 1967
Newark Riot Deaths at 21
As Negro Sniping Widens;
Hughes May Seek U.S. Aid
New Blazes Flare
Fire Captain is Killed - Governor Scores `Insurrection'
Special to The New York Times [please check this], Sunday, July 16 -- The Negro districts of Newark erupted again last night and early this morning. Four persons were killed during the night, bringing the total to 21 as the fighting went into its fifth day.
Incensed by the slaying of a white fire captain by Negro snipers, Gov. Richard J. Hughes said he was considering an appeal for Federal help in capturing the terrorists.
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SUPER: "Washington, D.C. - 2013"

Young children GIGGLE and SQUEAL as they participate in the annual Easter Egg Roll. PRESIDENT SHAW and the FIRST LADY make their entrance and begin to mingle with the GUESTS.

SOUND: WAILING sirens from emergency vehicles.



SUPER: "Seattle, Washington"

Two POLICE CARS and a TACTICAL VAN weave through traffic, emergency lights FLASHING.

SOUND: The President and First Lady’s SMALL TALK is heard in the background under the SIRENS.


“Defense against foreign propaganda and disinformation, is a related neglected field. Perceptions management of these types is a major preoccupation of the statecraft of many foreign countries and movements. In contrast to normal public diplomacy, it often involves dishonest manipulation of the truth. Despite the remarkable effectiveness of these activities, the United States and other Western countries have systematically failed to study the entire subject of propaganda and to develop defenses against them. The result has been a greater vulnerability to foreign attempts to distort accurate perceptions of reality and to influence policies that result from those perceptions.
There is the related problem of defending against strategic deception as well as overt and covert political influence operations.  It was 2,500 years ago when Sun Tzu counseled that an effective way to defeat a foreign enemy is to place lies on the desk of the enemy king.  If the king can be persuaded by them, he will act against his own kingdom’s interests.  This is a dimension of counterintelligence which has long been neglected by the national security community.”

Why won't anyone drive me to Houston? How about LA? Not related to Howard Sr.? Heard of DNA? -Hughes
get off the fucking internet

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