Tuesday, September 26, 2017

More Sad Stuff


RV Congresspersons:

One observation, one story please. From what I heard in the run-up to your rigged by Russians election, I think it is CNN okay to say, “I got screwed” by not only Mormons but a cast of thousands. When I called Harry’s Reid’s office from a borrowed Samsung Galaxy phone, this remained humorous, whereas now I’m out for military and spy agency scalps.

Later, a Cornell-trained engineer would give me a phone that did not help. Just today, when I appealed for help from a professor who had written a paper on the FOI process, it was as if a military satellite had pierced his skull to say “I can’t help” before I even asked for anything. As a matter of fact, there is defense-intelligence crap in orbit that can control your mind, and they were only working on that in Nazi Germany since about 1935, so in 1978 they succeeded with penetrating a few select skulls.

By 2008 I was confined to the first of three spaces I call a “Mafia House.” Fully aware I was paying $925 per month to be “bugged” I shouted, “I’ll shoot that shit down!” I don’t like Donald Trump’s tactics, but it is clear at least he did not abuse his kids. Using the term “wiretapping” in this NO PRIVACY digital era was quaint, and what the youth call a LOL moment for me. I now know why when I stated my birth record home as the destination, my Swiss financier said, “Are you sure?”

Here is how it went:

#  5 months of pipe banging to deprive me of sleep at 5819 Michigan. Selling “weed” upstairs? This is no problem when Hughes calls the cops only to ask if the shit has been decriminalized. If I were California Czar I’d hang the pot shop owners and light the marijuana fields on fire.
#  20 months of wall, porch, door, and air conditioner banging at 216 Nagel. Sleep? I barely knew what it was. When the address has a 30-40 year history of selling illegal drugs, it is hard to drive the leeches away. Despite every type of weapon on the wall at your average gun shop being fired in my vicinity, I got out of there alive. My challenge for all Navy Seals who have cashed-in on the First Amendment when I cannot is to turn my back to the firing of guns and tell surprised weapons experts what is shooting. This is more than a little odd for a “gun hater” to have such skills, and who is going to sit in prison over taking my original 1982 Handgun Control poster with the big red, white, and blue .38? Does the average white punk on dope know who got shot in 1981 outside the D.C. Hilton Hotel? Probably not in education-impaired St. Louis. No arrests? Could civil war II begin soon? I’m getting too old to legally kill KKK, militia rednecks, and less organized racists.
#  12 months of motel money was almost worth it, but the “we” in the sky likely noticed that when a car is in front of the door or a female informant is in the chair all is quiet. Remove these conditions and then the drill apparently calls for paying thousands more only to be driven crazy by some cleverly timed BANG BANG BANG and then you “check-out” in a hearse after a suicide or heroin overdose. Not me, dude. Seven more months of sleep deprivation and torture in the USA was not okay! 

“John the Mailman,” a mighty scribe of the 1980’s who published a fanzine called Jet Lag cannot be correct when he said, “Bill, no one cares.”


William C. Hughes

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