Friday, September 1, 2017

Homer Simpson's in Springfield!

Where was Josh? Branson? Looking for more stolen horses?

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November 25, 2016

Mr. Goffstein:

I hope you listened to my voice mail after hearing your interview on KTRS. I have been accused of many mental disorders and being “all over the map” on what finds me “trapped” in a motel with next of kin saying, “Don’t ever call us again.” My offense? There was none! Let’s not talk about their drug abuse and alcoholism, because the lack of focus diagnosis is Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). I don’t have that, or any diagnosis, mental or physical. (It’s a minor miracle to take only an 81 mg aspirin at age 60 and survive this long with a $518 pension from working more than 8 hours per day at the Missouri Department of Mental Health).

Let’s Ford Focus on Baker Hughes (BHI), an “oil services company” as I continue to wonder where my intentionally wrecked vehicles went. My many communications with BHI began on April 4, 2014. More recently, I had a male voice on the phone in June of this year after talking to a half-dozen females and loitering males that fed supposed receptionist Linda S------ questions. He was considering accessing company funds to send a delegation, and gave me Linda’s true position on the company flow chart. Prior to that, I was consistently put on speakerphone, and later Linda would move to a private office, presumably to escape the hubbub over my calls. This is the corporate procedure for a “nut” named Hughes? I think not.

I would be happy to find each and every journal note on these calls after I am moved to safe housing, because this Route 66 motel is not that. I have all of the first names of Baker Hughes females and one male, plus extension numbers some of my calls were transferred to. Thanks to a Bloomberg video, I could testify in court I heard CEO Martin Craighead in the background. Linda knows that like Howard Hughes, Jr. I intentionally refer to him as “Craig.” On one call I said, “It’s going to cost me twenty three million to get Craig out the door.” And? Ms. S------ several times said, “I’ll call ‘ya back, sugar” and did. I playfully called her “honey.”

I am confident this is no news story if you could get them on an airplane, because I did not know until recently Mr. Craighead has a Penn State engineering degree and “worked his way up.” My new joke about the GE takeover bid remains, “Why don’t we start making washing machines?”

Happy Holidays,

William C. Hughes

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