Another Missouri Republican readies his march to the Statehouse
24, 2017
Rep. Franks –
another bus ride and yet another simulated gunshot,
I’m pretty pissed myself. On top of that, I noted it takes an Indianapolis TV station
to show video of the Saint Louis County cops behaving like goons in the mall we
all know is private property. May I quote red light runner and police apologist
McGraw Millhaven? On AM 550 he arrogantly said, “Nobody shops at the mall anymore”
during his “Thumbs Down” for daring to protest. I guess he has a drone deliver
his shoes after ordering on-line. I don’t have any decent shoes, but I’ve got
an idea.
Claire McCaskill is on my “shit list” too for foot-dragging on mom’s federal
employment records and dad’s Army-Navy records. (They said 2 weeks at most to
get going and it has been 8). Given all of the bad “pub” in St. Louis, and I’m
sure you know McCaskill hails from out west, why don’t you file in the Democrat
primary and bushwhack her from the left? A rich ex-friend of mine uses the word
“parlay” like my late mom. It’s not “opportunistic” to run mainly on a “No More
Fergusons” platform, and who cares when I’ve seen city cops barreling through intersections
without a siren on and had county cops lie to my mental health worker face more
than once.
TV and cable news “optics” are so bad, you might win and leave it to me to
already have your luxurious office located. Chinese food is right next door,
and the Shrewsbury cops either wave at me or crack jokes, so what would you
lose except other people’s money? I’d have to be paid to answer the phone and
talk bad about McCaskill and Roy Blunt.
was at Disneyworld in 2004 when the phone kept cutting off when a lobbyist was
telling me Matt Blunt would not give us our state jobs back. I’ve been an angry
white man ever since! Additionally, the California Highway Patrol woman who was
one of many who chatted with me during 2012 & 2013 should be widely quoted.
She said: “We don’t chase anybody.”
Black lives do
not matter.
Neither does
a great day,
C. Hughes, MSW
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