Friday, February 10, 2017

Days of Our Lies

February 10, 2017

Dear Professor Rankin:

I felt decidedly unloved as I began reading Mr. Junejo’s paper. Last evening, I recommended my African-American homeless rights advocate get plenty of rest, and of course, as with many psychotherapists I don’t follow my own advice. If Liz thought I was sounding too emotional, I apologize. This Hughes is not among the astringent corps of happy liberals. What I need to do is to give a very loud, good old fashioned, full of denunciations, fist pounding on podium speech.

The problem is, I have no audience for it here in St. Louis, but I continue to seek one. Apparently, the Google server suddenly does not like your .edu address, but a genealogy researcher got through on MSN’s mainframe. I was fretting to him about an expensive piece of electronics made by a company named Hughes that may have caused Mr. Trump’s first anti-terror raid to go bad. By golly, I researched my screenplays so well I mentioned the old version of it in my #9 as an F-18 Hornet crashes. Amazing it is that I lived long enough to talk to a guy who is trying to sell those airplanes to Canada.

A simple statement would be: “Running for congress is hard” which is why I called the FEC with a few questions yesterday. Seems to me self-styled “progressives” are up to their eyeballs with their lawfully inherited money, but I can’t have any. So “fair & balanced” I am! Eight years of complaining about Reagan. Eight years of complaining about Bush. And yes, I complained for eight years about Mr. Obama. Why did Clinton get off the Hughes hook? In an excellent unpublished book, I called it “Pax Clintonia.”

What was Pax Clintonia? Every black male with a college degree was free to lease a BMW. No female with a big student loan debt went without a job. Every white public sector liberal in Missouri was thankful for Governor Carnahan’s 1% raise. Why? The health plan cost was peanuts, the coverage was good, and I myself did not pay a dime toward the pension that now buys me cigarettes to smoke as I waste my sorry life wholly underutilized. Why? In the political realm, I don’t think much of the Los Angeles mayor, and I detest Jerry Brown. I can tolerate Charles Schumer on a good day, and as for Dick Durbin, my contact with his staff amounted to what the aforementioned advocate calls being “brushed off.” The summary on Democrat Senator McCaskill would be “The old run-around.”

Why did Trump win the Electoral College vote? If we toss out Russian shenanigans it was simply because people are tired of being lied to by do-nothing politicians! Why was his wave of “populism” from the political right? I guess you had to be there when I could not politely disengage from talking to an ardent 2008 Ron Paul supporter who had been in the military. Yes, I looked in the Concord, NH Joe Biden for President Office and wondered if I’d ever have a guy, a storefront, and a few computers. That’s how it all starts up there! As for musing over a 1991 photo of George H.W. Bush entering the same office I did, many humans first have to believe my story. There was also a photo of three big black limousines out front with no “goons” in sight. Why Hillary Clinton looked so young in her Polaroid I could have been convinced it was from longer ago than 1995. She stood by her man and went in there to file for him too. (I guess Bill was busy that day).

What does this have to do with your work in Washington State? Not much, except I’d rather end up elected to a public office and not become homeless so I’m inevitably arrested for something or other. I’m so far to the left except for a few “Alt Right” zig zags, one of my slogans is: “Police State since 1947.” Read the National Security Act lately? I did in about 2004, and this tends to start your slide to the gutter unless you have some big money. Want some jokes?

“How can you determine if the C.I.A. has a charter?”
“Subscribe to Charter Cable.”

“Did you hear about the C.I.A. guy in Iran?”
“His nickname is ‘Solo’”

“Why would the C.I.A. be in my bank account?”
“Middle East posts are way too dangerous.”

“What would it mean if air raid sirens went off?”
“Either North Korea got lucky, or Conway’s Amazon account closed.”  

Thanks again,

William C. Hughes, MSW, QMHP

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