Friday, March 31, 2017


Hole in the Pentygon? Just cannot be an airplane, kids!

Josh, Carney & Co. –

Thanks to another government windfall that is still not my 2006 Handcock Amendment refund, I could now afford to take a speedy Metrolink train full of Schizophrenia/Bipolar research study ads, be killed by a stolen .38, come back like Jesus on the Wellston platform, and then take a loser-filled bus to Westport. There sits the Starbucks where Lohan’s Herbie producers wanted to talk, but Bill has to play it straight and send query letters they tend to ignore. (Try it; you won’t even get a form letter back).

The topic, however, would not be humorous because my stalker cop captain is no delusion or joke. He needs to sit in the county jail, and that’s not Killen’s story due to the fake CBS reporter’s card I could show you. If I ever get my first Google box back, I could also show you the blog piece making fun of Carney’s DWI. Try to tell if my impersonation of Post-Dispatch scribe McClellan is Bill H. or Bill M.!

Write back; or not,



Hail Donald!
He has almost made America great again!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

From Aug 13, 2013

Tilden, as we said in high school, "Aw, piss on it."
Pete -

A call-taker, producer, or maybe on-air talent who calls himself "Marko" is supposed to meet with me today. In case he does not, you tell those piece of shit large & small ACB/Cirrus executives I want a two-hour 790 slot to sound all big-money Libertarian and make fun of our monkey-POTUS who does not think dead ambassadors, missing and absolutely free for Mexican drug cartel boys assault rifles, plus listening to all of our phone calls is a neo-nazi "problem." What will I say on your right-leaning corporate air? "Worse than Communist China, worse than Soviet're next on seven ninety."

Conservatives skate? Oh no, I'd tell them the City of Los Angeles is as good as burned down by angry mobs and/or nuked by an opportunistic terrorist if they don't let some very smart and honest people in as pale bureaucrats at the Human Services Agency (HSA). Hughes HSA stories? Your sponsors will love it! [As will the audience, when I stomp ass in my time slot, so you will have to give me a raise, right Bob V.? Right!].

CALLER: "Aw Hughes, you are nuts. I just got my sex change operation under Medical and married my dog. We love California, and now, I think I'll light-up a joint and smoke it while we talk."

ME: "Thanks for calling, Bozo. You're next on seven ninety."

CALLER: "Hughes, your grandpa was a card-carrying Communist."
ME: "I did not see him in front of that HUAC mess, did you? What an idiot! You're next on seven ninety."  




It is 8:38 a.m.
Will "Marko" prove me wrong?
"Time to call the Kennedy [library] guard."
It's free!
You can call them too!
Caroline was not on vacation with us in Kentucky?
No KY State Police stories today.


p.s. 10:13 a.m.--Listening to Pete T. and the doc discuss foot odor as I type. That reminds me to put some free Starbucks napkins in my shoes. Good as the commercial product by Dr. Scholl's!!
12:15 p.m. Listening to KSHE 95 now, AND MY FUCKING TOE IS ABOUT TO FALL OFF. A cocksu^king clinic in Calfornia? No. Get it? NO.

Monday, March 27, 2017

"He's just like the other Bill"

Bill Veeck


Ms. Blum

You dare to ask “What’s up?” in a text while I was in a grocery store I shunned as a state employee? My late mother, who I believe was tortured, driven “crazy,” and then murdered would say this: “Chicken’s butt; ten cents a slice.”

After paying for a money order going to a motel I do not want to stay at, I met a young man sitting outside. I talked to him briefly because he had that newly popular look thanks to Obama’s voodoo economics. (Meaning he looked in “millennial transition” a.k.a. HOMELESS).

He had a story, as all drifting from job to job, out of focus youth do. Apparently he knows a rich guy in California who will allow him to stay in his Huntington Beach house. I said, “Okay, I’ve got a movie producer who would offer a deal if I ever get there.”

He gave me a twitter address that turned out to be real. He’s from St. Louis, and he looked far better in the twitter photo. Perhaps a bad complexion does mean “Too much meth.” In California, I thought not. One thing is for sure. If he calls from anywhere but the state where I am on a lifelong mission to put Jerry Brown in the slammer, he cannot stay in this motel room.

Wayward females cannot enter the room. The housekeepers may enter the room with the greatest of trepidation. You once wrote me an e-mail in your clipped manner that said. “Cool! Radio show!”

That was WGN, and it is now a kooky Christian station. Liz Brown is where? Oh, she moved to Chicago. Chuck Norman, the owner, died. Charlie Hughes died. Many are dying in California who knew “William.” Here, I am known as “Bill.” And, in keeping with one of few FCC Third Class licenses on the KCLC bulletin board, I pitched another radio show to some ABC guys who are likely more worried about some meaningless crap trending on the Yahoo page.

Back when I believe the Culver Hughes guys shot a LASER at a Pentagon satellite from mine, it was Paul Grundhauser having a shit fit over how to turn the radio station back on. Finally I said, “Paul, I’m going back to the dorm.” In my hand was a piece of teletype paper that said:


All hail North Korea!
May the fearless sort of communist leader vanquish money-grubbing shits with a lucky shot!
Hail, hail, North Korea!
(The Berkeley leftist hates everything, so why not put her out of her misery)
Go, go North Korea!
(The rich studio Jew cares for no one but himself. Take him to hell)

Money-grubbing motherfuckers still panning for gold with an I-pod, eh?
Pray for our North Korean heroes and their brave rocket scientists!

3,2,1,…Let’s have a “blast,” right Pam?
(The Boeing missile shield does not work, dear. Sad it is I know what does). 


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Dear DMH Deaf Services



Mr. Sparky – 

Here’s the deal. I’m “blowing up” the White House switchboard before I call you Monday. Where is my letter from George W. Bush? What was it about? You have to pay me. What did the Executive Office of the President respond to by FedEx Next Day presumably with the documents I asked for? You have to pay me. 

During Obama’s second miserable year, I was told, after a long White House hold to, “Look at Bush’ library” which conveniently had not been completed yet. I was calling from the “T.O. Job Club.” What is that? You have to pay me. Why would a local mental health advocacy group and the County Executive withhold the name of a cop who threatened me on tape in 2005 and again in-person during 2013? You have to pay me. I will note his nickname is “Captain Cocaine.” [However, at his age it is probably the newer, maybe undetectable by standard drug screens meth]. Did I mention you have to pay me? 


V2912324 > Hughes v. Planet Earth 


Have a nice day, 


William C. Hughes

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Mr. Hearing Was One Angry Native American



Dear Angie –

I just want to let your know I’ve totally given up on all genealogical research. If you want to take photos of the family grave plot, that would be nice, but as I said I am no longer fighting over pennies to try and prove I’m related to trillions.

For example, just today on a news network someone asked a reporter to rate all of the Russian hacking allegations from a 1 for “coincidence” to a 10 for a factual case. The reporter said, “I’m at a seven.” Well, I’m at a 10 about being related to Howard Hughes and about a 7 on James Leonard being from Australia, not Ireland.

Why would the relatives fib on his origins? Have a few of Bill’s “coincidences.”

ü  Howard Hughes separated from his first wife in 1926, my late dad was born in 1927, and in 1928 my “dirt poor” maternal side bought the grave plot you can see, I cannot. No coincidence! Why can’t I visit? Didn’t I mention nobody will drive me one mile in my home town?

ü  On an Amtrak train, there was an Australian woman over my right shoulder. She looked rather physically fit, but if I say I had a secret “bodyguard,” then I’m nuts. No, why not hear her voice on a recording I sneakily made? (I’ve been doing that since 5th grade). Oh, she’s not English, and why did they try to throw her off the train? Kevin Killeen at KMOX and McGraw Millhaven at KRTS don’t seem to care.

ü  No security problem? On the same recording, I caught a guy behind me issuing a gun violence death threat, but nobody wants to hear that, they want to steal it.

ü  Next? Here comes the rap music and a black guy who said, “You going to St. Louis? Lots of people are shot and killed there.” Thanks, I’ve known that since I started reading the newspaper first grade.

ü  This all continued with a Michigan Avenue apartment where weed-smoking thugs partied on the third floor, just like in New Hampshire. When I called the police and alleged drug dealing, the Concord cops said, “Don’t take that on alone” and did nothing. I wrote twice to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and they did nothing, then all of my computers were seized by cooks. The copy of my hard drives containing the letters is in Ellisville, Missouri but that’s way too far for my drug dealing family or “friends” to drive, I suppose.

ü  The “drug shit” never ends, because when I smelled potent marijuana in my hall on Michigan, I called the cops simply to ask if maybe it had been decriminalized in my absence. “No sir,” said the cop. “Do you want us to come over?” he asked Would you say “Yes” when you are paying rent with cash and do not even have a bank account yet? Why did the ATM card arrive the day before I was whisked away from there under threat of eviction over ”noise” I did not make? Again, this has a lot to do with drugs I don’t take or even know what the hell they do to you. Since I cannot tell a lie and an ancestor worked for George Washington, again as in Concord when I would moan & complain about the neighbors it was done in the most acoustically dead room of either the $925 per month New Hampshire house or the $350 per month St. Louis house. (This was the kitchen at both addresses). Both owner guys were named “Tony,” and if they know each other, they were possibly “set-up” like in the movies I don’t make, but I sure wrote them.

ü  My late dad had a buddy in Sydney, Australia. When I asked him if he ever visited, Charles Hughes said, “That ticket is way too expensive. I can’t afford that.” I now think dad was lying, which is why my stack of TWA insurance envelopes were taken). Back in 1966, I opened one of them and it said, “Washington, D.C.” as the destination. The rest were tossed in a stack. (I suppose that is not my dad in a photo at the 1964 Republican National Convention). Yes it is! Further, he is next to a brand new ABC mini-cam which the other networks would not have until 1968. (Howard’s deal to buy a majority of ABC fell through? I’m not so sure, but it is a fact he bought ABC Sports).

ü  What did mom say about Barry Goldwater? “That man is crazy!” (I think she voted for Lyndon Johnson).

ü  Now, I’ve found a very funny comedian named Steve Hughes who is from Australia. He says whatever he wants, but I cannot. (I might as well be bound & gagged in this damn motel room). How did I find Steve? By looking at the credits of a video by a guy I helped get started on his comedy career. (Rich Hall). Rich too can say whatever he wants, not me. That is why I’d like to leave the USA and go to England, because nobody can deny “Hughes” was one of the first names in Wales.

ü  The ancient people there were rather warlike, so my dad’s idea of a “clue” was to put a “Hagar the Horrible” cartoon on my door. It was later put in a box somebody is going to prison over taking.

ü  No ADD, ADHD, or PTSD came about from listening to mom & dad arguing about buying a house in St. Louis County. I almost had a deck overlooking I-270 with an in-ground pool, but just like Columbia University for me, Charles declared, “We can’t afford it.” I wondered for decades why they bought the house they did, and apparently it was all about an exit sign. It says, “ADELADIE,” which is also a city in Australia.

ü  Not so funny was my Uncle Ralph’s gift of a boomerang “From Australia,” he said. When daddy threw it, it came back. When Ralph threw it, it came back. When I threw it behind Tommy Baker’s house, it did not come back, and some “little kid” helped himself to it. (This is also where my huge model rocket crash-landed, but I’m not allowed to be at a real launch yet). How about one in North Korea? That is how tired I am of the local “play dumb” crap.

ü  Dad was also, I accidentally discovered, the Junior Class treasurer at CBC High. I was the president of the whole shooting match out there on Redman Road at Rosary-Trinity, and they can all go to hell along with the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Google the name “William Gay” and wonder if I should become a Mormon.

ü  More family trivia? Why was there a .45 handgun that did not shoot in mom & dad’s Bellefontaine Neighbors dresser drawer? That’s what Howard’s Mormon bodyguard’s carried. The directive when all six guns were drawn was, “Step back from Mister Hughes.” I myself prefer that “Made in Israel” Uzi submachine gun if I ever get any of my inheritance. 




Bill Hughes

Friday, March 24, 2017

Spelling B

Don't make fun of Trump's new Press Secretary.
A hot Russian babe means you got it going on!

DON EDWARDS, California
JOHN CONYERS, Jr., Michigan
MIKE SYNAR, Oklahoma
BARNEY FRANK, Massachusetts
HOWARD L. BERMAN, California
HARLEY O. STAGGERS, Jr., West Virginia
MEL LEVINE, California
JACK REED, Rhode Island
Hushes, Hon. William J., a Representative in Congress from the State of New Jersey, and chairman, Subcommittee on Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration
Klinghoffer, Lisa, daughter of Leon and Marilyn Klinghoffer, on behalf of the Leon and Marilyn Klinghoffer Memorial Foundation of the Anti-Defamation League, accompanied by Jess Hordes, Washington representative, and Michael Lieberman, associate director and counsel, Anti-Defamation League, Washington, DC 14
Mr. Hughes. The Subcommittee on Intellectual Property and
Judicial Administration will come to order. Good morning, and welcome to the hearing of the subcommittee on H.R. 2222, the
Antiterrorism Act of 1991.
H.R. 2222 provides a new civil legal cause of action for international terrorism by providing for extraterritorial jurisdiction over terrorist acts against U.S. nationals. It, therefore, parallels criminal legislation which we enacted in 1986, which I might say moved out of this committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee. That law, the so-called "long arm" statute, provides extraterritorial criminal jurisdiction for acts of international terrorism against U.S. nationals.
The provisions of H.R. 2222 have already passed the House as
part of H.R. 3371, the 1991 crime bill. However, the conference report on that bill has been lingering in the Senate for almost a year and its fate is relatively uncertain.
I have, therefore, scheduled this hearing and markup on H.R.
2222 as a freestanding bill because of its importance and bipartisan support.
Bipartisan support?
In 2017, what the trolls, amateur terrorists, and tweekers want to hear is, “Hey! Shut up or I’ll fuck you up!!”
“The right and honorable gentleman from Newbury Park has the motel balcony.”
“Hey! Hey you! I’m talking to you, you big fat Russian piece of shit! What the fuck are you doing here? Selling dope?”
“…Democracy In Action is sponsored by Amgen and a Silence for Science grant from the National Institute of Health.”