Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Burning Revolutionary Fervor

I'm a big tipper, girls. When I have money.


Marcella Cab Co. –

I got a new phone number for the black woman who mentioned Jamie Foxx. There have been some bad developments in her life, and I’d like to see her, so I’m about to hijack a cop car after some meth-fired idiot shoots and kills one. Did you know I went out on a call with the dead St. Louis County cop? He may have been killed because I was there—it has gotten that bad.

I am Howard Hughes’ son. For more of your information, I am quite sure there were additional plotters over at these slummy motels who were planning to kill more cops. Despite the possibility I broke that up, a Shrewsbury detective acted like an ass when I tried to report a rather obvious stalker.

Why am I riding buses in the first place? My cars were vandalized, my cars were wrecked, and my cars went somewhere, I must assume. Given I get no cooperation from the “authorities” and I go to no protests, maybe I should leave the United States. I learned my California Foxx fan is now sleeping on the streets after the sheriff snatched her son, and I don’t think Jamie cares, but I do. Why not illegally take more of Bill’s property in a fake “liberal” paradise where neo-Nazis up in the hills call the shots? Jerry Brown ought to sleep in a bunk under a skin head Latino gangster in the state pen. Bill likes California? How about selling it to China to erase the national debt before they invade and take it by force?  

I have no rights here in the USA, but I am sure you do. Today, I had to call an insurance executive about a big mess that has kept me from sleeping homeless since abandoning a “drug house.” This all is all my responsibility? No, it is the criminality of others. In my opinion, many should be arrested and prosecuted over the way shitty St. Louis homeless shelters, drug treatment programs, and behavioral health agencies are operated. I joked about becoming a politician for lack of honest work and she, with all seriousness said, “I’d vote for you, but it would have to be a national office.”

I said, “Well, that’s two votes on the West Coast.” (The other guy is a California state official). Here, I will simply no longer be treated as I have been treated in this screwed-up community. I told the “Foxx Lady” you’ve been given the “brush off” by black politicians, and now because of some documentary movie, we are supposed to be pissed about Mike Brown again? She had her life threatened repeatedly just for speaking at the City Council meeting. That’s not what I call “liberal.” How did the “new” Brown/Ferguson information not come out with Bob McCullough investigating and a Grand Jury empaneled? I’ve discovered Missouri prosecutors have long had a problem with, “Oops, we forgot to present all of the evidence” (To get the verdict they want).

Sickening! Disgraceful! I hope they all burn in hell!! Missouri is the most corrupt state in this nation, and that said, no butch-looking lesbian liar is going to tell me I cannot win a political office. Anybody in his right mind, if related to Howard, would take a fraction of the money and run. Not me. How about my female Jewish Facebook friend who is now shooting the redneck’s best friend, an AR-15? This is the rifle that rang-out a block from my Carondolet house to say, “Don’t get on the bus, Bill.” I did it anyway and actually called the cops about gunfire twice when it was just about an everyday sound for 20 long months “trapped” at an address with a long tradition of drug dealing.

How about I run for Governor with Claudia and five more of her friends carrying rifles? How about a few “Ninja Girls” with Uzi submachine gun cases I’ve seen too often close-up? How about a heavily armed entourage? What is the message? “WE WANT SOME HEALTH CARE. FUCK WASHINGTON.” “WE WANT A JOB. FUCK WASHINGTON.” “WE DON’T LIKE MURDER. FUCK THE NRA.” “WE DON’T WANT TO GET NUKED. FUCK THE PENTAGON.” “WE DON’T LIKE THE PRESIDENT. FUCK DONALD TRUMP.”

Bush 43 = Bomb the wrong country, kill millions of innocent people.

Obama 44 = Screw-up health care, shoot missiles from drones at innocent people.

Trump 45 = Proof a totally narcissistic NutJob can win the Electoral College vote (Pick the key state to “rig,” and…you win!). The vote of the people simply does not matter, and they are not going to change it! What a nation of crazy people! “We want pot!” “We want crack!” “We want meth!” I think I said in my suppressed since 2006 book manuscript that when it comes to illegal drugs, no matter what the penalty, someone will provide them.

Money is running short, so I look forward to trying some heroin in the parking lot of Rev. Rice’s shelter. Don’t be a “snitch” and call the lazy-assed cops at the Saint Louis Metropolitan Police Department. When I pass out, I will get my “free” checkup in the Emergency Room at SLU—a facility where my doctor “vanished” and now they somehow have tons of money to build a new hospital. As the Watergate line went, “Follow the money.” If it turns out to be mine, many in this town full of Mafioso may have to change their grandiose plans.



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