Sunday, March 19, 2017

1+1+2+0 = 4 // 5+5+0 = 10



After finding NTSB Report AAR-10/01, which was removed from my computer, I refer you to the words of your FBI director who stated there is no privacy. Jim Comey oddly stayed in office, whereas I’d like to go get my movie deal that, absent Hollywood lies, has been sitting on the table since early 2015. Before some creep yanked this file off my HP somehow, I’d read transcript featuring First Officer Rebecca Lynn Shaw and the captain flirting. The FAA and NTSB call this, “non-pertinent discussion.” Ours had better be pertinent to Gangster Nation and the thousands of hours already put into another book about aviation accident investigations, for which I’ve written not one word as of yet.


I wouldn’t board either of those aircraft if I were you. How about a very close call over your beloved Lambert? If you read these reports like I do, and [REDACTED] does not, you’d learn that:


I call that 11 “[POP SECRET]” and they somehow turned this crippled old American Airlines jet around and landed. Then, when fuel spilled and they started clowning around, the government investigators criticized them! Since I am a mental health professional by extensive training, I know that when you “dodge a bullet” people tend to start joking and cutting up. What’s worse is the description I could give on how they started the left engine that failed. (It was worse than “[LOWES SECRET]” on an old [xxx]. AA short of cash to maintain their 19 year-old DC-9? This is how [REDACTED SINCE 1954] managed to make a few bucks.

Here’s a suggestion if we are going to proceed. My fun & games with your sister station in Los Angeles began with a “[INNOCENT]” who is still there as is [GUILTY]. This progressed to the point where afternoon hostess Jill Barberie picked up my call and said, “How are you doing William?” In view of the attached photo, tell me I’m going to [GONER] shelter and I will strenuously disagree. Call-taker [ABOVE ALL SECRETS] and I are late for our date, and it was she who said this of [WAY TOO BAD TO DISCLOSE] “I’m not coming to go bowling there.” ([SUBJECT] looks are on a par with Jill’s and I have seen her in-person).

Although KLOS buddy [MOSSAD INSISTED] long ago told me, “The network does not matter anymore” in order for me to sell this book manuscript and an original screenplay I think a 20-30 second snippet for [KGB LIVES] would do more to help, or as Howard Hughes reportedly said, “Surprise me.”


Sniglet, rand, krapcom, edgar case e


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