Hannah D. Pittman produced the two-volume work Americans of Gentle Birth and Their Ancestors published in St. Louis between 1903 and 1907 (reprinted in 1970). Mrs Pittman was primarily a compiler and put together the various family accounts sent to her. The material quoted by Mrs. Horton as from Mrs. Pittman came instead from Felix T. Hughes from Keokuk, Iowa, and was incorporated into Mrs. Pittman’s book. The quote from the volume and page number given by Mrs. Horton went as follows:
"About 1700, A.D., there appeared in Virginia three brothers, Orlando, Leander and William Hughes, from Wales. Orlando and Leander had land grants in Powhatan County, near Richmond, 1740, where their families remained until the latter part of 1700, when they removed westward, passing through the Cumberland Gap, into Tennessee, Kentucky, and thence to Missouri."
And now, a random excerpt from my Book #4.
Title? My Conversations With The Secret Service: Not So Secret When Your Name is Hughes
“‘Forty-two degrees, Billy. Ride it in.’
Apollo 12? What a mess! I like writing speeches, but not like the one I’ll need
soon. Pete Conrad still alive? Lucky to be alive and descending to the moon, he
got excited. I can see pa with his hand up to his chin—silent. How much did he
want to trade places? A panel full of bad light indicators? Bunch of static?
Echoes? I guess I feel Howard’s pain more than my alleged dad’s. Charlie, I
think, wanted to be there instead of Jimmy Carter. Nope, can’t do that. I’ve
never flown anything, but I know what pa was thinking, and it’s none of your
damn business. I suppose he was the ‘Oz’ of our space program and no one knew,
save the never saw a damn UFO in their entire lives astronauts.
One hand on an abort lever the whole
way up? Over Africa ‘accidentally?’ My uncles made it a point to chide daddy-o
Charlie thusly: ‘Africa? What the hell was that? Goin’ to visit the niggers?’
Important Note: I do not think, upon further review, my family was all that
racist. ‘Nigger,’ if they worked for the State Department, meant ‘Dark Side’
spy. The problem? Many were trying to kill those guys, Russian and U.S., so I
guess that’s the stupid reason for thirty years of going ‘round and ‘round in
the ship I derisively called the ‘Space Scuttle’ and ‘Space Scow,’ in 1980’s
and 1990’s real-time. They knew it? Kill me now, because I got back at them.
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