Wednesday, July 3, 2013

William is Dead: Let's Agent His Books Now

1. There's No Such Thing as Crazy 
later re-copyrighted as:
1a. Shame of the Sane
2. Gangster Nation: Drugs, Murder, 9/11, Terrorism, and Other CIA Responsibilities
let me look up my own book a cig?
3. America, What Don't You Get About Homeless?
4. My Conversations With the Secret Service: Not So Secret When Your Name is Hughes
5. Completed Assassinations and Attempts: Your Secret Service at Work and Play
6. Nobody Home: Or, E.T. Is Mighty Sneaky
7. MonkeyCop:Tales of Ventura County Policing
8. Space Policy for Shuttle Psychos: What Are You Afraid Of?
"Mister Hughes has left the building."

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