Thursday, June 27, 2013

"We'll let 'ya sit in the dark."
Motel 6

Owner: Accor
Country: France

"We'll leave the light on for ya." So promises Tom Bodett, the folksy spokesman for one of America's best-known budget hotel chains, Motel 6. Since opening its first location in Santa Barbara, Calif., in 1962, the low-cost Motel 6 has been boarding American highway travelers looking for a good deal. Now with 910 franchises across the U.S. and Canada, the company has been owned since 1990 by Paris hospitality giant Accor, which also operates the Ibis, Mercure, Novotel, and Sofitel chains. (Incidentally, Holiday Inn, which started in Memphis, also is foreign-owned, a unit of Britain's InterContinental Hotels Group.)

- Bloomberg

"Man, that fake digital video is showing its age."

"Rape, murder, and looting the Safeway? It's just a terror event away."

Has not happened with hughes in California? You can thank me in Missouri.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Airport/Library Drama

He's in the Moscow airport.
I'm in the Thousand Oaks GRANT R. BRIMHALL LIBRARY.
Joke? "The only leak involving Hughes is in the Rest Room."
[That's why I don't like homosexual spies in there]

I await extradition to St. Louis, Missouri. The "charge?"
Too much truth, and you sure can't handle it.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Deputy Roger, here I sit at Starbucks #559 until a St. Louis City or St. Louis County Police Officer arrives

MIssouri? We're in the White Pages

 Both grandmothers sang the song. YOU are in deepest doo-doo, not me.

Dr. Labor Wants To Know

"Mister Hughes, how long have you thought you can fly an airplane?"


My apologies for laughing unconrollably every time I hear the tape. Eight (8) died on the ground and two (2) on the airplane. Neo-Nazis hate me completely, because I am in the plane when I hear this stuff. How about the movie-like lab that USAF really has? C'mon, Mormon excrement! Strap the boy in, and watch my heart rate and respiration go down. Better than a Valium I've never taken. Problem? Nah. We got it under control.

What was his problem on 04/04/1977? From our official liars at

" and unique loss of thrust from both engines while the
craft was penetrating an area of severe thunderstorms. The loss of thrust was caused by the ingestion of massive amounts of water and hail which in combination with thrust lever movement induced severe stallin[g]* in and or damage to the engine compressors ."

Hughes has heard this next lame excuse before in researching an OZARK AIRLINES flight that paid a visit to the UMSL campus. [ca kooks, umsl is "secret code" for "old rich guy golf course." May i take a leak without a wiki?].

"...and limitations in the Federal Aviation Administration's air traffic control system which precluded the timely distribution of real time weather information to the flight crew."

- NTSB AAR 78-03

I was on one of those once (1988). I said, "How's the weather up there?" I got a full weather report on the route, and destination. From the First Officer, dude! It ended with, "It's thirty three degrees and snowing a little up there; should be no problem." Why? On the flight deck, baby. I just waltzed right up here, and kids, though it was a few years before 9/11 and that nasty crackdown on all of your rights--growing worse by the day--YOU CAN'T DO THAT!! How did I do it? 1. The door was open. 2. The jet said "TWA" on the outside. The planes were red & white, ca color kooks!!! As for the F-15 show...they followed us? I did not know that part. It was that bad?  

Why is the recording so funny? 1. The guy sounds just like the stereotypical Texas drawl Dr. Strangelove character pilot--only he's got a problem he can't fix. Like silence, wind, raindrops, maybe a wee bit of hydraulics, not much power, and...LET'S HEAR IT, BILL!

SOUTHERN AIR: “Two forty two. We just got our windshield busted, and uh…We’re tryin’ to get up to fifteen. We’re at fourteen.”

TOWER: “Two forty two, you think you’re at fourteen now?”

SOUTHERN AIR: “Or less, we couldn’t help it.”

SOUTHERN AIR: “Our left engine just shut out.”

TOWER: “You say you lost an engine and got a busted windshield?”

SOUTHERN AIR: “Yes sir.”

SOUTHERN AIR: “Our right engine’s goin’ too”

TOWER: “Two forty two. Say again.”

SOUTHERN AIR: “We’re goin’ down. We lost both engines.”

SOUTHERN AIR: “We’re puttin’ it on the highway. We’re down to nothin’.”

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tilden, Killeen, & Daniel LLC: This Has Got to Break the Story

Cecelia Cichan, the sole survivor of the Flight 225 mass murder-suicide May I depart Thousand Oaks, California now? I'd like to talk to her. (If it is O.K. with local TERRORISTS).  

Yet another person I need to see who is not among the gawkers & androids in Westlake Village of the Damned. The sole survivor of Northwest 255? She needs to know why Charlie Hughes was on the phone so much. An airplane engine flywheel was found in an Iowa cornfield from United Airlines 232. Your family was obsessed with it before the newspaper told anyone about it? Really?

Not pretty.

Why I always sit to the rear.

Thanks for the audio. 




Right here!

((sound of impact)) 

Seen above. Ready for a rousing "God Bless America?"

It is called "mass murder-suicide." No statute of limitations on that, IllumiNazi attorney. FBI? What do you morons do for a living?   

"Why were they calling me 'sheriff' at Starbucks?"
It's a clue? Could you maybe arrest somebody for mass murder by airplane? It's nobody in my family, despite the littering of every major disaster with Hughes-related "number (kook) code."
"May I answer my own question?"
"Who's out there with a camera and foreknowledge?"

Hey, we lived through Prince William's birthday, and I'm admittedly so stressed-out, I'd have to look at my own damn blog to figure what you crazies did to me that day. Bye, I 'm going to Cuba--Missouri, you goddamn fool!

LEGAL DiClaimer: It is not illegal to discuss migrant farmworker conditions in Missourah & Illinois with certain Cuban officials. (If they can afford airfare. Me? I'm not paying!)

Top-Notch Not Secret Plans

Hughes v. Safeway

Hughes v. United States Secret Service

Hughes v. Obama
Anybody got $15?

Friday, June 21, 2013

"Pardon me, I'm taking over the world"

Charles and Margaret Hughes went to the Chase Park Plaza--more than once. The Steeplechase Room, the Khorassan Room, the Zodiac Room, and yes, Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin, and Frank--my dad said what?--Sinatra were there. I got what? Interrogated by a later caught Secret Service Girl at the Straubs grocery store next door. She said, "Getting laid in Florida, eh?" I looked at her like she was nuts, and said, "Nah, it's not like that." Straubs saved the video? Audio, too? Back in Barack Hussein's D.C.: "Damn, we did not know that!"

New Rexall Reed Reviewed Films by BILL DECKER:

The Rainbow Reject - When an innocent social worker who stands to inherit a f^ck of a lot of money writes a novel about the end of the world, Pentagon evil shits swing into action.

Tubesteaks - A brutally bad RomCom with a twist--the pizza box in the end means something, but only to crazed intelligence agency employees, who are thwarted in their attempt to take over the world by girls with guitars and incompetent soundmen.

Fooled Sam - A St. Louis rock band gets arrested and bailed out by a C.I.A. guy; you can guess the rest.

Immaculate - An inspiring hospital drama featuring a streetwise black girl who is admitted to Malcolm Bliss Mental Health Center 50 times, yet is never shot in the butt with a 10 & 2, or placed in restraints, and ends up selling Bibles for profit at a non-profit organization supported by NAMI scoundrels.

Ask For Time Out - A loony baseball TV producer calls in hijacked terrorist planes to spoil a World Series, but the plan is thwarted when a mild-mannered stadium PA announcer slips out of the booth and "Calls the cops."

We're so glad Hughes is locked-up, because as you can see, he beat on our fish fry oven with a tire iron.

22 - An NFL football player is falsely accused of trying to nuke the Super Bowl when smarmy Tajikistan secret agents switch-out the game ball with a small nuclear weapon.

Dog Walk - Dr. Corn has a mystery on her hands when all of the animals at her veterinary practice who are walked at a certain park disappear--along with the owners.

Demon Hackers - An innocent writer worth a big inheritance discovers that some conspirators cannot distinguish between fact and fiction at the screenplay competition, leading to several murders and an assassination that's anything but fiction.  

Demon Hackers II - Our presidential candidate survives and wins the office.  

10 Dead Whores - Bill Hughes, in this new genre of reality film-making, returns to Hollywood, kills ten actresses, and gets off Scott-free.

Now, Obama terrorists, say "Which one?"
NO MORE mafia

Thursday, June 20, 2013

They're Coming Over?

"The GoBell people are coming out to West~lake? Isn't there something that can be done? I'm thinking about a zoning modification. What can we do? I'll talk to Hilton about it. What a shame it would be if Agoura Hills property values went down. Steve put a lot of money into that place. Recession? Why, 'We are IllumiNazis? What are you talking about?' I saw stores boarded-up, mother^ucker!!"

B: "Would you like Cheetos to go with that?"
R: "How did you see me?"
B: "With my eyes."

Three purple jackets gifted? That's kinda weird, NOT ME. CBS & LC2 Man Bill O. put "Billy the Mountain" on the Soldier Boy's internet? Man, you're in trouble!
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Bingo tomorrow at 1 p.m. You probably will not win, but Bob did.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

See 'ya!

--How many illegal entries to my residence?
--How many illegally tapped phone calls?
-- How many lies about me uttered at my places of employment 2001-2007?
--How many murder attempts at 5300 Arsenal Street, Saint Louis, Missouri?
--How many stolen medical records? ONE DX = "Bone spur, R foot."
--How many buildings on St. Rita Ave. (63105) going on Uncle Sam's auction block?
--How many attempts to hit me with a vehicle in California?
--How many attempts to poison me and kill my ass In California?
--Two arsenic poisonings? "I'm still here."
--How many stale donuts at GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER as I was nearly starved to death? Right in the open! No one cared. Right Andrea AK?
--"Life as we know it will come to an end in 90 days." (From a new bad movie I did not make. Who wrote that brilliant line? "Aw, some dude on drugs with a fake name, Hughes."
["We" have rules! No Hilton's may enter their own hotel room. Not until I feel better].
{More free lines? Not cocaine! Not meth! Back in a minute, KMOX} 

Numerous TELEVISION MONITORS hang from the ceiling, all showing video, and as with a sporting event, loud audio from EXPLOSIONS at CIA Headquarters.

Bad day at the office? 

Apparently so. There are some advantages to being in the field. 

Who’s in charge? 

No one. But what’s unusual about that? 

A civil war? I don’t think you have the stomach for it. 

We don’t. 


RITA (cont’d)
It won’t last long. 

What will you do? 

What kind of question is that? The same thing I do every day. 

Don’t you feel at bit risk?     

Look, whatever they’re fighting about doesn’t concern me. We don’t have two sets of spies. 

How do you know?

Have I told you you’re an asshole yet today? 

Military men running the country. It’s your worst nightmare. 

Vladimir, you’re a major asshole.

(c) 2004

--How many hours/days/weeks until the Eagleton Federal Courthouse security guys in Saint Louis, Missouiri ask, "Where have you been?"

"California, and when does the bombing begin?"

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Godfather? Tricked again!!

"Many times, I have told these young men on the street, you cannot act like that. They do not listen to their grandfathers. They are stoned to the bone. They are disrespectful and crude. They want everything their way. They are paid by the Google and the Yahoo. This money is peanuts, but they take it. I have received many complaints about this...this depressing situation, and....."

Why is this memory so dim, spy-infested Los Angeles Times? Who came down I-55? Just me, or was the spousal unit in town as well? I recall being crabby. I recall being uncomfortable in Mass. Roman Catholics go to "Mass," not "church." [Does Jane still want to go to Mass dressed all in black and scare the shit out of house of worship spies? Never mind.] I recall stiffly shaking hands and dispensing some Bob Bland, "Yeah, yeah, yeah's"
What do I mean?
"Yeah, the wife is a genius. She's getting a Ph.D, for real."
"I worked at two banks. Yeah, a bank."
[Why were they looking at me like that? NOW I KNOW, Joe (Biden)].

The Fiat 124? ZOOM-ZOOM. Reading my mind? "Jesus! I'm glad we got that over with."


AT LEAST 1977.

Current NSA scandal? Merely the "tip of the iceberg."

I SEEK A WAY OUT OF THE USA, AND old ca queers need not apply.

Have a nice day,

The Godrotter

Arrested? For being a liberal who likes FOX NEWS better?
Arrested? For listening to that hot air bag Rush?
Arrested? For desiring sexual intercourse with a nice Republican divorcee?
Arrested? For taking a bath instead of a "spy shower?"
Arrested? For blogging & griping about Obama?
Arrested? For sitting in Stuckbucks all day?

Would the Chinese armed forces like to PAY for one of my screenplays? Then, I could once more pay RENT to a capitalist slumlord.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Today's Code Word: "Velveeta"

We all have one, right men? All real men have one. What is he talking about? What the fuck is he talking about? I'm talking about the fuzzy, moldy, moist object in the back of the real single man's not working so well refrigerator. [I used to have one--until I did not move to California. Obama resign yet? The resignation letter is to John Kerry, N-word]. Send in a spying creature! Make "it" look like "it" used to be in the military until "it" got addicted to enormously popular drugs. Holder find those "missing" rifles yet? Not yet?

May I write for the Huff-Huff Post?

The headline?


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Charlie's Charmed Life

The door was open? You know where, Admiral. "Run along, kids." I got in the door, you scummy U.S. Navy motherfuckers!! Why not crack-up an expensive plane on meth? Costly, right McCain? What are you doing in those labs off I-495? Lose your keys lately? Cell phone gone? Better call Verizon and keep Alexander updated. It's all legal! Really? Ron Paul? Your place? We'll keep the Hilton girls at a safe distance. I promise.

He got to do what? And google psychics are passing clues on which one of Mr. Boeing's planes. I could sure use Mr. Raytheon's missiles about now. I'd like to clear-up some matters with insurrectionist lunatics, but they don't talk too much. Not much.

The guy on the left is smarter than me? I think not. Got Howard's DNA? Hope not.

"I am crazed, and a United States Senator blowing hot air in the wee hours. We cannot have this sort of  competence displayed by any leader, as this would foil our DARPA anarchy plan. The p-word must do other things, like read goat stories in the nation's classrooms, and jog to McDonald's, where Pete will buy him a McMuffin. Therefore, the safety and security of our nuclear triad depends on your vote for my bill, 'The President Cannot Fly His Own Helicopter Act of 2018'."

The President of the United States [even though we have our <cough, cough> differences] had his eldest daughter on a library computer to the left of mine? Told you I don't work for H.W. Get the JOE FRIDAY facts. She gave the GRANT R. BRIMHALL LIBRARY a dirtier look than Hughes. This does mean something, mental cases.
West Side Story rehearsal, New York City. May I go there again and be told I'm "paranoid" for being right? Howard Stern has some satellite deal now, I hear.

Now, all moronic, drug-gorked T.O. "secret agents" know what mom said about all this? No? Mighty familiar sound gear in the background, eh? Cover me, Tireree/KDHX/John the Mailman, etc. etc. etc. This is really, really, bad out here. Not good. I know you speak English!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Two Cold Buds

"Who? Who drank Stag Beer in your family?"
"Senator, I fail to see the relevance of this question. Have you all gone nuts?"

Friday, June 14, 2013

(R)-AZ? Per Malia, he's in trouble!!!

My ride is here, and Senator McCain is in big trouble, because they told me that he...

Thursday, June 13, 2013

I disappear. Source: Ventura County Sheriff Dept. zzzzzzz

My drill bit. My cameras. And I sleep on a Thousand Oaks, California [NOT USA] bus stop bench? Are the Obama's packed to go yet? Not yet? 

Clandestine Service

Our Mission

The mission of the National Clandestine Service (NCS) is to strengthen national security and foreign policy objectives through the clandestine collection of human intelligence (HUMINT) and Covert Action.
We are accountable to the U.S. President, Congress and the American taxpayer.

Posted: Mar 23, 2009 07:55 AM
Last Updated: Jul 02, 2012 04:12 PM
Last Reviewed: Jul 02, 2012 04:12 PM

3/23/09 it was posted? And my Mazda was a 323?
Stooopid ca spies, the "Texas Lawyer Girl" had a 626.
Smarter than I, she moved out of 911 St. Rita pretty quick.
Then, "Dave the Cop" moved in.
What color was his car?
As Jess said in 1986, "Get a life!"
And today, I say, "Get a job!" [A W-4, W-2 job, numbnuts!!]

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

"What are you doing after the revolution?"

And my aide said, "Have you seen Keith lately?" Not funny.

Her name is "Monique?" No, it is not.

"Now goddammit, the guy was bagged in Hong Kong and brought where? Hold on, I gotta pull over and pee. I'm going to Mobil because they hide from me, and don't ask why. And, if you mention I don't have a driver's license one more time, I'll ram one of those motherf^king Suburbans and call Triple-A, where the towing outfit is sometimes kinda mafia."

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Coffee Rationing Imposed in Sector 3101

Hey kids, even I know when the crazed mailman eats his lunch and looks at you like that, you'd better change some aspect of your behavior. What was that flight number?

1235:10.6 CAM-2 max power.
1235:13.2 CAM-1  just like auto throttles.
1235:15.2 CAM-2 yeah.
1235:17.3 CAM-2 airspeed on the right.
1235:19.5 CAM-1 okay comin' up on sixty knots power's set.
1235:26.2 CAM-1 eighty, you got the steer on the rudders.
1235:36.7 CAM-3 okay number four's is (heatin' up a little).
1235:39.6 CAM    ((Sound of thump)).
1235:43.1 CAM-1 vee one.
1235:47.3 CAM    (( sound of thump)).
1235:49.9 CAM-1 rotate.
1235: 51.5 CAM- 1  easy easy easy easy.
1235: 55.6 CAM- 1  vee two.
1235: 56.9 CAM- 2  gear up.
1236: 00.0 CAM- 2  what's goin' on[?]
1236: 01.3 CAM- 1  whoa #.  [Hughes speculates the word was "fuck"]
1236: 01.7 CAM- 1  ##.  [Hughes speculates the word was "shit!"]

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Stayed Alive & Became 45

"We are proud of you, and thank you for your sacrifice and for your service to" etc. etc. etc.


"My country was for centuries a mountainous place, with many intractable, sectarian political problems. Then, the Americans elected President Hughes, who...flattened-out the landscape...for our new Wal Marts, KFC, and McDonald's."

"So, you're gonna try and scare them."
- Pete Comfort 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Circus? Monty and the Python Would Be Jealous

The NSA had the same linoleum tile as my High School?
In in high school I was the what?
Are the Hilton girls under a restraing order already?
Does Caroline have her Mike Dukakis Helmet on?

Good night,

9:41 p.m. in Westlake, not China.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Gano's Will Hear "No" -- Often

Nice hat. Great costumes. Not a movie?

Another building with my name on it? Off the 610? Not funny!

Howard Hughes, Jr. took care of business first--then played. What did they tell me in 1960? "Business before pleasure." Houston cops, get ready to clear-out my building. I called and told them I was coming. [No inside jokes from that call here--you have to pay for that]. Court? That's the next day. JPL, you are in big trouble, because did we not discuss the drill bit of mine on Mars? The LASER is mine, too? A President Hughes would say, "Turn that piece of crap off!" Additional rationale? "Gentlemen, the taxpayers already know all they need to know about Mars." Believe it or not, I already told those scientists ex parte. (On my parking lot at Janss Road & 23 Freeway).

Help! We're being "parsed to death." And don't dare deny the Seaworld 747 flew over my car. How low? Did I mention you need to pay for these stories?

A King-Sized Allegation

What is the correct response to rampant LA/Ventura County lawlessness if you do not spy or "do guns," as with people who have told me, "You don't do guns." As Reagan would say, "Hold on there! The gun show in Dixon, Missouri is not until.....invisible staff member!" Until then, a discounted soup can makes an excellent projectile.

Secret Service Quiz:

Ask your Speaker of the House.
Hughes already knows.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Today's Futile Communication With King Edmund II

The run for president as an (I) thing may have legs, governor. Where is my fucking car? Backpack? Entire household of furniture/property, including USAF Col. Stahl's couch? I'm mentally ill and wandered away from everything I worked hard to own? Are your cops on drugs here yet? Not yet.

You are in deep shit, sir.


Also try:
It worked for KMOX (CBS)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

1749.5 (b) (2) Gimme my goddamn change!

(b) (1) Any gift certificate sold after January 1, 1997, is
redeemable in cash for its cash value, or subject to replacement with a new gift certificate at no cost to the purchaser or holder.
   2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), any gift certificate with a
cash value of less than ten dollars ($10) is redeemable in cash for its cash value.


HUGHES: "So basically, you have to lie."
LAW SCHOOL DEAN: "Uh, yeah."

HUGHES: "I told the Dean in nineteen seventy seven I would not lie for my client."
LA $800 PER HOUR ATTORNEY: "It's not really lying, you shade the facts and legal citations in your client's favor."
HUGHES: "I already knew that."

Like a tit on a boar, they are out here.

LCSW (I)-MO     Lawyer (I)-MN
Uh oh!