Monday, June 24, 2013

Dr. Labor Wants To Know

"Mister Hughes, how long have you thought you can fly an airplane?"


My apologies for laughing unconrollably every time I hear the tape. Eight (8) died on the ground and two (2) on the airplane. Neo-Nazis hate me completely, because I am in the plane when I hear this stuff. How about the movie-like lab that USAF really has? C'mon, Mormon excrement! Strap the boy in, and watch my heart rate and respiration go down. Better than a Valium I've never taken. Problem? Nah. We got it under control.

What was his problem on 04/04/1977? From our official liars at

" and unique loss of thrust from both engines while the
craft was penetrating an area of severe thunderstorms. The loss of thrust was caused by the ingestion of massive amounts of water and hail which in combination with thrust lever movement induced severe stallin[g]* in and or damage to the engine compressors ."

Hughes has heard this next lame excuse before in researching an OZARK AIRLINES flight that paid a visit to the UMSL campus. [ca kooks, umsl is "secret code" for "old rich guy golf course." May i take a leak without a wiki?].

"...and limitations in the Federal Aviation Administration's air traffic control system which precluded the timely distribution of real time weather information to the flight crew."

- NTSB AAR 78-03

I was on one of those once (1988). I said, "How's the weather up there?" I got a full weather report on the route, and destination. From the First Officer, dude! It ended with, "It's thirty three degrees and snowing a little up there; should be no problem." Why? On the flight deck, baby. I just waltzed right up here, and kids, though it was a few years before 9/11 and that nasty crackdown on all of your rights--growing worse by the day--YOU CAN'T DO THAT!! How did I do it? 1. The door was open. 2. The jet said "TWA" on the outside. The planes were red & white, ca color kooks!!! As for the F-15 show...they followed us? I did not know that part. It was that bad?  

Why is the recording so funny? 1. The guy sounds just like the stereotypical Texas drawl Dr. Strangelove character pilot--only he's got a problem he can't fix. Like silence, wind, raindrops, maybe a wee bit of hydraulics, not much power, and...LET'S HEAR IT, BILL!

SOUTHERN AIR: “Two forty two. We just got our windshield busted, and uh…We’re tryin’ to get up to fifteen. We’re at fourteen.”

TOWER: “Two forty two, you think you’re at fourteen now?”

SOUTHERN AIR: “Or less, we couldn’t help it.”

SOUTHERN AIR: “Our left engine just shut out.”

TOWER: “You say you lost an engine and got a busted windshield?”

SOUTHERN AIR: “Yes sir.”

SOUTHERN AIR: “Our right engine’s goin’ too”

TOWER: “Two forty two. Say again.”

SOUTHERN AIR: “We’re goin’ down. We lost both engines.”

SOUTHERN AIR: “We’re puttin’ it on the highway. We’re down to nothin’.”

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