Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Get the hook! Close the B.O. Show

I for one, am tired of having my life threatened by what I have come to call a "Mafia Democrat." You remind me way too much of my reading on the old Soviet Union, which if I'm ever allowed out of the political pen, I'd allege never really broke-up. I have many maybe only classified answer questions, like, "How could commies have infiltrated NASA?" Taken it over? Golly, that would make me a space program "moderate," I suppose.

My toys in the service of guys who put icepicks in each other's heads? Nazis who prefer to see you suffer rather than kill 'ya quickly? I get the distinct impression others have known for a long time about what I call "Vandenberg shit." Admit you are not me, quick!! 


And, I am tired of saying, "They didn't change my name."

WALTON lost Wal Mart?
COORS lost the brewery?
FORD lost the car company?
GETTY clan broke?
KENNEDY has no library any more?
HILTON was kicked out of his own hotel?

Not likely. So when is the media going to "get it?"
You "SpyCreatures" want all of the information, then I get a lolly pop?
No, you'll get the fully armed TYPHOON, unless you can change.

Why do you hate me on the Internet?
Recent examples would be:
--The Clinton "Bill! Bill!" video.
--The (yet more) Apollo 12 launch audio. [Why are they playing with antennas at about -15 seconds? How do I already know what's wrong? Did I mention I'm Howard's grandson? Listen yourself with better headphones than mine. To what? The Saturn V is 20-30 feet off the ground, and Conrad says, "Got a road map?" meaning, twits, something ain't right. The reply from another Navy nut? "Aw, let's go." As if they had any choice at that point. My poor grandfather is indicating his displeasure with this particular mess by creating some awful funky video. With Richard Nixon present in the rain? Too much! At granny's house, the uncles provided a solid clue by approaching my late dad and saying, "Africa? Charlie they were over Africa!" OFF COURSE--A LOT. My dad, per usual, said nothing, like me today, LA].
--My mentor George McGovern at the 1972 convention. 
--BILL'S blood pressure is up, spies! One Guardian news piece about the drone missile-happy gals at C.I.A. and...? Who came by to chat? A representative from the U.N. Human Rights and Counterterrorism investigators. How am I sure? I changed a Yahoo passcode to his clue. Yipes! I'd not know that without fighting the computer for hours just to see some "white world" news, soldier/cop/spy.

ShitHeads/Potheads/Nutcases, you have zero chance of encountering my dilemma. You've won the first presidential primary by a lot and don't want the job. 


Why am I writing a federal judge to beg for four walls and a roof? It's called "TERRORISM" right in the open, directed against me for how long?

Got some sort of a bomb shelter, MR. & Ms. Extremist? You might need it, because I am the biggest version of the pissed off good guy in human history. See an old movie to appreciate how he lays waste to his enemies.

Mine don't have long to live.

On to, as the ex might say, "Some cathartic Obama-bashing."

I heard one black male down on his luck just yesterday exclaim, "Obama's not doing shit for me!" He's right!! And, we must go on record regarding the unshakable nature of 21-29 year-old SS girls who want to have babies unaffected by some bigger than 9/11 terror event. Hughes tires of the lump in my/his/Bob Dole's throat when they run by and I exclaim "You just won't give it up!" That's not what they are? You LA morons love all that "signaling?" Yesterday's signal was, "Hey Bill, they gave us guns." [Don't tell Mitt Romney].


Looks the part. Why not Julian Bond?

Where did my highly political mind get this name? What was not to like here with Vernon Jordan?

And how about one of my favorites, Ron Dellums, who abandoned Mr. Obama before the 2010 midterm elections?

May I discontinue looking like your average schizophrenic who won't show for his Haldol shot? It's $155 away, or a shot away. The one that went through your head, bitch! [And I don't even know who I'm threatening without a court order for an intelligence briefing. YOU won't be there, whoever you are]. The old spy at my Webster Groves Starbucks? Better call 911 if I see that bastard! He and others wanted to know how "it" was going to turn out. As a spook I once loved said often, "What are you talking about?" "It" to me today is looking kind of Edward VIII. You just have to talk "P-word?" Get my ass out of California before I croak, and with an Irish vacation of sufficient length, you can all go to bed early the first Tuesday in November, 2016.

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