Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mr. DrugThug Needs a "Cranial Ventalation"

"I'm not voting for Hughes. He doesn't even know how my pod works." To borrow from the KABC ratings philosophy, I wouldn't need support from people too stoned to vote unless it's on the Internet, and in that event they'd be stuffing the e-ballot box for my opponent. I need the people who are so old they can't even turn the computer on--and they'll talk about their limo ride to the polls for weeks!!

Let's all sit in Union Station LA and starve to death. Nah, let's start a Civil War! You are going to threaten me in front of the building, Mr. Latino piece of shit? I'll get elected to something and fuck you up bad. First, I'll torture your little brown ass. Then, I'll have your heads blown off. Questions? Refer them to half of the U.S. Justice Department, Central Intelligence Agency, and State Department encamped in downtown Los Angeles. Secret Service? My old joke = "Is anybody on Barock and Michelle?" You don't think so, little worthless shit? I've noticed the quality of the type of person standing or laying over me while "homeless" has gradually improved.  Must be well-dressed tourists who take meth and "tweek" all night.

C'mon motherfucker, shoot my ass right in front of them. You'll have about 15 seconds more to live, I do believe. Lawyers, lawyers, lawyers. I must thank the Great Satan Barack Hussein for creating a "Food Stamp Class" of drifting aimlessly Americans, and at times I could give less than a shit about you, but you are instructive of USA's rapid dumpster dive maybe I can't stop. Perhaps my royal ass does not care about you. Trying baseball, Chevrolet, & apple pie? Sorry, I don't like apple pie, almost wrecked the big boss' new Impala due to that crappy GM suspension, and though famously from St. Louis, I don't give a shit who wins the World Series. [The latter = WARNING, BILL'S ABOUT TO WHACK YOUR ASS AND GET OUT OF JAIL FAST].

Back to Barack and his drone show, it's just a bit more of a dance on the barrister devil's pin to order all mafia types shot & killed right here in the USA. What you idiots don't seem to understand is there is a reason I have no friends and can't get out of LA to save my life. All I know are apparently skilled government killers, and they might chose to kill your ass and get way with it--absent my knowledge of the dirty deed. Call the cops? They resolutely don't care about your scummy ass. "Oh, we did not think that." Better think it now.

Far be it from me to tutor "Dark Side" facts, but I'm trying to help you until the Medical Examiner attempts to find your mafia momma because you are on their slab quite dead. Drugs, drugs, drugs. You sure seem to like them. Sorry, I don't use any. Except, as the 605 Starbucks gang said, holding their Venti cups high, "Caffeine is our drug." Mine, too! That said, look forward to dying privately when I get some capital, or through the use of public funds if I get past a New Hampshire landslide. Why might I go home to the EU? Kinda dangerous wiping mafia off the face of the earth. They love that spying shit too, which is why I have erred in trying to separate you motherfuckers. That's God's job when you are "gone."

What little shit started the real "Drug War" early? Momma probably only gave him one street name. How about a neighborhood expression from "The Loo?" "Eat shit and die." I'll be eating junk food at my Chevron until some cop makes a name plate and pretends to be real. Yes, I figured out a long time ago why the Hughes Aircraft logo looked like CHP's. Today's CHP? Up to their ears in shit. And, who was that crazed Uncle Tom attorney in Florida who thinks a dead fake Secret Service girl's license plate number is unremarkable. Let's see...fake CHP killing a Secret Service impostor.

Makes sense to me. What makes no sense is I'm blogging this, not dictating it to a paralegal. Folks, I'm out of patience for this lawless California crap. Want a big "however?" However, an attractive lass at the local federal court told me she needs shoe repair, and the not Wall Street Journal heard on the street quote from Friday, October 25, 2013 was: "The federal wire failed, so they had to go to a state wire." [I think "they" know who is nearby, though shabbily attired and holding up a Chinatown lamppost too often].

May I kill you all now? Wait for Merkel's O.K.? Whatever.   

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